In a room full of Lavender scented candles as well as purple flowers covering the room from floors to ceiling.
In this room stood a tall well dressed man in old fashioned style clothing and hazel skin. If one were to look from afar it would almost look like he was talking to royalty with how precise his posture is.
"The class of 201 has a had a great kick off without any accidents, unlike last year. That head teacher of class 45 has returned with valuable information about our Angel eye situation, Head teacher of class 78 have calculated all the expected transactions we will be expected to need this year and will give you her budget plan for this year. Overall, it looks like a great start to the new school year." the tall man said.
"Great to hear Mr. Anderson." Daniel foster said as he was looking through the report that Mr. Andersson had given him.
"If that is all then you are free to go." Daniel said.
Mr. Andersson turned around and headed towards the door. However, as he was about to open it, he hesitated.
"Actually, there is something I want to ask Daniel." Mr. Andersson said.
"Then ask ahead." Daniel said, his eyes barely leaving the report in his hand.
"Well. Why did you reinstate class 45?" Anderson asked.
"Well, we needed the space for students." Daniel responded.
"Don’t give me that bullshit Daniel. I’m asking why you as an ISC officer would actively reinstate class 45? Was it not the ISC that wanted the whole concept of class 45 to be dismantled? Was it not the ideology of class 45 that caused the original conflict with Elysium and the ISC in the beginning?" Anderson asked.
"And then two years after you become principal you go looking for some guy that turns out to be a nicotine addict with one of the larger criminal records I’ve seen, and you put him in charge of class 45!" Anderson continued.
Daniel sat quietly, seemingly thinking how to respond to Anderson’s question. Eventually with a heavy sigh Daniel stared into the very soul of Biran Anderson.
"Biran. I understand your questions. I would also be confused if I was in your position. Seeing a ISC officer become head teacher at a school who has opposed the ISC for centuries. Thats something that would make you wonder about things." Daniel stated.
"Well let me start by stating that I have not told anyone about what i'm about to tell you. I’m pretty sure that not even the ISC have realized it yet. So, this information shall not be spread outside this room. Is that understood?" Daniel asked.
Biran gave a nod to signal that he understood the severity of the topic.
"Birna. The reason why I have stared up class 45 again is because I am no longer a part of the ISC. I quit. I left that place behind. Hoping to never return." Daniel said.
"Y-you left the ISC? but you were their most famous officer, their golden boy, you're rich and people praise your name wherever you go. Why would you give that up?" Biran said, with a hint of sarcasm, in his tone.
Daniel got quiet again. Looking down at the papers on his desk. He felt his fist quench as he thought back to his time at the ISC. Of how stupid he was, how stupid he felt for not realizing how he had lived his life.
"It's quite the story." Daniel said, still looking down.
"I have plenty of time." Biran said calmly.
With a sigh Daniel looked back up to Biran.
"I was born in the facilities of the ISC, the International Sages Committee." Daniel scoffed at their name.
"I was raised in their facilities to be an officer in the ISC. I was a part of a new initiative they had started during the times when people’s faith in the ISC started to become lose. Meaning less wanted to join the ISC. So, they had to grow their soldiers." Daniel told Biran.
"My father and mother two people who had never meet each other before and simply wished for the ISC to grow grater. My mother was a respected officer in the ISC and my father a newly joined scientist." Daniel explained.
"I saw my parents for about an hour everyday as that was the only time they had for me in my scheduled life. I was trained both mentally and physically to be a dog that would do anything they asked no matter what."
"I was given orders on how to act, eat, sleep, use magic and even how to think."
"And when I reached the age of 16, I was enrolled as an officer, and just after a year I had become known in the ranks of the ISC."
"Every mission went the same. Find criminals apprehend them, arrest them and if they still didn’t comply with the ISC worldview I was to harm or in worse cases eliminate targets." Daniel explained.
"And when I turned 19, I became a commanding officer and around the same time I was appointed a title by my superiors. The knight of the frozen tundra."
"I went on missions taking on terrorist groups and criminal organizations bringing all of them down. Except one." Daniel said.
"Wolfgang." Biran interrupted.
Daniel looked at Biran a bit surprised.
"Oh eh... I was a bit of a fan of Wolfgang back in the day... So, I had heard of you and their many battles." Birna said a bit embarrassed.
Daniel let out a small laugh before he continued.
"Indeed. We fought countless of times. They were the only group that managed to slip away from me. But it was my determination to catch them that led me to my reason for leaving."
"It was during a stand of in the middle of a snowstorm. Me and the leader of Wolfgang where in a cave locked in by the storm. We fought and fought for hours. We were stuck in that cave for days. Surviving on small rodents that lived in the cave with us. It was on one of those days that their leader Showed his face and told me something."
"You saw Grimms face?!" Biran exclaimed in surprise.
Birna quickly composed himself clearing his throat.
"My apologies. Continue." Biran said, his face red.
"He told me his usual insults and taunts. That I was merely a weapon, a tool for the ISC used to execute their goals. I was a dog that couldn’t even sit without their permission. Usually, I would just brush them off, but it had started to dig at me."
"Since the ISC hadn't sent any reinforcements even for me. Their supposed golden soldier. I started to doubt my belief "
"I started to look back on my life and started to doubt my purpose in life. but it was the next things he would say to me that would make me realize my life had been a tool for the ISC."
"When was the last time you decided for yourself? When was the last time you talked to someone outside the ISC? When was the last time you took a break?"
"What would you know how it is to be human." Daniel quoted the leader of Wolfgang.
"Those words caused me to realize that for my 24 years of life I had never decided anything for myself, I had never taken a moment to just relax. So, when the storm had died down, I let him go and I returned to the ISC main office and saw that they had already had a funeral for me."
"That’s when I realized that the ISC didn’t care about me as a person. So, I left. Not telling anyone. It was around then I had heard I had a grandfather and I realized that I had inherited his school. I remember the card that it was delivered in so well. It had the faint with of Lavender on it. The first smell I had smelt on my new free life." Daniel said.
"So that’s why I decided to reinstate the class of 45. Since I have seen how the ISC acts, and I realize they won’t stop until they achieve their goal of a world without free will. So, I decided to fight back." Daniel said.
"And for why I chose to hire William is simply because of two reasons. One he is the exact opposite of what the ISC stands for. He lives how he wants, steals stuff for no reason, he fights for his own ideals and has a criminal history. He is a perfect teacher for class 45." Danie tells Biran.
"And the other reason?" Biran asks.
"I know his secret." Dainel says.
"And what is that supposed to mean?" Birna asks.
"It means that he is even more perfect for class 45. And that’s all you need to know for now." Dainel says.
Biran sighs and says.
"I guess I’m not gonna get anything more out of you then."
"No. Do you have any other questions?" Daniel asks.
"No that’s all."
At another part of the school a tiered William stands about to finish up his last class for the day. The bags under his blue eyes seemed to have become bigger then how they were two weeks ago when he started to teach in Elysium.
"So, make sure to remember all that I have taught you today as they will be crucial on next week’s test." William said.
The class erupted in a choir of confusion with the news of a test.
"Wait we have test next week?!"Jimmy erupted.
"Why haven’t you told us?" Hector asked.
"I told you now, didn’t I?" William muttered to himself.
"Well, because It was only recently got the date of when this test will be held." William explained.
"Well, what will it include what do we need to study for?" Amelia asked.
"Study for?" William repeated, his lips starting to form a wicked grin.
"I guess I forgot to say that as well. This won’t be a normal test. This test is one only designed for class 45." William said.
"It’s a test that decides who of you who will stay in this class and who will be transferred to another." William said.
The class looked at William with confusion.
William then took up a marine blue envelope. From it he took out a note and started to read.
"Dear William, I hereby appoint you head teacher of class 45 and with it all its ideals and responsibilities. Class 45 is a special class orchestrated to create strong sages that will make their name known in history. The students that will graduate will become Sages strong enough to fight for their ideals and stand up against organizations like the ISC. I will give you full authority on how the students shall be thought and who that will graduate. Best regards Daniel Foster."
The students sat quiet and confused.
"This test will make me know who is capable for this class, and who isn’t. The test will involve us taking down a base down by the docs that is one of the bigger distributors of Angel eyes on the island." William explained.
"I will not assist unless absolutely needed so you will have to show me with your own talent that you deserve to be taught by me. This of course regards other classes. If there are students that think they can leave their name in history then they are welcome to try and prove their worth in the upcoming test." William explained with a wicked grin.
"This can’t be fair... What if you just have a bad day and-" one student starts.
"Then you will fail. The world is unfair and for the sages that will graduate this class, the word bad day will just mean a day where they are just half as great as they normally are. Besides the ISC don’t care if you have a bad day. They will fight you nevertheless." William explained.
"Now class dismissed. The test is on Wednesday. Meaning you have four days to make sure you are ready. Classes will not be obligatory, you decide how, where and when to make sure you are fit to take the test." William said before starting to erase the words he had written on the chalkboard.
"Good luck, I hope for all of you to succeed." William said, his gaze focused on the chalkboard.
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