Ihli, with Auren and Endora close behind him, struggled to return to their feet. The Empress Astraea Pira returned to her massive throne, satisfied with the mystical bindings she’d left the exiles in. She brushed her fingertips on the armrest as a dark purple glow behind the throne flickered.
“Is this all the fabled heroes have after all this time?” Empress Astraea said. “To think how many of my underlings feared the legendary warriors.”
Ihli had heard the stories—that this Astraea was the latest in a long line of Astraeas, that she had been cloned over and over to ensure she ruled forever. Would they be able to defeat her, and would that be enough?
“Ihli…what do we do?” Auren asked.
“We can’t give up here…” Endora said as she tried and failed to get up, her wounds still smoking from Astraea’s attacks.
The Empress giggled to herself.
“It’s over, I’m sorry to say,” Astraea said, her lime eyes beaming with malice. “If you’ll just hold still, I’ll make this quick.”
“You’ll never truly win, Astraea,” Endora said. “There are others who will carry on our legacy if we fall.”
“I mean, we’ve pretty much fallen already!” Auren said. “I hate to agree with the Empress, but I can’t move my body, Ihli.”
Three massive crystals rose behind the trio. With a wave of Astraea’s hands, they began to glow. The heroes felt it immediately. It was Astraea’s ultimate attack; to absorb her enemies in her enchanted crystals.
“We have to fight,” Endora shouted, though the sound of her voice barely registered louder than a whisper. “For everyone fighting down below!”
Ihli dragged his hand on the ground.
“It’s useless,” Astraea said. “No being has ever resisted the crystals.”
“The pain...the pain we all go through...it wants us weak...” She thought out loud. “The crystals can’t absorb you unless you truly give up!”
“You’re right, Endora, Caido,” Ihli said through gritted teeth. “We can't lose. We’re stronger than this.”
Ihli could stand now through the immense pain. Hands came from all around him; a red cloth relieved her. Caido and Endora shook as they clawed forward.
"One more time," Ihli said. "I beg you, power of the Xionis!"
"Oh, sorry!" Esther jolted, torn from her reading her book about the three heroes by her masked companion. The next part got a bit frustratingly vague, as all the legends did when they spoke of the heroes' use of the mystical power of the Xionis.
"I know we've been waiting a long time, but you need to be ready to go at any second,"
Her ally, who chose to go by the codename Cloudy Eye for any missions outside of their safe haven, was doing final checks on his biplane. He wore a cloak that helped obscure him in addition to his mask. "Myles went in twenty minutes ago."
It was difficult to land the plane near the volcano while avoiding detection from the Verdant Colony's dragons and soldiers, especially finding out that Cloudy Eye was a far from perfect pilot, but they had managed. They were now waiting for a signal from the third member of their party.
"What if we can't hear her whistle?" Esther asked.
"We'll be able to hear it," Cloudy Eye said. "So put the book down and get ready."
Not wanting to get scolded by her mentor any longer, Esther put the book away in her bag. Almost the instant she did so, she heard a faint whistle.
"Is that...?" Esther asked.
Cloudy Eye nodded. "Come on!"
Esther hopped into the front seat of the plane as her mentor sat in the back, starting the engines immediately. With masterful flying in spite of the environment, Cloudy Eye managed a flawless take off. The duo flew toward the volcano, greeted by a sea of burning lava as they descended. Esther wasn't prepared for the heat that greeted her.
"There they are," Cloudy Eye said, pointing to a bridge across the lava.
"You think she can make it?" Esther asked.
"If she doesn't, we can catch her," Cloudy Eye said.
They flew downward, almost skirting across the lava. Esther saw Myles brawling with her captors. They had milliseconds to time this right, to move the biplane into just the right position. Esther stifled a gasp as Myles leapt off the bridge. It seemed like they were too far away, that she'd tumble down into the lava, meeting a tragic end.
A second later though they were right under her, and Myles thunked against the top set of wings. Cloudy Eye kept flying smoothly, giving her time to climb down, stepping into the front cockpit with Esther.
"Did you get it?" Cloudy Eye asked.
Myles grinned as she showed off a sword. "I most certainly did."
Cloudy Eye's expression was obscured by his mask, but Esther knew he was beaming. She also allowed herself a moment to stare in awe at the legendary sword of Ihli.
Myles sat down, having to sit on Esther's lap, who instinctively grabbed on tight to her waist to keep her even slightly safer as they ascended.
"Sorry about the cramped seat," Esther said.
"It's fine, I should be the one apologizing!" Myles said.
With the Verdant Colony members and their goons shouting on the bridge, the trio flew out of the volcano.
"We did it!" Esther cheered.
"Almost," Cloudy Eye said. "Company up ahead!"
A squad of eight dragons advanced with a darkened sky behind them.
"Guess they heard us," Esther said.
Cloudy Eye flew just as confidently as before, weaving past bolts of energy as the Colony dragons and their mounts began firing immediately. He tilted the plane to its side, finding space in the middle of the formation to sneak through.
Toward the end of that formation, some of the dragons swiped closer, with some bolts of energy dinging off of the plane. Just a few hits from Colony dragons would be devastating for their plane. Esther flinched as something popped behind her. It was Cloudy Eye firing his pistol. Against the dragons it had the effect of throwing a stale pea at a mountain, but even a slight distraction could be advantageous.
"Are you gonna use the sword?" Esther asked.
"It's better not to risk it," Myles said.
"I've dropped plenty of treasures from planes in the past trying to use
them as weapons. I know it's a sword, but it's too valuable to–"
Cloudy Eye hit one of the Colony riders, knocking him off his dragon, sending him screaming and falling past them. The dragon dove after its rider, giving the trio a gap to fly through.
It seemed like they were in the clear, but the plane jolted. It took Esther a moment to realize what had happened. A dragon that was a fair bit bigger than the rest of the squad had the plane in its grasp. A desperate looking Colony leader sat on the saddle.
"You won't get away from me!" She screamed. "That sword is mine!"
"Raytris..." Myles said.
Cloudy Eye tried to go faster, the engine straining.
Myles gripped the sword. Esther thought she was going to stab the dragon's hands or something, but she slide the blade forward, setting it down gently at their feet.
"Hey," Myles said. "I'll take care of this."
"What?" Esther yelled as Myles rose.
"Get the sword to Ash." Myles said.
Esther turned back to Cloudy Eye, who simply nodded.
There wasn't time to argue.
"You want me to tell her anything?" Cloudy Eye asked.
"Tell her I'm sorry, but that I know she's ready for this." Myles said.
Myles noticed Esther's panicked expression.
"I'll be alright," Myles said, winking before smacking the plane and leaping down. "Now go!"
Esther watched in shock as Myles deftly ran across the dragon’s arm, dodging a bite from its head with a big jump, climbing ahead to brawl with the dragon rider. In the melee, The dragon let go of the plane, and Cloudy Eye didn't wait, rocketing ahead. Esther watched with desperate sadness as Myles and her fight faded into the skyline. She hated leaving Myles behind, hating not knowing if she was safe. She remained quiet until they were safe, flying over a barren landscape that was volcano free, giving her a much needed break from that heat.
"She'll be fine," Cloudy Eye said. "Myles has been through much worse."
"Yeah," Esther said. She reached down to the sword, hesitating for a second, unsure if she was worthy to even look at such a legendary artifact. She gripped the handle, expecting to feel energy coursing through it. It felt like a regular hilt, but knowing that this was the sword that Ihli Azariah wielded was almost too much to even begin to think about.
She thought about how much planning had gone into getting it, how many moments that had to be executed not just perfectly, but to happen with a downright absurd amount of lucky garnished on top of it. And now they had it. They could find Ihli. They had a chance. They just had to...
Esther remembered what Myles had told them to do.
"Who's Ash?"
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