There was always plenty to do in the kitchen and the adjacent bakery. However, the work was different from his father's bakery. It was here that Amaury first learned what stress really meant. A lot of baking had to be done. And this in record time. Students and staff had to be taken care of.
And that meant the bakers, cooks, and kitchen assistants, were working until exhaustion. They all toiled in a tight, beige, and green uniform plus the usual baker's or chef's apron. The fabric was light and thin, albeit durable. But it quickly became too warm inside. Of course, there were breaks, enough water to drink and the pay was more than just good. Almost royal. But the work was grueling. His colleagues were all friendly despite the stress and the almost unacceptable working conditions. They joked with each other, helped each other... He felt comfortable here, even though he lay very exhausted in his bed in the evenings.
Chloe was always hurriedly scurrying back and forth between her office and the kitchen. She planned, organized, and did her best to improve working conditions. As soon as the new dormitory was finished, the kitchen was to be renovated and improved. Everyone was already looking forward to it. With all the work, Amaury hardly had the opportunity to talk to his cousin. Or with his aunt.
During his lunch break, which he desperately needed, he sat down on a bench with his lunch (a sandwich) in one of the smaller gardens of the Academy. A staircase led here from the basement so that the employees could spend their breaks there. There was a break room, but it had mold on the walls caused by moisture damage and could therefore not be used at the moment. Currently, a few employees were working to get rid of the mold until everything was renovated and rebuilt.
Amaury watched the students hurriedly go to their next lessons. They joked with each other, some fooled around with their magic and teased each other. They were only a little younger than him, but they seemed childish as they played with their magic. Among all the high-spirited students, Amaury spotted an angel.
Strictly speaking, it was a witch. She wore the uniform of the students, but she was beautiful. Angelic and strikingly calm. She walked past without noticing him. Her red curls swung around her head. She seemed worried while talking to her friends. The angel wore a purple silk scarf around her neck. She smelled like herbs.
Amaury looked after her.
The girl walked through the garden with her head held high. She looked like a princess. Amaury knew very well that she couldn't be one. He knew all his cousins. The actual princesses.
He would have liked to run after the girl to ask her name. But firstly, he did not dare and secondly, there were strict rules that the staff had to adhere to. They were all instructed not to address the students if possible. Interactions with the young witches and wizards were only welcome in the professional field.
Telling a girl that she was pretty and asking for her name did not belong in the professional field. Unfortunately. Therefore, he could only stare after her.
"Have you spotted anything pretty?" Mara had silently appeared behind him. She, too, held her sandwich in her hand. "Can I sit with you?"
"Of course, gladly. Do you need some fresh air?"
"Indeed!" Tired, she sat down next to him. "It's very stuffy and warm in the bakery. I can wash my hair every afternoon!", she grumbled. "I'm already sweaty."
Amaury nodded. "I feel the same way... But most of the time I'm too tired... So I wash it in the morning."
"I guess you mean at night!" She winked at him.
"That's right." Amaury grinned.
"And? Who was the pretty girl you were looking after? Do you know her?", she asked.
"Unfortunately, no. But I'd like to know her."
Mara nodded. "Then talk to her."
Immediately, Amaury shook his head. "That would be against the rules."
"And? You're young. What do you care about rules?" She took a hearty bite of her sandwich and then continued talking with her mouth full: "I broke every rule at your age. Like it's a sport!"
"Don't, oh! It was great... But I was under house arrest all the time!"
"I don't remember ever getting house arrest. My sister Adaliz manages to do that from time to time. If she teases our little brother. But breaking all the rules?" Amaury couldn't imagine what it was like to be this rebellious. "That's not for me."
"It's a shame. But talk to her when you get the chance. Otherwise, you might miss an opportunity! And now eat your sandwich quickly! Our break is about to end!"
"Maybe I will", Amaury muttered, turning his attention to his lunch. Maybe he could ask to get longer breaks? For all of them? But... Would they then be able to produce the necessary number of baked goods?
After the break, more bread and cakes had to be baked. Some things were pre-baked for the weekend, as the kitchen was minimally staffed on Saturdays and Sundays. In between all the work, Amaury forgot about the pretty girl again. There was only cake and bread left in his mind until the working day ended.
In the afternoon, his thoughts were with his family. And although he was very tired, he sat down at his small desk and wrote them a second letter. He talked about his first days at the academy. He described the many buildings and the beautiful gardens. And he talked about how hard it was to work in the bakery of the large kitchen.
The next day, he wanted to take the letter to the Academy's post office. During his lunch break.
Only one day left until the weekend, he thought longingly. Then he would have a little more time and be able to go to the capital and buy the promised gifts there. The staff took turns working on the weekends and for this, Amaury was only scheduled for Sunday mornings. Saturday was all to himself.
He couldn't wait.
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