Olah meets a rooster named Red, who decides to accompany her on her spiritual journey to the mysterious destination of Gnashville. Along the way, they chat about Olah's faith in the Rapture, a mystical event where hens are "taken" to their new eternal home, to which Red is cynical...
And they talk about laying eggs...Awkward...
Part 2 of 5. We are currently in transit of more plot. Please stay seated, and enjoy the impending silence.
Sow openings are always in favor. I really like the opening here, the far pan of the landscape putting the train down in size adds a ton. Maybe it's just me haha, but I love slow environmental shots like that.
Olah, a hen and faithful servant of The Mother Hen, is given a boarding pass and thrust onto a train towards a place she knows nothing about…except that she may be Raptured by her benevolent Providers -- human beings.
Unsure of its destination, Olah has no choice but to take the one and last train from Gainesville, GA to Tennessee, to her promised salvation. She joins Red, her new travel companion, among others as they travel down to the place of weeping and gnashing teeth, aka Gnashville, Tennessee while uncovering mysteries, conspiracy, love, faith, death, and acceptance.
The unknown is blowing its horn.
Please hand your ticket to the conductor as you board.
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