The buildings of the academy were more than just impressive. The magnificent buildings extended over a spacious plot of land with its own forest and a small arena. One of the dormitories got newly built. However, the construction could not harm the sublime splendor of the elite school. Amaury felt strange as he walked through the gate. A gilded gate that seemed to look snooty at him. He stuck his tongue out at the gate and then laughed at his own silliness.
This is where he wanted to work?
The academy was happy to accept mortals as staff. But learning here was only possible for witches and wizards. As far as Amaury knew, his aunt Julia planned to change this. Either there would soon be a class here for very gifted, talented mortals, or she would build a whole new school. One where wolves and elves were also welcome. Or maybe both? The planning was still in the early stages.
There was still no sign of these plans at the Academy. A few students looked at him curiously. He felt like a foreigner here. With his simple clothes, he clearly stood out from the smartly dressed students. Some of them came from poorer backgrounds. Well, that was rare. Most of the witches and wizards belonged to the wealthy population. But there were exceptions. And these students did not have to pay any school fees. The costs were traditionally distributed among the families of rich students.
During the night he had spent the night in a restaurant where his luggage was still lying. He didn't need it at a job interview. If he didn't get the job, he would explore the capital the next day.
He asked one of the gardeners for directions to the headmistress's office. The job advertisement stated that anyone who wanted to apply would first have to go to the headmistress. In addition, there was a date and time from which applicants should show up. And until when. Today. In a few minutes. The interviews for additional kitchen staff had taken place the previous day.
The gardener was kind enough to take him to the office, in front of which other men and women of different ages were already waiting. Amaury was the last to arrive. Almost at the last second.
"So young? Don't you belong in school?", an elderly gentleman teased him as the gardener said goodbye. Amaury sighed.
"No. I finished school. I'm a baker. Like you!", he replied.
The old man laughed softly. "Certainly not. You're still green behind the ears, boy. Freshly trained? You still lack the experience to get such a job. This is where experience is sought. You're too young. Like the girl at the front!" He pointed to a young woman who appeared to be only a few years older than him. She shook her head in annoyance. However, the older applicants nodded in agreement.
"Jobs here are highly sought after. The pay is good. You'd better go home, boy", an elderly lady advised him with an apologetic look. She trembled slightly. "You're just wasting your time. The headmistress is said to be very strict in her selection. Princess Lea von Sonnenhof herself! And she is the first hurdle. The head of the kitchen must also agree. They are looking for someone to help run the bakery. Didn't you read the ad?"
"They are also looking for another employee!", the girl grumbled and stuck her tongue out behind the lady's back. Amaury and a few other competitors smiled.
"I'll try my luck anyway", he grumbled. For the time being, he kept the fact that the headmistress was his aunt to himself. He didn’t want any resentment among his competitors. He didn't hope to work here because he had family there. No.
Then an elf, Shay, invited the first applicant in. He spotted Amaury with a smile but said nothing. It started. Each conversation lasted a few minutes and most of them left the office with sad faces. Only the elderly gentleman, the girl, and a woman about forty years old smiled and did not go home.
In the end, he waited an hour for Shay to invite him into the office, smiling.
"Hello, Shay!" Amaury greeted him, after which the gentleman and the woman frowned. They exchanged nervous glances.
"I'm surprised to see you here!" Shay announced, laughing. "Don't you like it at your dad's bakery anymore? Come in! Lea is looking forward to seeing you!"
"Likewise!" Amaury smiled happily and ignored the two suspicious competitors. He liked his uncle. He followed the elf into his aunt's bright and friendly office. She stood up and hurried around her bright desk to hug her nephew.
"My, boy! How nice", she said softly. "What are you doing here?"
"Apply for a job?" He raised an eyebrow.
"Here?" She nodded and pushed him to a comfortable chair. "Sit down, please." His aunt took a seat on her desk and dangled her feet. Shay just shook his head and sat down in her desk chair.
Lea held out a bowl of biscuits to him. He took one. The rest was snatched by his uncle. Lea rolled her eyes. The chair on which Amaury sat was more comfortable than any chair he knew. Adaliz would do anything to have such a chair at her desk. Presumably, it cost a fortune.
"So?" Lea smiled curiously. "Why do you want to work here as a baker? We have two vacancies, but Chloe decides who gets them in the end. After a test baking. I'm just making the pre-selection. I can't bake." She winked at him.
"I want to try something new." He shrugged. "I want to get out of the village for a while. Getting to know new things. Work somewhere else."
"So you don't plan to work here for a very long time?"
"I don't know yet. Dad wants me to take over the family bakery one day. And so far, I plan to do so. So... Until then, I think", he replied truthfully.
"And you don't want to go to university?"
He nodded. "It's too expensive."
Sighing, Lea petted his hair. She almost fell from her desk while doing so. "You are part of the royal family. Even if you don't have a title. You can ask for support. If you want to study, it's more than possible! You're very smart, Amaury."
"I wouldn’t know what. I prefer to work."
"All right. Shay takes you and the other three down to the kitchen. For test baking. You're too young to run a bakery, I think. But the other job?"
Amaury nodded. "I'd like that."
"I'm sure Chloe is looking forward to seeing you. When was the last time we visited you? Last fall?"
"Yes. On Adaliz's birthday."
"Right. Ethan threw leaves at Shay... That was funny", his aunt recalled. "Unfortunately, Julia couldn't come. As is often the case. But let's go! Let's get you to the kitchen!"
Shay stood up and silently instructed Amaury to follow him. But there was a mischievous grin on his thin lips. "So then! Four applicants", he announced when they arrived at the other two. The elderly man looked at Amaury sullenly.
"The boy?", he grumbled indignantly. "He's too young..." He glanced briefly at the girl, who was smiling proudly. The woman, who had long brown hair, looked at the old man indignantly.
Shay, on the other hand, grinned all the more: "Well, my guests! Follow me! Whoever argues immediately disqualifies themself! I don't want any silly drama! This is a prestigious school! We have high expectations of our employees!" He winked at Amaury, which did not escape the old man.
"You know each other?", he asked, looking at Amaury all the more skeptically.
"Fleeting!" Shay replied in his place. "Well, ladies and gentlemen! I wish you all the best of luck. However, if none of you, or only one of you, qualifies for these extraordinarily well-paid jobs with horrible working hours, I will, unfortunately, have to take part in this spectacle again! So make an effort!"
Amaury grinned. Shay liked to sleep in. As a baker, this would be a disaster.
They went to the basement of one of the buildings. Or all buildings? Underground, everything seemed to be connected. Long corridors stretched between the many cellar rooms. The walls were brightly painted. They came across some employees in fancy uniforms and Amaury felt even more out of place. Then they arrived at the kitchen with the adjoining bakery. Both were huge. Employees were already working. They seemed stressed. It was very warm in the room. His cousin was waiting for the applicants at the kitchen entrance. She looked at Amaury in surprise for a moment, nodded briefly, and then began a very professional greeting. She first showed them the kitchen, then the bakery, and let them bake bread. Without a prescription. She just told them what kind of bread she wanted. She watched every step like a hawk.
The old man corrected each and every one of Amaury's steps as if he did not know what he was doing. As if he couldn't bake! The woman, by now he knew her name was Mara Stein, ignored the two of them. The girl stumbled awkwardly through the bakery. Nervous, she dropped a baking pan on the floor and hit her head on an open door of a closet. She had forgotten to close the door. Amaury and Mara quickly rushed to her aid. She had injured herself. Someone from the kitchen staff finally took her to the academy's salaried healer. She came back shortly after. Her injury seemed gone. Magic. Amaury admired the skill of the healers.
After three hours, the test baking was over. Chloe asked each one to talk to a small office across the street from the kitchen. Amaury was again last in line. First, the old man was asked to talk. When he left the office, he couldn't tell if the old man had gotten good news or bad news. Mara, on the other hand, bounced a bit when leaving the office. The girl came out of the room after a few seconds. She sighed sadly.
"Amaury!" Chloe gave him a stormy hug as he closed the door behind him. "What are you doing here? No... That's a stupid question, isn't it? But it's a surprise."
"That's why I'm here! To surprise my dear cousin!"
"And to work in my bakery!" She hugged him even tighter. "I gave the position of manager of the bakery to one of your competitors. She has more experience. I have the overall management of the kitchen and bakery, but for one person that's a bit much. Therefore, she will now, in consultation with me, run the bakery. Surely it doesn't bother you. Shay said you want a normal job?"
Amaury nodded. "Yes. I want to gain experience."
"Nice. I'm glad to hear that! I'd like to hire you here too. As one of our bakers. I'm sure you'll fit into the team!"
"Really? I’m glad. And the elderly man?" He pointed to the door, freeing himself from the warm embrace.
Chloe shook her head. "No. He seemed like a bakery tyrant. I don't need anything like that here. And the girl... The poor one was too nervous. I advised her to try again in a few years. When she has more experience. You, on the other hand? Your skill is excellent. Your father brags about you in his letters. And what I saw today was promising. I want you here. In my bakery!"
"Gladly, thank you!" He suddenly felt like making a few leaps of joy. But he didn't do it. "When can I start?"
"Tomorrow morning. Tomorrow, you will also get your room. Unless... Do you have a room in an inn?"
"Yes. I'm taken care of."
"Good! Then I'll see you tomorrow at six o'clock. Usually, the bakers start at four o'clock, but it's your first day. And you have to get here from the inn first. First of all, I'll show you and your new colleague everything, you get your rooms and a small breakfast. The kitchen staff has breakfast together at nine o'clock! And then you will both be trained by one of our bakers. Yes? Or are there any objections from your side?"
"I don't know if I'll get a carriage so early..." Amaury sighed. "It's a bit further on foot."
"On foot? No, no. Usually, a few carriages leave so early... If you're a little late, that's fine. Just don't come in the evening. That would be unfavorable!" She winked at him. "No family bonus will help you anymore.”
"Not in the evening, yes. I can remember that!", he joked much more relaxed. "I don't want a bonus."
"You didn't get it either. Your skill got you the job!", she told him proudly. "If you had let my bakery go up in flames, I would have sent you home in a bag!"
"Oh. Thank you?" He had done it. He had the job.
Later, when he arrived at the inn, he immediately wrote a letter to his parents and siblings. Happily, he wrote of his success. They surely were expecting it...
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