I was having breakfast with the rest of the students of Ravenwood who stayed over the weekend because it is only sometimes feasible for them to undergo long and expensive trips to return home for only two days.
I went into town with Jayden yesterday and we spent a great day together. Seth and Sean, the foreign exchange student from England, also went on their very first date.
Everything was going well until an alarm on my cell phone reminded me that I entered heat season, meaning my heat could strike at any moment.
It is not cause for alarm. I have the medicine ready for consumption and water bottles stocked in my mini fridge, all I need is to stay away from any male who is not a fellow Omega.
I mean… not to be locked away kind of thing, just to keep a respectable distance from them.
However, for a strange reason I can not exactly understand, Skylar seems to be affected by my scent even before my heat starts.
We were having breakfast earlier this morning when he kept gazing at me with lust in his eyes. It was freaking me out.
Actually, it was freaking everybody around us out, especially Jayden who was not amused by this stunt.
The whole time we were having breakfast together in the dining hall of the Ravenwood Academy's first tower, he was thirsting after me.
Why oh why is this happening even before my heat? What is the deal? Skylar is the one Alpha who blatantly disregards me and has demonstrated zero interest in me, calling me a charity case on multiple occasions.
I was so uncomfortable by his stares that I lost my appetite all of a sudden, feeling uneasy to be in his presence. I left the table fearing Skylar's attempt to make a move on me.
Not to say that he would, but if that was the way he was acting before my heat, I can not say what he would do to me when it strikes. *sweats nervously*
I hate to feel this helplessness that comes with being an Omega, but I feel like he much rather pay the million dollars fine and ruin me for Jayden than let him claim me.
I don't know why he is so hellbent on Jayden claiming his brother. It's not like there is a shortage of prominent Alphas here… Jayden is not the only Alpha from a powerful pack. That would defeat the point of Ravenwood if he were.
Anyway, now I am cuddling up inside my dorm room and Seth is on the other bed looking apologetic at me. He felt sorry for his brother's actions before and reassured me that Skylar had never made a move on any Omega before. Ever.
I do not think he is capable of doing something out of malice, not like this, I mean. I am sure he is just an arrogant boy, not a rapist, but I am staying as far away from him as possible this week, just in case.
There is a knock on my door.
I suddenly turned in its direction with a worried expression on my face.
“Don't worry 'cause whoever it is, I am not letting them enter our room.” Seth assured me, getting up from his bed to open the door.
Much to his surprise, it was Sean who was asking him out for a stroll. Seth turned to me and asked if I was going to stay here, to which I replied that I was. Then Sean politely asked me to go along with them, but I declined the invitation, and off they went on their way. It is a cloudy autumn day, but it’s not that cold outside.
I must have dozed off for a minute because the next thing I knew I was woken up by three sequential knocks on my door. I would tell whoever it is to go away, but all dorm rooms are soundproof on account of our wolf hearing.
Begrudgingly, I got up from my bed to answer the door only to be surprised by Skylar standing there causing another wave of panic to overcome me.
“What are you doing here? You can't come in!” I exclaimed, panicking at his sight.
“Calm down, I just came here to apologize. Okay?” He announced, stepping into my room uninvited.
I stared at his presence with flashes of panic, terrified of his attitude. What the hell is he doing here during my heat season? Is he really trying to ruin me for Jayden?
“I accept your apology. Please leave my room. I am in my heat season.” I gesticulate to better make my point, waiting for him to leave.
“Relax, Jacob. I promise you despite how I treated you before, I could never do anything to jeopardize your chances with Jayden. I am not saying I want him to claim you, but I would never maliciously take advantage of you or your heat. Despite everything, I am an Omega ally. I could never show my face in my pack if word got out that I had an illegitimate child. Trust me, I am all about informed consent.” He ranted, sounding peeved at my frightful gaze at him.
I understand he came with the best intentions. It is one thing to try to persuade his roommate to claim his brother, it is a whole different ball game to ruin me for Jayden solely with the purpose of forcing his hand. I never thought he was a psycho like that.
“I appreciate what you came here to do. I never imagined you would do that kind of thing. But it’s best if we don’t tempt fate. You should leave before anybody sees you here.” I told him, feeling a bit more at ease. I meant what I said, I do appreciate the olive branch.
“You do realize it’s not against the rules to have people over. You just can’t let them sleep in your room.” He spoke in a humorous tone.
“I am not afraid of the floor monitor, I just don’t want anybody to whisper about your visit. Not unless your brother was here, at the very least.” I countered, feeling a bit troubled. Though there are only a third of the students here on this day, I do not wish to become fodder for gossip.
“It’s fine. I only came to apologize and clear the air. I hate that you felt like I was going to attack you or something. I am not even into…”
“Boys, I know. Have a good day, Alpha.” I cut him off, walking to the door. I got flustered that he felt the need to point that out.
“I was going to say Omegas.” He corrected me with a smirk.
Skylar walked to the door which was still open and turned to me one last time.
“For what it is worth, I am not opposed to you and Jayden together. Of course, I like him for my brother because he's the one boy I find tolerable…” He spoke with light humor but not condescending or dismissive. At least not this time…
“But I am not the villain of your story. I don't need to stand in the way of true love if that's what he means to you. I genuinely mean that.” He continued, glancing at me with a soft, genuine expression on his face.
“Thanks for saying that.” I smiled at him as he stood outside of my room.
“You're welcome. See you later.” He said goodbye to me with one light tap on my shoulder.
Then it hit me. A blinding lust filled the air as my body started emitting powerful pheromones capable of attracting any suitor around me. My eyes glowed with desire as I looked at Skylar whose eyes shone like he was discovering a mate - if that was still a thing in this day and age.
I stood there frozen in place, incapable of moving away from an Alpha. Skylar licked his lips as he looked at me with lust in his eyes. We stood an inch apart from each other, he was one step outside of the door.
I wish I had the willpower to turn him away, to tell him to fuck off and leave me alone. But I am powerless to deter him, in fact right now all I want is for someone to take me into his arms and have their way with me.
Skylar stood there in front of me, lusting after me like a predator stalks their prey. He resisted for a while, the temptation of going overboard too powerful for him to pass up.
A flush of heat waves hit me like a hurricane. Hot and bothered, I started disrobing myself right in front of the Alpha, taunting him to make a move. Since I was technically inside my room, only he could see me - unless someone came closer and there was no student in the hall at this hour.
First was the shirt, so easily discarded into the ground. He watched me attentively while I bare my skin for his pleasure. I want to be possessed, I can not help the way I feel right now.
The tall boy kept standing there watching the show as I softly dispensed off my trousers, leaving almost my whole body on display. Skylar's eyes glowed in lust with every move I made, my skin was ablaze with an impossible warm feeling.
Not able to resist any longer, one single step was enough for the Alpha boy to be close enough to hold me. He took in my scent as he held me in his arms.
While he held me, I could not help but feel safe. I felt contentment, a realization that I was doing what I was supposed to do. Omegas are naturally drawn to Alphas. It's just the way that we are programmed.
We took each other's scents for a while, he was fully clothed as I was down to my underwear. At that moment, I was not embarrassed or ashamed to be in this state near him. I was just very hot.
Skylar pushed us forward, effectively entering the room. First, he closed the door with one hand while the other suspended me from the ground. He then carried me towards my bed and carefully deposited my bare body on it, admiring my physical form with his hungry eyes.
I was ready for the taking, only a thin layer of clothing stood between us. I am far from shy, ready to be made fully bare for the Alpha's pleasure.
Skylar removed his shirt in a swift move, my eyes widened at his muscled abdomen. I could wash my clothes on his six-pack, my mouth watered at what was to come next.
Oh yeah, I can get into this… Please, do whatever you want with my body. I am practically begging for it at this point.
Our eyes wasted no time examining every inch of skin exposed, every nook and cranny. I was feasting my eyes on Skylar's torso, readying myself for the next step.
I could feel the lust in the air, the room filled with my pheromones enticing Skylar to make a move. It was then that I noticed his bulge bursting inside the pants.
I was wet in anticipation, my bum lubricated to welcome his hard member. I could not make a move myself, but I was more than ready to be ravished by him.
Skylar came close to me on the bed and grazed his nose on my neck, causing a chill to run down my spine. A moan escapes my lips in contentment.
I hummed as he played with his nose on my skin, setting it ablaze. I am already panting at the light contact, salivating for more.
Skylar’s skin touched mine when he moved closer to me on the bed. I was so enticed by him that I laid on my side with my back turned to him, positioning myself in a way that my bum touched his bulge.
Woof, I like what I felt from him so far. I could not be any more explicit without taking his clothes myself - that is not what heat is about. I can only draw him in, the Alpha needs to act. It’s the same in the animal kingdom.
I pressed up against his body delicately, and another wave of heat hit me like a tornado. My body trembled with excitement.
Skylar pulled me closer to him, turning my body around to face him in the process. He held me close for a moment. At this point, I had already surrendered myself to him. I can only enjoy this intimate moment before he takes from me what his body clearly desires.
Words cannot explain how my brain chemistry was altered to forget about everything outside of this room and focus on the Alpha in front of me. I needed to be touched. I craved his body on mine. The sooner the better.
Another round of pheromones infest Skylar's nose, a blinding lust taking over him with aggressive force. Heat cannot be ignored, it can only be fulfilled. Satisfied. Sated.
Sweat trickled down my forehead, a thirst unlike anything I had ever felt before making my lips dry. After a little while, I finally opened my mouth to ask him for some water.
I gulped down a bottle that was ready for me in the mini-fridge, satiating my thirst while he watched me closely.
Skylar lay there next to me, but he never did anything past that. I kept waiting for him to act, silently begging him to make his move. I could feel his desire for me, lust compelling him to take me into his arms and just give it to me hard.
I waited for him, daring him to move, looking at him with a pleading gaze. Please put me out of my misery already!
But he just kept his body close to me, shirtless, skin to skin. A fever took over me as my body quivered, but that only made him hug me tighter. That's when I felt better.
The entire time that we stayed in the bedroom together, I could see that he wanted me badly. I noticed the bulge in his pants. But he held himself back for whatever reason I can not fathom.
I don't know how he is resisting me right now. I am right here for the taking. Skylar gently caressed my head, messing with my hair as he did. His touch feels magical to me.
With each stroke, I felt myself longing for him. He should be knotting me right about now, but instead, he is stroking my hair delicately.
“Oh, my Goddess!” Seth gasped in shock after he swiped his card to enter the room. Sean and Jayden were by his side as he opened the door. All of them were in utter shock at the scene.
I have never written a heat chapter in which THAT happened.
If you are reading my eleventh book, you know the deal.
But I live to surprise my darling readers.
How did he resist?
Who knows?
If I were you, I would not miss the next chapter. There will be blood.
It's curiously titled "Untouched".
OFF: I remembered when Adam Cook covered this song in his winning season of American Idol. To this very day, I am not familiar with any contestant on that show who could cover songs quite like him. I still remember his wonderful renditions of “Always Be My Baby”, “Billy Jean” and this one more than a decade later.
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