In the end, Lily and Lobin still made a plan. This plan will only work if Lily won't let her emotions get to her. The girl clarified that in her experience as a knight, she knows when to strike.
She has a knife under her skirt, since it will be obvious when she hides a sword there. Lobin told her that he will watch from afar since Sera is also a magic based world.
In the district of Buya, they need a knight who can act as their guard and a servant. Basically, an all around. Lucky for Lily whose hobby is to get the houses and apartments clean, it's a great thing for her.
The head of the servants didn't say much to their new recruits. They just introduced them to other workers, some places where they need to go and some that are forbidden.
Three days have passed, she's been observing everyone's movements and it's all the same. First, a bell will ring to wake them up and put on their uniforms. Second, they will go to their assigned places and do the chores. Third, they will eat leftovers left by the nobles while listening to unrecognizable prayers. Surprisingly, she's not affected at all. Fourth, they will clean the basement that has a stench of rotting flesh. Fifth, the other servants' eyes are lifeless and will not do anything against the orders unless it is necessary.
"This one may be the sacrificial site." She furrowed her eyebrows, ignoring the horrible smell that is entering her nose and even sending chills on her entire body.
After she cleaned the basement, she was about to leave when she saw the majority of the servants going to the basement. They sang a lullaby made by Jayen.
‘That's Han's friend's song! I should alert Lobin right now!' She looked around and behind her, before she made a move because sometimes, when people make a resolution, they forget to be aware.
'Good. Now there's no one, I should get moving.' She thought and quickly left the basement.
Lobin was outside the mansion, he was hiding in a tree branch, sitting there while monitoring Lily's movements for the past few days.
"She got something. I should move now." He teleported to the garden where he spotted Lily. He smiled when he saw that Lily was looking for him like a lost child.
"Lily." He taps her shoulder.
"Mother of sweetness!" She lifted her skirt to get the knife, "Oh, Lobin."
"You don't care if someone sees your undergarments, don't you?" He raised his eyebrow, amused.
"Well, first of all, you scared the hell out of me. You're like a ninja. Second, who the hell would sneak on your comrades like that?!"
"For sure, Only me." He grins at her.
"Don't look so proud! You almost gave me a heart attack!"
"Alright, I'm sorry. Now, what did you find about this place?"
She told him what's happening every time they wake up before, during and after work. She added the recent one where the other workers are singing Jayen's lullaby.
"Unrecognizable prayer huh. They must have established a cult because of Leruji."
"That crazy son of a-" Lily took a deep breath in, "I will not let my emotions control me. I should be able to get through this."
"Nice mindset." He taps her shoulder and turns his back on her, "Change your clothes now. Your gathering of information ends here."
"So I'll change in front of you?"
"God, no." His eyes widened.
"You said, I'll change my clothes now."
"Ugh. You woman... Never mind."
In the inn's backyard, Arete is trying to find an opening to Han's defense. They started training her physical state. Han paid the owner enough to let them train there.
"I can beat you, Han!"
"Then do it." Han laughs, mocking her.
"You..." She taps her shoes several times before launching towards Han, punching him in every direction. Only one of her eyes was seen by him since most of her hair is covering her face. She's serious in this training and was half glad that Han didn't make it easy for her.
"Your speed improved. That's a good sign, but you're still not making my face bleed." Han dodges every attack and kicks her in the stomach. Of course, she flew into the trees.
She coughs blood and trembles because of the impact.
"Arete." Faier was stirring the juices so when the two decided to take a break, they would be refreshed.
"Stand up, Arete. I thought you wanted to be strong and lead a team?" Han puts his hands on his pockets, smiling.
"You're not holding back —" she coughs, "I'm impressed."
"My students back in Iryankka experienced torture. I was different back then, I'm easy on you."
"No you aren't!" She slides her right foot back to give herself a boost to attack Han again, "I'll land an attack on you!"
"Then it will be another improvement. Just continue doing training." He immediately teleports in the air because he can feel Arete is using the magic he gave her, focusing on her fist. He might receive a major blow from it.
"Oi, that's cheating!" She jumps, trying to fly like him.
"Oh right. I forgot. I'm supposed to be your punching bag for today."
"No. You said, we'll spar. It's a mutual fight, not one sided."
He went back down behind Arete and she took that chance to swing her elbow to smash his face. He wasn't twice her size, but she put all her weight on her legs and elbow to land that attack.
Han flew into the tree where Arete also was thrown. He always knows Arete has a talent in fighting but with proper technique, she will be able to execute it perfectly.
"Nice move, Arete." He wipes the blood coming out of his mouth.
"Thank you. We'll give ourselves a treatment later. Come at me —"
Han is already in front of her and punches her chest. Her head screams pain and dizziness. She ignored it and pulled his arm, folded her thigh and leg and that's when she kicked Han in the stomach using her knee.
Han smirked, "Nice move, but I still have my left hand." He proceeds to knock Arete on the back of her neck.
"Cheater—" then she fell to the ground.
Arete woke up after an hour. She realized she's lying on Han's lap who's humming.
"I lost again." She whispers.
"You're awake. You've got enough rest. Do you want a second round?"
"How come you always win even though I got you cornered?"
"It's just I'm invincible."
"So I'm lucky to have you in my team. Am I supposed to feel grateful?"
"As you should."
"So boastful. What am I going to do with you?" She laughs.
Han smiles and brushes her hair away from her face, "You're still beautiful."
"I mean, when I saw you at the front of the Palace of Wisdom."
"Basically, I'm still young since time can't be applied."
"Our body doesn't age in the Palace of Wisdom, it restores your current appearance. Only the mind matures."
"So I'm still twenty two years old, right? By body?"
"You're twenty two?" He blinked at her several times.
"Why? Am I too old?" She said, annoyed.
"No. I thought you're like twenty. I guess an invincible like me can make mistakes." He chuckles.
Her eyes widened. The light coming from the sun didn't help because she knows it's obvious how red she is from Han's genuine reaction.
"Arete? Are you okay? Your face is red." He leans in.
"No! I'm fine!" She sits up and slaps herself, "The sun is making me feel uncomfortable. Maybe an allergic reaction."
"That's the first time I've heard about it."
"Well, you're too focused on reading and traveling across dimensions."
"Okay? Geez, you're being —"
"What? Annoying? Insufferable? I know!" She crosses her arms, looking away from him.
"Huh? Did anyone from earth make you feel like that? I wasn't going to say that."
"Then what?"
"It was defensive. I just thought you're old enough to work, then you said the sun is giving you allergic reactions, so yes." He shrugged.
"But why is your face red? Did I do something wrong?"
"Huh?! Why does it make you think it's because of you huh?! Are you that assuming?!"
"Maybe? I'm perfect after all." He sways his hair left and right.
"Anyway, Lobin and Lily went out."
"You told me that several days ago."
"Did I? Oh my. I'm really forgetful." He smiles.
"Can you stop?" She covers his mouth.
"Can you stop smiling for a while? You're making me feel something I don't know about." She bit her lower lip.
"Okay, now, love birds. Stop flirting." Faier sighs, "You two have been talking and ignoring me while I'm here, listening! Can you two just get together already?! I should've gone with Lobin and Lily!"
Arete, "me? In love with this shit?"
Han, "I'm a handsome shit, Arete."
Arete, "How can you turn that shit into a more disgusting statement?"
Han, "It's my talent."
Arete strangled him, "You piece of crap! I've been dealing with you and you don't want to stop?!"
"Harder, Arete~" he winks at her to make her lose control. He always finds it amusing that she's somehow more beautiful when those other emotions come out.
Her ears reddened, "YOU! I'LL KILL YOU!"
"STOP IT YOU TWO!" Fairer scolded them.
Back to the main office of Buya district. Lily and Lobin discover that the recruited people are being sacrificed in the ritual that the nobleman is doing. They knocked down the loyal guards and servants so they got an answer to another question that was still on their minds.
Now, they run to the basement. Naturally, Lobin will hold her to teleport. That's the easiest way but the man wants a grand entrance from the door of the basement. Lily smacked him using the handle of her sword.
"Lobin, you have a way to talk to Han, right?"
"Yes. Why?"
"Shouldn't we talk about this to him?"
"I'm his trusted comrade. Everything that I do will benefit him. He knows that."
"All right. I will trust your judgment —" she stopped running when Lobin blocked his arm in front of Lily, "What's wrong, Lobin?"
"They're starting. I can feel them already." He seemed angrier than expected.
"Who are they — woah!" Lobin pulls her closer, "Lobin? What's wrong? Can we fight someone else besides the leader of Buya?"
"We can't fight against humans."
"Wear this." His free hand gives her a necklace.
"Is it supposed to protect me?"
"You're correct. Whatever you find in the basement, I hope you will leave with me alive."
"I'm nervous about what you're saying, Lobin."
"Are you ready to fight? To die for honor?"
"Yes. As a knight, it's my duty to protect the civilians." She said, her eyes are full of determination.
"That's good. We'll teleport right away."
They are in the basement. Lobin's suspicions were correct. There are demonic creatures that come out of the portal where the souls of the servants are being absorbed. Lily immediately composed herself and put on the necklace given by Lobin.
"Revenants." Lily draws her sword, pointing at those creatures, snaps it forward, leaving Lobin's side.
"Who are you?! What are you doing here?!" The nobleman screamed in horror.
"Koryn is here." Lobin smiled creepily.
"In the scale of justice, your actions pointed to the ruthless side. I hope you don't mind." He summons his two metal poles that release smoke from both ends.
"Even if you're Koryn, the ritual is finished! You can't stop this, useless God!"
"The number one I love is insulting a God in front of them." He turned the metal poles, "So you can see for yourself how humans will come back to your side and beg for their lives."
"Save your scream while I strike you with my judgment." His eyes glowed like a raging fire in the woods, "You killed innocent people, you messed with me who loves humanity."
After Lobin spun the two metal poles, it released smoke which he lit so it would fly in the nobleman's direction.
"Careful, my fire will burn your rotten mind." He scoffs. He united the two poles, creating an appearance close to a spear and thrust it into the nobleman's body swiftly. After doing that, he repeatedly slashes his body until it becomes pieces.
"You messed with the wrong God, bastard." He wipes the blood off his cheek. He turns to Lily who's dodging the revenants' attacks even though she has a protection charm. Most of the time, she's in her defensive stance, blocking their attacks with her sword, not backing off.
She charges directly at them, cornered by them, still maintaining her balance both upper and lower body. She lifts her sword and slashes those with such force. She immediately rotates the way she holds it and cuts the others sideways, bending her knee to support her weight.
"I can do this all night! Just bring them back to us!" She's referring to the souls.
"I should have talked to its guardian, but I've been exiled. No one will listen." Lobin sighs.
She did the split when the revenants tried to grab her head. Their timing was off because she grabbed its feet and made them lose their balance.
He smiled brightly, he reached those creatures, spreading the fingers of his right hand, "Go back to the underworld, peasants. You don't belong here." A wildfire surrounded them, absorbing them to the portal and returning some souls that can be returned.
Lily couldn't believe what she was seeing, "Lobin?"
He didn't answer and he continued to take the souls of the servants, "even though I'm as violent as Koryn, I love humans. I can separate the good from the evil."
"Koryn... Lobin is a God..." Her eyes widened.
"Lobin, stop it! Even a God can feel weak if they use too much of their power!"
"I have to take back the souls they took."
"You've done enough! We can't have many wandering souls here in our world! They will be revengeful!"
"Right. I didn't think of that." He forcefully closed the portal and sat down, "I'm sorry. I lost control there."
"No. You did great. Thank you."
"You're amazing back there, Lily. You need a promotion."
"They're revenant. They're undefeated when you're just using mortal instruments but when you put your energy, magic onto it, you will make a change."
"Great observation." He untied his hair to release some tensions in his head, "they will also wake up. Their souls are back to their respective bodies."
"You're amazing, Koryn."
He laughs softly, "You and Han only say that name directly to me."
"Oh. Is it forbidden?"
"No. Not at all. It's just, in my current condition, I prefer to be called Lobin. I'm living with the mortals now. The past, it may be cruel or beautiful, it should be remembered but it should not stay there because you have a journey to make to reach your dream."
"Lobin." She smiles, "you're right. I think I don't hate your guts now."
"Is it because you know that I'm Koryn?"
"Who knows? Just be grateful to this mortal."
He laughs again, "I'm grateful to you, o mighty knight of Ridav that belongs to the world of Sera."
"I'm one of the Gods after all."
"Should we go back to Han and report what happened?"
"Yes. I don't think these people don't need an explanation for what had happened since it would be bizarre for them to hear that we fought against the revenants." He scratches his head, laughing awkwardly.
"You have a point there." She reaches for his hand, "Let's go, Koryn."
"You called my name again. Don't tell me you're becoming one of my followers?" He joked.
"After what you did? Maybe I am. I'll be your most devoted follower."
He looked away and accepted her hand, 'Maybe... Using my Koryn side isn't so bad after all.'
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