It is said that God doesn't always grant us what we ask for, but rather what we truly need. In her desperation, Felicity had pleaded for eternal rest, unaware that she was about to embark on a journey that would change her life in unimaginable ways.
Submerged in a deep sleep, she began to awaken slowly. The first thing she perceived were agitated sounds around her. Loud voices, almost shouts, and hurried footsteps echoed in the room. She tried to open her eyes, but the intense light and confusion disoriented her.
She half-opened her eyes and saw shadows moving quickly, figures running towards the door. A woman ran past, visibly upset, followed by several more people who were leaving the room in a whirlwind of panic. Shortly after, people in white coats began moving back and forth, their movements swift and precise. She heard worried voices speaking in a language she didn't recognize. Her throat felt dry and sore, a tube was bothering her, and the sharp pain in her arm indicated the presence of a needle.
She closed her eyes again, trying to process what was happening, but the fatigue and confusion were overwhelming. When she opened them again, she saw more figures entering and leaving the room, the scene remained chaotic. She tried to focus on some detail that would make sense of the situation, but everything was a whirlwind of movement and sound.
Once more, her eyelids closed involuntarily, the effects of the medication kept her in a state of semi-consciousness. Each time she attempted to return to reality, she found herself trapped between sleep and wakefulness, with the shadows of people in white coats being the only constant in her blurry vision.
The fatigue and the effects of the medication dragged her back into darkness. As the calm of deep sleep reclaimed her, Felicity let the night envelop her once again, unaware of the radical change that was approaching in her existence.
In that profound silence, she surrendered to sleep, her eyelids closing slowly as the black of the night surrounded her, gradually extinguishing the worries that tormented her.
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