"Ah yes a greatest mystery of our time solved in front of his face, and he just walked away? Tough crowd I geuss, damn."
Hello Hello! pretty much on time this week! Again!
I have the rest of the chapter written out so now I have a formulated plan at least, things might start making sense to everyone soon now .
Recently I think I've found that I've been letting some outside sources dictate how I work on this, and it affected how tha last page came out a bit too much, soI want to try and get back to how it was when I started, so the next few pages might look a little different. im not gonna focus on clean up as much, but I'll still try and bring a vibe. Also Schools also been slowing things a bit but I'm gonna try and keep this pace of once a month, or even two weeks.
Any how, how're you all doing? I hope you're well. Sorry for the word vomit!
Have a pleasant existence.
School can be quite a drag always slowing stuff down. But if you don’t make the usual day you aim for no big deal we can be patient. We know or at least I hope we know that you have a life outside of this. Have a lovely day!
The world ended a long time ago. People live in a simulated reality together, some taking full advantage of the digital landscape they live in, and some restricting that freedom. But since theres no way out other than to become an Aura. People are, for the most part, content with the world they live in. But as always change Is contentments greatest enemy.
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