Chapter 3.
Derek Drag.
I had barely arrived when I heard a voice, damn it, I thought you would die or be caught in that place, tell me… ¿have you gotten a new victim or have you exacted the revenge that has been ordered of you? However, taking the photos from me I simply say to him: damn it Derek, you can't let me breathe for a moment, I just killed a dog, but he answered: I know you killed a dog, the entire police force has seen what you left on that avenue, and ironically he answered: no, I really killed a dog, I wanted your ears, there they are, you can send them to the boss and say that I have done my part, he was the boy that the boss wanted, but he resisted and as they have asked if someone resists he loses his place in this life, it upsets me to take in his hands the still warm and bleeding ears… ¿can't you be a little calmer and more aesthetic? Put them in a bag, don't give them to me, so clapping one of my hands I took out my middle finger and went into the a bath letting the clothes fall off my body and the water calm my mind to hear for the last time say: Dominic, just so you know this will be one of the last times I accept some bare-handed ears, be a little more sensitive, next time hand them over in a bag preferably black…
The look in my eyes said: turn around and break his neck, but it was Derek we were talking about, he had been my accomplice and friend for the last 15 years, if I broke his neck I would be completely alone, which is ironic because I have been alone most of my life and he has been the only family other than the organization that has given me a second chance.
And although sometimes the jobs can be brutal, at 37 nothing surprises me anymore, it is simply putting the gun in and pulling out guts the only thing I have seen since I was 18, the only world I know, I have not even had the chance to fall in love again.
Somewhere between my 20s and 23 I did it, she was a very beautiful girl, but in the end she got caught with the police because I didn't want to give her a few grams of drugs... since then, I've not only been running away, but practically escaping from any kind of relationship that is not strictly professional and work-related, since I think that women nowadays are disgusting, if they don't get what they want, they will use what they have in their favor to screw up a man's life, and although that's not bad, it really becomes God's when it is directly you who are pointed at, you could say that they are my guiltiest pleasure; I love them and hate them, but they live because without them we would not have come into the world, so they have always had the power, that is why I also work for a woman because the boss was born a woman, but now he is a trans boy…
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