The thing started to groan. Making weird noises like an angry cat. Astir was wondering if it was trying to communicate with them or if it was just protesting. At some point, he made a sound which resembled a word. Something like a « who ». To calm it, Astir made Gwalarn lay down and sat next to him. Then he explained who they were to the chelone. That they fell down the mountain, the fact they almost died, their names, their relationship. He took his time to show that Gwalarn wasn’t dangerous. The thing was listening, he wasn’t making any sound anymore. Just sitting on his rock, his eyes fixed on the two youngsters in front of him.
After some time, Astir was starting to crumble down. His elocution was cut by deep inspiration and some snort. He started to cry while explaining why Septem and him left their village, why they were so close since their younger days, that he didn’t even know if she was alive and well. He was rambling his life to the savage chelone. Even if the thing didn’t even respond, the simple fact that it was listening was enough for Astir to let his guard down and, let all the things that he was keeping to himself, out of his mind. Without a care of whether or not the humanoid would listen. All he needed at that moment was for his thoughts to get out. Gwalarn was sensing the distress of the young leontopo and was leaning closer to him.
Due to the fact that Astir was facing a humanoid who cut contact with others for so long, he couldn’t resist the urge to spill everything. Two hours had passed before he finished his rambling. Now, he was just shaking slowly, comforting himself with Gwalarn warmness.
The chelone had come closer to them, approximately two meters, while Astir was talking. He was crouching on his leg, like a bird, staring. In his eyes, a glimmer of companionship had appeared. It was as if he was showing compassion for him. Maybe the thing wasn’t a lost cause, maybe he would help them get back on their way.
Sometimes passed before, the thing showed signs of moving. Signifying to the other to follow him. He was trying to communicate with them. It sounds like he was attempting to remember how to speak. Clearing his throat, like vocalised sounds. At some point, he was able to say his name. Kollet. Then he took Astir's hand and made him follow him inside his hut.
Gwalarn was too big to fit inside and just sat at the entrance. Indoors, it was a hotchpotch of dried plants, pots, some food in a corner and something that was probably his bed. A foul smell was wafting off the air from a pile of junk. There were also stalls made out of bones. Well, except for the entrance, the hut was quite big. A part of it was under the earth level. Almost like a cave. Kollet made the leontopo sat on the bed before making big movements. Astir thought that he was trying to say something, but he was wondering what it may be. Kollet loose patience and just grabbed Astir’s clothes to undress him. The adolescent made a move of reject, surprised by the other’s action. Which resulted in a cascade of reaction notably falling off the bed and the other jumping one meter away almost ready to attack.
After calming down, Astir showed his palm to Kollet in sign of appeasement. The chelone looked in his eyes and nodded. He took some herbs and water on a shelf and started to pour them in a bowl before mixing them. Apparently, he was preparing medicine to apply on Astir wounds. Which in a way could explain why he was trying to undress him.
Astir didn’t want to be seen and be treated for his wounds by a total stranger who was literally a savage on top of everything. The only thing that made him accept to be cared for, was the fact that Kollet had listened to his story and took him in pity.
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