Rene and I were left alone. The sun was setting, and the room had only dim lights on. People thought I needed to rest. I didn't mind the peace and quiet, and especially the alone time with my boy, but getting some rest wasn't an option. Not after everything I'd just heard.
Jomica... Now that was a name I hadn't paid any mind in... ten years? Part of me didn't quite believe they were back. I didn't want to. But Captain Hale was right. It was impossible to eliminate them all. And Jomica was still holding the title of the worst True Order terrorist organization in our entire country. It had roots everywhere. Of course they would try to make a comeback. And if the rumors were true...
If Ruben Campbell was still alive...
I peered at my fated mate, who lay in my arms, unable to sleep, slowly caressing my chest. My baby boy... What a twist... I couldn't even wrap my head around it. When he said his family was dead... I never could've guessed this was the past he was talking about. I'd thought his family had fallen victims to True Order, not that his family was the worst of True Order, slain by...
Right... Ruben Campbell's worst enemy. The army dog that spent years hunting him down, killing his men and associates, and stopping their plans. The man who eventually shot Campbell twice, forcing the entire Jomica – or what was left of it – into hiding.
Captain Tom Hale. The hero of our people.
Now... could I still trust him? I had the son of Campbell in my arms, the son of the very man Tom hated the most in this world. I was willing to say yes. He could've taken Rene from me when I was out. He could've taken him from me easily after learning his real name. But he didn't. He also knew I would be far from helpful if he took my mate from me.
And if the rumors were true, he, too, was protecting someone who used to belong to Campbell.
"You all right, baby boy?" I asked, slowly caressing his arm.
"I... don't know..." he whispered back.
"Oh, my sweet baby... It's been a rough couple of days, but you were so brave. I'm so proud of you, my darling boy..." I muttered and kissed his temple.
"What if they try again...?" he whispered, shivering.
"Baby... You have nothing to worry about. I'll protect you," I promised. "They can't get to you."
"It's you I'm worried about," he said, his hand moving a little closer to my shredded side. "I can't lose you."
"And you won't," I said. "Now that we know we're being targeted, they can't surprise us ever again."
"But they wouldn't be after you if–"
"No, baby, don't go there. You're my mate, my soulbound. You're mine to protect. And killing terrorists is a dear hobby of mine. This is my city. I'm the number one evil here now. Even if I'd never met you, I'd still be out there, hunting them," I told him.
"But you wanted to retire," he said.
"Or I could stay and make sure everyone will remember me as the mafioso even Jomica was afraid of," I said. "Now that would be a suitable way for me to retire."
"Well... I guess it's good to have goals in life," he muttered, making me laugh.
I moved a little so I could see his beautiful face. He looked up at me, our eyes meeting. I smiled at him and kissed his forehead.
"We'll be fine. We even have the army watching our back now," I told him.
He didn't say anything. He rested his head back down and hugged me tighter, his entire body curling around me.
"You and I will be fine," I whispered. "Try to sleep, baby. We're safe here."
"I can't..." he murmured. "What if you're gone when I wake up?"
"Baby... I'll be right here next to you," I told him. "I promise, I'm fine now, and there's half an army patrolling the hallways, so no one can get to us."
"Unless they blow up the entire hospital..." he whispered.
"Baby..." I breathed out, holding him as tightly as my weak body could.
"Sorry..." he mumbled.
I sighed lightly. I couldn't really tell him they wouldn't bomb this place, because that was exactly what these sick bastards did. Half of this city was still in ruins because of Jomica. They'd definitely blow up the entire block just to get rid of us two.
"I think they want you alive, though, so they wouldn't do that while you're in here," I ended up saying.
"I don't think they do," he said. "They didn't care who they were shooting at. I think... I think they want to silence me."
"Really?" I asked with a frown.
"It's been years, but I still know too much," he muttered.
"Like what?"
"Like where my father could be hiding," he whispered.
I froze for a brief moment, staring at him. "Do you know... where your father could be hiding?"
He shrugged. "I still remember his allies. I still remember his hideouts."
I nodded slowly, then kissed him again. "Let's not worry about any of that right now, okay? I'm sure the army is making sure no one gets even close to this building."
"Yeah, I suppose..."
"That's my good boy. Just close your eyes for me, okay? I'll watch over you," I muttered, caressing his shoulder soothingly.
"Okay..." he whispered and made himself comfortable before doing as I asked.
"You'll be all right, baby..." I muttered and kept telling him soothing things until he finally fell asleep.
Poor boy... He must've been exhausted. Had he gotten any sleep in the past three days while I was here? I doubted. He was so pale... It didn't really take him long to fall asleep either...
I tried to follow his example and get some rest, but my cursed mind was on overdrive, not letting me fall asleep. I couldn't stop thinking about... well, everything. That was why I was glad when I saw someone behind my door, though I'd wished it would be Francis to accompany me. No, it was the hero of our people checking up on me.
He didn't enter the room, though. He stood behind the glass, using body language to ask me if I was all right. I gestured for him to step in.
"You need something?" he asked.
"Company, I suppose," I said quietly. "I'm driving myself nuts trying to understand what's going on."
He nodded and came to sit down next to my bed. "I always have time for an old friend."
"But my baby is sleeping, so don't wake him up," I said sternly.
He raised his hands up with a bow. "Wouldn't dare to."
"Good," I said. "We are still friends, right?"
"You know my answer. Of course we are," he said, sounding almost hurt that I doubted him.
I smiled at him. Of course we were… Even after all this time, and everything we and this world had gone through…
I nodded, caressing my boy's shoulder. "So you wouldn't take my mate from me just because of who he is?"
"He's Rene Mercer. Why would I care about some random old man's fated one?" he asked, grinning.
"I'm being serious, Tom," I said quietly, and he breathed out with a nod.
"No. I would never take your mate, nor would I let someone else take him," he said, his expression now serious. "He's just a victim in my eyes. He's got nothing to do with our enemy."
"Indeed," I said, sighing.
"To be fair..." Tom muttered, smiling a little. "I trust you more than I trust most of the people in my army."
"Is that why you keep asking for my help?"
"Yup. Funny, isn't it?"
"I'd be laughing if my guts weren't falling out," I said. "No. It's not funny at all. We are the mafia, Tom. We're not supposed to be the go-to guys for the good guys."
He laughed at my words. "What a world we live in... But you know we have thousands of people in this army, right? What are the chances there's not a single terrorist supporter in it? Considering nine out of ten people are alphas?"
I clicked my tongue. "Yeah, I don't like those odds."
"And I've known you for much, much longer than I've known... Well, any of them," he said. "It's a simple decision, really. You can get to places we never could, and you're a great fighter. So are your men. A bit old, yes, but still, great fighters."
I snorted in amusement, then let out a deep breath. "I must admit, I'm a little embarrassed for getting caught like that."
"They knew what they were doing," he said. "We found evidence they'd been watching your house for days."
"For days?" I said, then realized something. "Fuck me..."
I let out a groan. "I think Rene's alpha knew all along. It hated my yard. It couldn't relax at all. That night when we got attacked, his alpha was especially upset."
"It's possible he's much more sensitive to terrorist threats than you, yes," Tom said.
"Goddamnit... I should've taken him seriously..."
"Don't beat yourself up because of it. Your mate saved your ass. He did well protecting you while trying to stop the bleeding at the same time," Tom said, peering at my sleeping boy. "You have a good mate there."
"Thanks. I am so proud of him," I said, watching Rene for a moment as well. "I don't know if I even want to ask, but... How bad is it? My injury?"
"Well... I do have a picture," he said tentatively.
"Let me see it," I said, so he grabbed his phone. "Don't tell me you took a selfie with me bleeding out in the background."
"No," he said, chuckling. "I needed a picture of the crime scene."
He gave me the phone, and I braced myself to see the condition I was in. "Damn... I survived that?"
"You sure did," Tom said. "If I'm being honest... No one really believed you'd make it."
There was... a lot of blood. Everywhere. I couldn't really tell, but it looked like my side was quite literally shredded.
I stared at the picture and remembered my dream. "This may sound stupid, but I think I was at the gates already."
"The gates?"
"You know... Heaven," I said, giving the phone back, then turned to look at my sleeping beauty. "But I heard his voice... calling to me." Tom didn't laugh, so I peered at him. "Probably just a fever dream... Right?"
"Who knows," he said with a shrug.
I nodded slowly. "Do you know when I'll be getting out of here?"
"It's going to take at least a few more days, depending on how fast you can heal," he said. "Do you even have a place to go? I can arrange something for you."
"I think we'll stay with Francis and his mate for now. They have this really nice place, and a big guestroom," I said. "Rene's going to love Tanya. And she will spoil him rotten... She spoils everyone."
"I remember, yes," Tom said with a chuckle. "Do you need bodyguards?"
"I think my boys can handle that, but thanks," I said. "Man, do I have news for them..."
Tom laughed.
"Anyway," I said, peering at the clock. "I guess I should let you get going. I think I'm finally ready to fall asleep."
"You do that," Tom said, getting up from his seat. "I'll come visit you in the morning."
"Sure. Night, Tom."
"Night, Michael."
I watched him leave my room and close the door. He exchanged a few words with the soldiers standing behind my door, and then left.
I took a deep breath and made myself comfortable next to my mate. I watched his peaceful sleep, breathing in his rosy scent. I felt better. I felt... optimistic.
"Jomica has nothing on us," I whispered to Rene, even though he was asleep. "When we get out of here, I'll show you why. I'll show you my empire, and it's old. It's older than you and I."
These little wannabe criminals had nothing on us.
We were the true evil in this city.
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