With Gwen at his side, Azra followed the valet up the marble steps to the grand double doors. The doors opened as they neared and, with a heavy breath, Azra stepped inside the castle at last. The moment the doors slammed shut behind him, he felt a shiver run up his spine- and this time it wasn’t from the cold.
As prince of Solvale, Azra was no stranger to the luxuries and extravagance of royal life…but somehow the grand foyer- though elegant and glinting with wealth- felt just as cold and detached as the dark stone walls outside. Azra’s boots echoed across the mirror finish of the polished, black marble floors- his shadow gliding across the smooth surface of pillars lining the entrance. The high vaulted ceilings seemed swallowed up into shadows, only dimly lit by tiered crystal chandeliers. Gilded mirrors and tapestries lined the walls, every surface and table covered with expensive and rare heirlooms.
Not wanting to touch anything, Azra’s gaze swept the empty hall- silent apart from a large grandfather clock near the doorway. As he slowly stepped further into the hall, Azra could see a large bifurcated staircase made of the same glinting black stone, leading up to a balcony surrounded by archways of marble. His despair only grew as he saw the windows were all covered with thick curtains, not allowing in any natural light from the snowy world outside.
This was nothing like the palace he’d called home back in Solvale, where each room had been bright with windows everywhere to let in washes of sunlight. Though his home consisted of airy whites and golds, this castle felt like a fortress.
As Azra stepped further through the foyer, he slowly felt like he was sealing himself away in a tomb, walling himself off from everything he’d left behind.
Azra jolted as Mero quickly cut in front of him, the valet saying with shortened breath, “I’m sorry, sir, but we can’t have you wandering about unaccompanied by castle staff. Please if you’ll follow me…” he outstretched his arm to a side doorway, leading to a narrow hall.
Azra bristled, snapping, “That is a servant’s corridor.”
Gwen was at the prince’s side, fuming as she stared down at the valet. “What’s the meaning of this?” she asked, her voice echoing like thunder off the narrow walls.
Mero looked nervous as he took a step back, muttering somewhat apologetically, “It's for Prince Lyroth’s own protection, I assure you. Please, once you speak to His Royal Highness, Prince Vaniya-”
“Enough,” Gwen snapped, a rage in her tone as she towered over the man. “Lead us there swiftly, so we can get this matter sorted at once.” Her words were sharp as knives, gesturing for Mero to go first before ushering Azra into the corridor.
Azra felt the nerves bubble up like acid, following behind Mero’s quick pace as they weaved through long plain passageways and up a lengthy flight of stairs. Exiting back into another extravagant hallway, Mero led them to a set of heavy wooden doors, flanked by two guards.
Stopping in front of the guards, Mero turned to Azra, saying quietly, “Prince Vaniya is expecting you. As for your escort,” Azra saw the man swallow anxiously as he turned to Gwen, “I’m afraid you’ll have to wait here so the prince can have a private audience.”
Before Gwen had a chance to protest, Azra touched her arm, looking up at her with a weary sympathy. “It’s alright Gwen. You’ll be right here…” he sighed, murmuring low under his breath, “We’re not in Solvale any more… and I don’t want any trouble.”
Gwen gave the prince a sharp glare, but grit her teeth as she nodded curtly. “As you wish, sir.”
Azra patted her arm gently before he nodded to Mero, giving in.
For the first time, Mero gave Azra a look of gratitude- a weak smile on his thin lips before he stepped forward to knock on the heavy wood. There was a deep, smooth voice that called for them to enter; it sent Azra’s stomach into squirming knots all over again as he tried not to let his emotions break through his facade.
Mero pushed the door inward, Azra taking careful strides forward as he stepped into the room to the sound of, “Prince Lyroth of Solvale to see you, Your Highness.”
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