Should I cry?
No, she would be confused thinking I'm hungry...
So, how?
I instinctively point to Hera; she looks at me confused and says something I can't make out, but I know she asked me something.
I turn my arm towards the hallway that leads to the office.
Hera looks over there and says something. She stops knitting and picks me up with a smile.
It worked?
Now I understand how dogs feel when I talk to them...
It's really bad not being able to communicate, so I need to learn this language as soon as possible.
She takes me to my room, in a hallway that has two doors on the right, one on the left, and one in front.
But when she goes to open the door to my room, which is on the right, I turn back, in her arms, and point to the office, making grunts. She turns to the door, where I point, and says something with his subtle and warm voice.
It worked?
It's going there!
Opening the door, I see two large shelves full of books in the corners of the wall, and a window showing the view of a distant kingdom and our backyard, which has a small tree.
Ahead, a table and chair face the window, along with an unlit lamp.
Hera takes a book and sits in the chair.
She sets the book down on the table, opens it, and begins to read to me in a calm, gentle voice.
Looking at the book, I see a totally exotic script; it looks like a mixture of Arabic script and Hebrew script; it's very confusing to read!
For a few weeks, I spend most of my time at the office with my mother and brother, she reads us some children's stories.
These stories have helped me a lot to learn the language and the writing.
Little by little, I feel like I'm learning. William is already able to speak some very basic words.
Last week, he said the word "dad". Hera and Richard were delighted, my father was so moved that he even cried!
Richard, my father, is usually out of the house or practicing with his sword in the backyard. Sometimes I see him coming back with rabbits and fish; he must be hunting in the meantime that he is away.
It's rare to see him indoors; he often comes home when it's 5 p.m.
The week of this world, it seems, works in a similar way to my old life. The days of the week just have different names.
Clarday (Monday)
Zephyrday (Tuesday)
Astraday (Wednesday)
Thorneday (Thursday)
SolsDay (Friday)
Lunaday (Saturday)
Starrenday (Sunday)
Those were the names I could read.
The months go by in a similar way to my previous world.
The people of this land must have observed the cosmos, as well as my past world.
Janusphere (January)
Fevereiro (February)
Marchenwind (March)
Abriliae (April)
Mabloom (May)
Junlume (June)
Solariust (July)
Astralust (August)
Thornember (September)
Octostar (October)
Novasol (November)
Dezembro (December)
Numbers also work in a similar way. Their formats are different, but they are easy to learn.
On one of those days when Hera is reading books to William and me, my father is practicing sword swings in the backyard. I can see him through the window. I am on the table with William, while Hera is sitting in the chair reading the story.
He swings his sword from side to side with a smile on his face; he must be thinking he's fighting a bandit or something. The imagination of a man with free time is very fertile.
He moves very strangely; he must have no real experience in combat; it's even comical...
Suddenly, he stops and holds the sword with both hands, wielding it forward.
He closes his eyes and appears to be concentrating.
Suddenly, boulders begin to levitate around him!
Is that magic!?
He takes a deep breath as the rocks keep levitating around him!
Richard opens his eyes and falls back along with the rocks.
Hera notices that he has fallen and exclaims something. She gets up from her chair and runs outside to help Richard.
I can't believe what I saw!
Was that really magic, or am I imagining things??
I look at my brother, who is beside me, and he just stares at me with his expressionless face, as if it were the most normal thing in the world to see floating stones...
Hera comes outside and helps Richard to his feet, my father looks at her and gives an uncomfortable laugh, scratching his head.
He notices that William and I are watching this scene, and he waves at us with a smile on his face.
Well, if magic exists, there's only one way to find out!
I need to throw myself off this table!
Crawling to the edge of the table, I feel fear rising inside me.
It-It's much taller than I thought!!
Being a baby is horrible!
I feel my pants getting wet. I also don't have control over it yet!
William looks at me with his straight face, he must be wondering if I'm an idiot...
For the sake of knowledge, I need to fall off this table!
1, 2, 3, now!
Taking courage, I throw myself off the table, at the exact moment, Hera opens the door and sees the scene of me falling to the floor.
"AAAAAAAH" she screams.
Falling to the ground was a lot more painful than I thought. I fell on my side so as not to hit my head, but even so, for a baby just a few weeks old, it hurts!
My mom exclaims words that I can't understand, but just by her face, I can tell she's very worried.
She picks me up off the floor and places me on the table very carefully. Hera examines me, looking for any injuries on me.
I confess that my arm is a little sore...
Instinctively, I place a hand over my left arm, squeezing the beige shirt made of cloth.
Hera seems to have realized that I hurt myself there.
She then puts her hand next to my arm, she closes her eyes and the palm of her hand starts to emanate a green aura!
I was right, this is magic.
Tiny bright green particles go towards my arm.
The particles seem to enter my body. The pain that used to be in my arm is gradually disappearing.
This is simply amazing...
The pain is gone!
After that, a few months passed, to be exact, 3 months and 11 days. During that time, I have been improving my fluency in Clyfern, the language that is spoken in this world.
I finally got a chance to see a map, and now I know where I am. The Plains Continent, territory of humans, in a village close to the Kingdom of Legorio.
This world is called Eldor, and it has 6 continents:
The Plains Continent. Located to the south
The Continent of Mountains. Located to the southwest
The Continent of the Badlands. Located to the west
The Desert Continent. Located to the east
The Savannah Continent. Located in the Northeast
And the Elven Continent. Located in North and Northwest.
Along with that, there are 6 different races:
The Humans, Elves, Dwarves, Beast Demi-humans, Amazons and the Majins.
The continents have an abundance of race type. For example, the Plains Continent has mostly humans, but that doesn't mean there aren't other races.
I also read that the people of this world believe in gods, and they are quite familiar with the gods of Greek and Norse mythology.
From what I've read, the magic we can use comes from them. It is not said that the gods exist in the material world, but that they are on another plane, something quite abstract to think about.
When people are born, they are granted one or more powers from one of the gods.
My mother, Hera, was probably born with the Magic of the Goddess of Healing, so she is able to use that magic.
My father must have been born with Earth God Magic, so he managed to levitate them!
I don't know if I should believe that these gods exist, maybe it's just something created to explain the magic of this world.
But the history of the gods is very interesting!
In the beginning of everything, there was Void, he was very lonely, so consequently he got bored, so he decided to create something. He created galaxies, worlds, stars and everything that I can see when I look up at the sky.
But he thought he could do something greater, so he created the 4 Gods of the Elements: the god of Fire, the god of Water, the goddess of Forests and the god of Earth.
Void asked them to shape the land he was making, and so they did.
After thousands of years, other gods were emerging through the procreation of the gods of the 4 elements, and meanwhile, Void was creating the races that would belong to Eldor.
Originally, there was a race of Dragons, but for some reason it became extinct.
Void granted the races that they could have a fraction of the gods' power, and thus, all races were given at least one power of one of the many gods that exist.
There are many other stories from this mythology, like the War of the Heavens, where the god of Thunder and the god of Dragons clashed in a battle for power, but I don't think I need to know about those stories right now.
What I really need to know is how the magic works!
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