“Are you sure we’re going to the right place?” I asked.
Tucked away in an alley behind Crimson’s Bakery, this lounge place had one gray metal door that apparently led into a nightclub and not a serial killer’s basement. Jada crossed her arms and arched a brow while Mikayla banged on the door twice.
After a moment, an enormously muscular man opened the door. He stared down at Mikayla and then stepped out of the way, nodding as if he recognized her. We walked down a deserted hallway, then down a set of dusty stairs, a single light flickering above us.
The low thump of music played through the walls, and I grabbed Jada’s hand because I didn’t trust Mikayla. Don’t ask why my dumbass continued to follow her to my death. First she knows about demons, next she’s bringing us to a discreet creepy club.
When we reached the bottom of the stairs, Mikayla opened another door. Inside, there was a bar in the center of the room, filled with people flirting with each other. Twelve beige cushioned booths sat around the perimeter of the room. Everything was lit with dim red lights which hung off of the brick walls.
All the women were dressed in skimpy little dresses or short skirts, and my legging-wearing ass felt way too out of place. But I hadn’t wanted to change into a skirt before we left, because I feared that I’d have another explosion of cum in my pussy again.
“What the hell is this place?” Jada asked, following Mikayla to an empty booth.
“The Lounge.”
After we sat in a booth, Jada reached across the table and grabbed Mikayla by the collar. “You better start talking now. We got all the way here and still haven’t even had a sentence of an explanation.”
“Okay, so, let me start by saying that this is a demon bar.”
“What?!” I exclaimed, causing people to look over at us.
“Shh,” she said. “All I said is that this is a demon bar.”
“Why are we here then?” Jada asked. “And how’d we get in?”
“Well, after I cast that spell last night…” she started, chewing on the inside of her cheek. “I might’ve caught the attention of a sorcerer of dark magic. He showed up in my room last night after the sex demon and demanded to know where I learned the magic.”
Jada stared at Mikayla blankly. “Stop playin’.”
“If Iza can be haunted by a demon who makes her invisible and stuffs her with cum, then why don’t you believe that I am, maybe, a powerful witch?” Mikayla asked, pushing some hair behind her shoulder. “Come on. I even look like one.”
I rested my elbows on the table and drew my hands across my face. “Oh my God.”
“So how’d we get in here?” Jada asked.
“Demons fear me.” Mikayla shrugged. “I’m kinda a big deal now.”
I slid out of the booth. “I need a drink.”
Once I fast-walked to the bar because I really didn’t want to go up here alone, I stopped near the only other human-looking person in The Lounge with chocolate brown hair that cascaded down her shoulders and pretty hazel eyes. Mikayla was crazy.
Truly insane.
“What’s your name?” the woman suddenly asked.
If I didn’t know any better and if I actually believed in the supernatural, then I would almost say that she didn’t belong here. She seemed too innocent, almost angelic. But if what Mikyala said was true about this club, then she was a demon too.
“Iza,” I said quietly, not wanting a whole conversation with another demon.
Last time that happened, three gallons of cum were buried in my pussy.
“I’m Dani.” She held out her hand. “Nice to meet you.”
After swallowing some anxiety, I gently shook her hand.
“What’re you doing here?” she asked.
“My friend dragged me here,” I said, glancing over my shoulder. “You?”
She paused for a moment, then glanced down the bar at two men–one with piercing green eyes and devilishly handsome face and the other with white hair that came to his shoulders and eyes an icy blue. “Having fun.”
“Well,” I hummed, sensing the same lusty feelings I had felt earlier within her. And props to her for scoring both of those handsome guys, but I needed to run right out of here and never go anywhere with Mikayla again. “I should, uhm, leave you then.”
After following the bartender to the other side of the bar that was empty–thank God–I stood on my toes and leaned across the bar. “Excuse me.” When he didn’t turn around, I cleared my throat and spoke a bit louder. “Excuse me, can I get some water?”
He twisted around, his full lips pulled into a small smirk. “Just a water?”
“Yes, just a water.”
“You don’t want to try our signature Passion Delights?” he offered, dipping a clean straw into the drink he had just finished making and holding it to my lips. “Here, have a sip. It’s sweet and one of our most popular drinks.”
Last time I tried something that I wasn’t necessarily super familiar with, it ended up being made with cum! Those damn Fervor Crisps… But I just wanted to get back to the table before someone else approached me, so I wrapped my lips around it.
The sweetness immediately hit my tastebuds. I closed my eyes, and suddenly saw Acaros standing over me, the head of his dick against my lips and his sweet cum rolling down the back of my throat. Warm gushed between my thighs.
I snapped my eyes open and took a huge breath. “Water, please.”
“Ah, too bad,” the bartender flirted. “I’ll be right back.”
When he headed down to Dani to give her the Passion Delight, I turned around and scanned the club for any sign of Acaros. In the back of The Lounge, a group of huge guys were turned in my direction. While I couldn’t see their faces, I could feel their stares.
“Your water,” the bartender said behind me.
I grabbed my water off the counter. “Thanks!”
Without speaking another word, I twirled around toward my table and slammed right into a hard chest. After cursing under my breath and hoping that it wasn’t Acaros, I craned my head up to stare into blazing black eyes.
Don’t ask me how black eyes could be blazing, but they were.
“You’re new here,” the guy hummed.
I giggled nervously and bit back the urge to say that I would never be returning. “Yeah.”
He leaned against the counter. “Two Passion Delights for me and the lovely little lady.”
Waving my hand at him, I shook my head. “Oh, no. I’m good.”
His thumb swiped across my lower lip. “It’s just a drink, sweetheart.”
“I have water.” I glanced over his shoulder. “Besides, my friends are waiting for me.”
When I circled around him, he snatched my wrist. “Just on–”
Before he could finish his sentence, someone snapped their hand around his throat, and the demon was suddenly hurled across the club. Another demon stood in front of me, the muscles in his back rippling.
“Daaaahumn!” Mikayla shouted at our table.
My eyes widened, and I slowly lifted my gaze to meet the back of Acaros’s head.
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