"Is everything ready, Arete?" Han asked who had just finished writing a book that he would send to the library of each country they were going to.
"Yes. Faier and I have fixed everything that can be fixed." She sat next to Han, "Han."
"Hmm? I'm still working on something."
"Can we find some Paulownia wood?"
"What for?"
"I want to make a musical instrument."
"Interested in learning how to play?"
"Yes. Actually..."
"Dad, what's that on your lap?"
"Oh this? This is a guitar." Her father made a sound out of it, "it's a musical instrument."
She looks closer, "it has six strings!"
"Yes. It can be played by strumming or plucking each string while your finger is pressing against selected strings near the fret so it will create a different note."
"That's amazing! Can you teach me how to play with it?!" She jumps happily.
"Of course. After you finish your homework."
"You're no fun, dad!" She pouts as she goes back to writing.
"So you love music the moment you hear about it?"
"Yes." She smiled longingly, "even though I went to the orphanage and spent my first year as a teenager there, I still love music. It's like whenever I can't say what I feel, by singing, you can feel yourself moving forward knowing people will know it."
"It's a beautiful explanation, Arete." He added his signature at the back of the book he wrote.
"Now I learned how to manipulate my spiritual energy... If I can make the instrument I want to use, can I combine half of my spiritual energy inside my musical instrument? Like... It will be my weapon."
"Oh. That's a great choice. What are you going to do? Smack the enemies with that instrument!" He holds his laughter.
"Oh hell. Not that! Like I'll kill them by listening to my music! I'm not good enough at fighting!"
"Here we go again with doubting ourselves." He sighs, "You have a talent. All you need to do is improve."
"... You're feeling sorry."
"I'm not? I'm literally not in the mood to pretend."
"Oh... Okay." She smiles softly and looks down, "thank you, Han."
"We're back — I know you're awake." Lobin slams the door open.
"Lobin! Lily!" Arete stands up and runs up to them, "How are you guys?!"
"Arete, you're awake now?! How did that happen?!" Lily holds the woman's hands, overjoyed seeing her all fine.
"Let's say... A friend of mine helped me get through the comatose stage." She laughs.
"How's Buya's leader?" Han looked sternly at Lobin.
"I killed him and cut him into pieces. Lily underwent as a spy for three days and she's great at it. No one suspects a thing. She also fought against the revenants —"
"HAN! ARETE! DO YOU KNOW THAT LOBIN IS KORYN?!" Lily said with excitement.
Han laughs, "yes. We've been partners since my teenage years."
"Huh? Koryn?"
"For your information, Lily, Arete is from a different world. She's not familiar with other Gods because she's focused on the creator himself." Han explained.
"But you know other Gods that maintain the other creations exist right?" Lily turns to her.
"Yes. I just... I just treat the creator as my father since my old man died." She smiled, "When I was in the orphanage, I always declared to my fellow kids that he's my father until the day I die."
"You're a devoted follower of our creator, the father." Lobin smiled, "that's great to know that someone doesn't blame him for something atrocious."
"I wouldn't do or say that! Well, technology and science exist but thanks to his creations, humans evolved and use the present materials to build their own civilization."
"Hey! Hey! I'm late but — woah! We're complete now!" Faier arrives at the scene and is happy to see Lobin and Lily.
"Fairer! I did my job pretty well!" Both Lily and Faier tried to hug each other but failed.
Arete laughs and turns to Lobin, "so... What kind of God are you, Lobin?"
"Oh. They called me the God of fire and violence."
"Fire and violence... So... The source of Han's unlimited magic is from you?"
"No. He achieved that by himself a long time ago. When he's saying a prayer for me to guide him back then, that's the only time I'll let him borrow my powers."
"That's awesome! Your partner is a God!"
Han smiles, "he's a great partner of mine. Him and Jayen are unbeatable."
Arete, "so you know what kind of person Jayen is."
Lobin, "Yes. He can be wicked if he reaches his limit but when he's in his normal state, he's the purest man on Iryankka."
Lily, "so if we find him, we can connect some dots on why Leruji and some cult is using his song?"
Arete, "....."
Han, "....."
Lobin, "....."
Faier, "Yay! Lily is coming with us!"
"Why are the three of them quiet?" Lily raises her eyebrows.
Arete, "....."
Han, "....."
Lobin, "....."
"They're quiet because remember the weeks you've been with us? You're like a mother in our group, scolding and smacking our backs!" Faier expands his arms while laughing.
Arete, "Mother hen."
Han, "Tuk! Tuk! Tuk!"
Lobin, "Isn't the sound, bawk bawk bawk?"
Han, "sounds like bark. So awkward."
Lobin, "it's not."
Arete points at Lily, "Mother hen."
Lily's cheeks became red, "I... I'm not!"
After several hours to take care and eat, they decided to go to the other district of Ridav. They have many more to fight, especially there are seven districts that they will go to.
As the five of them walked, Arete and Han were behind the three.
"Han... Thank you for saving me." She blurted out, "I... I became friends with Lobin, Lily and even little Faier. I'm alive because of you."
Han looks at her. A small smile spread across Han's lips as his eyes lit up from it, he couldn't hide his happiness. He quickly embraced her from her back, his body tightly wrapping around hers.
"Don't die on me, Arete. Alright?"
"....." She ruffles his hair, "I won't. We'll be together, Han."
"I can't afford to lose any more people in my life."
"I will go back to you every time fate decides to take me away."
"I'm your student. Your comrade. Your friend. You inspired me even though sometimes you're stubborn." She smiles.
"You really have a way with your words, don't you?"
Lobin, "We get it, you guys are in love."
The two of them turned their heads and those three were staring at them.
Arete, "We're not! Stop making conclusions!"
Han, "So... You hate me?"
Han goes to Lobin's side and starts wiping his imaginary tears, "Lobin, she doesn't love me anymore!"
Lily, "so you love him?"
Faier, "oh my goodness!"
"Ouch." Han holds his chest, "Lobin, my poor heart!"
The other sighs and flicks his fingers into his forehead, "let's get going."
Han rolls his eyes and goes back to Arete's side, "how's my acting just now?"
"Am I not the actor of the year? That's what everyone on earth calls right?"
"You're not an actor, Han. You're a magician."
"Who can kill anyone." He winks at her.
"You really can't say anything serious, can't you?"
"I can. Although, I prefer to tell jokes most of the time." He put both of his arms behind his head, humming.
"You're unreadable, Han."
"That's good so no one can know my weaknesses, but.." He glances at Arete.
"There is no going back after this point. No matter how much you beg and plead with me to turn back the time."
"Huh? Are you giving me a warning?"
"Yeah. No worries, I will stay with you... Until the world of Sera has ended..... Even if you turn against me one day, I will stay with you.."
"That's sacrificial. Don't do that, stupid."
"Well, if I lose you, I think I might break."
"Don't worry. I will lead the team to light. I will make sure, history will not repeat." She raises her fist, smiling so widely.
"If you are that ready to face the threats that await us... Then follow my lead."
"I will until I'll be the one who will make the path for us!"
"You... If you only knew how that sounds!" He turns away in embarrassment.
"Am I making a fool of myself in your ears? Isn't that believable?" Arete furrowed her eyebrows, genuinely confused at Han's reaction.
"I mean, it's like you're the one who will help me get through the harsh reality of what our journey might bring." He laughs awkwardly.
"Oh... Am I too optimistic about our journey?" She laughs with him.
"No! It's not like that!" He waves his hands, "It's... It's like you're... Uh...." His face slowly turns red, "I think my brain is malfunctioning."
"It's like I'm… what? Tell me, Han." She tilts her head slightly, waiting for his answer.
"Never mind. You brat shouldn't meddle with your senior's business!" He looks away again, crossing his arms.
Her expression seemed like she was about to break into a laugh, but it wasn't that hard to tell she was admiring the man as there was a hint of red on her cheeks.
"Are we a background character or something?" Lily groaned, "Those two have been like that for a while. It's irritating."
"Are you bitter?" Faier asked.
"Also, I feel like they seemed like they were flirting, but they're saying their promises." Lobin cuts in, in the conversation, "Han lost everything when he's a child. Arete too. Well, Arete only knew me just recently but I've been watching and listening to their conversations a lot."
Lily looks back at the two who keep praising each other, "They are good at pretending."
"Right? It's their mask and they're not ready to take that off. Well, now that you're staying with us, you can wait until they share a story with you." Lobin shrugged.
"Oh... Okay."
They rode in the cart with the haystack at it. Faier navigates supernatural energy with Lobin. Lily and Han are talking about improving her defense because now she's in the team permanently, she needs to keep up with them.
"Hey, sir." Arete called the person driving the cart.
"Yes ma'am?"
"Pacu. Third district of Ridav. Have you heard of any supernatural phenomena? The four of us are actually fighters and magicians. We came here to help people in need." She flashes a smile that is friendly towards the stranger.
"Ah yes. Three are in charge of the entire seven districts of Ridav. The two generals died. They were ambushed by the corrupt politicians who were beneath them. During those five years, it was rumored that they became revengeful ghosts. The leaders of each district start sacrificing people to calm them down."
"Are they sacrificing civilians? It will be better if it's the rotten people since there's no turning back from their sinful deeds."
"Sadly the sacrifices are civilians, ma'am."
She clenched her fist, trying to compose herself even though her nails were digging into her palm, "Then the leader of Pacu does the same?"
"Pacu district doesn't have a leader, ma'am. A tall building has appeared that people who have entered it say is full of curses and monsters. That controls the whole of Pacu."
"Controlling its people and their lives? Did someone show up? Like a shrine priest and a cult?"
"Nothing appeared like that, ma'am."
"So how does that building control people and their lifestyle?"
"The monsters that live inside are not the district's source of energy. The strength of the monsters are based on people's emotions."
"So even though the civilians tried to fight those, they lost because they were against themselves?"
"Yes. Pacu is cursed."
"How come you're calm about this?"
"... Well... You said the four of you are magicians and fighters." The man grips into the handle tightly, "I... I just want everyone to live normally and in peace."
"I swear to my name, to the world of Earth. I'll try my best to save this district." She pats the old man's shoulder.
"Thank you... What's your name, little girl?"
"Oh. I'm Arete." She smiled softly.
"Arete... I will remember your name... After this journey to my district... You can ask anything from me and I'll try to give it to you as a compensation."
"Oh no! I'm helping people without anything in return. It feels lighter when you do that."
"So pure yet ambitious..." He looks at his front, "Pacu district is in front of you Arete."
In front of her was a gate full of vines and blood. Skeletons were scattered over the ground. It's like an abandoned mansion if you describe it from a horror movie and Earth's perspective. Just from that view, you will notice how wrong the situation is. She will encounter another danger yet she's positive that she will come out alive.
"Xian. Guide me." She closes her eyes to pray for herself and for the team.
"Arete." He called her.
"We're here." She answered, "Sir. Are you familiar with Paulownia wood? That will be the only thing I'll ask from you."
"I don't know such... Hmm..." The old man thinks for a while, "I'm familiar with Pavlovnia wood. It's also called a princess tree. Why do you need such wood?"
"I'll make a musical instrument. I'll enhance its use by putting some of my spiritual energy inside so I can use it in battle."
"Oh... What a coincidence, I'm a carver. I can make you the instrument you have in mind."
Han laughs a little and hands her a blank paper with a pen. She starts illustrating guqin and the designs she wants on it.
"Here. I don't know where to find strings but I think we can provide it after the mission."
"This instrument seems heavy."
"Indeed. If you carry it in the wrong way, you'll have a backache!" She laughs loudly.
"All right. I will do this and hand it to you once we see each other again."
The five of them got off the cart and waved to the departing old man.
"Everyone..." She took a deep breath in, "We're here. There's no cult or Leruji here. Only a curse from the monsters that control the district."
Lobin, "They will face a God's wrath."
Lily, "I'm ready to strike one."
Faier, "Moral support!"
Han, "Let's gather information and act like nothing happened, okay?"
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