After Lobin returns to his human form, he looks at his hand, "Koryn... That side of me died a long time ago. I'm living as Lobin now." But the thought of going against nature's laws to protect Han again never leaves his mind.
"What if I have to hug that side of me? as Koryn...? I vow to Han that I will stand beside him."
"...Lobin?" Lily whispered.
He looks at her whose eyes are still shut and ears covered.
"We gathered enough information." He stands up and carries Lily in his arms and disappears from the burning inn.
They are both in the air. Lobin watched as the fire spread to other establishments. He gently removed one of Lily's hands on her ear.
"Lily, it's done."
"Lobin...?" She slowly opens her eyes.
"I punished Jowan, the owner, for his cruel deeds."
"Well... Let's say... Underworld is happy to welcome their own kind."
"... How do you manage to do that without feeling sorry for people?"
"To punish them for what they did? Fair judgment."
"They have emotions. They have to receive a second chance. Life's journey is long. They can still learn. Why... Why is it easy for you to take back their lives?" She looks down, heart beating so fast because of her emotional statement.
"The journey of life is indeed long. Humans have enough time to correct their mistakes, to search for redemption and yet they continue being sinful and unrepentant."
"... Are you even a God to say that so harshly? You don't know the struggle to stay alive."
"Who knows? Let's get out of here. We'll start tracking those officials."
"Aren't we going to create a plan?" She asks.
"No. It will take so much time. Besides, we're talking about stealing people's souls to offer it to some generals who only want to avenge their unjustified deaths."
She looks at his unwavering red eyes. It's hypnotizing and she looks away to catch her breath for a moment.
"... Nothing. Let's... Let's go."
"Hold on tight. We're going to the main office in this district so Han and Arete won't have to lift a finger." His hold on her waist tightens.
In the boundless horizon, Arete is laughing with Xian.
"Did that really happen?! That's so hilarious, Xian!" She slaps her thighs.
Xian covers her mouth and laughs softly, "I'm sure there is a cat like that in the world you've been to, Arete. I tried making the cat stand up, like they will catch the food I'm giving but they shove their bottom into my face instead .”
"I can imagine Han being an idiot like that!" She continues to laugh.
Xian, "?!"
"Oh God. My stomach hurts from laughing too much."
"Did.... Did you say Han?"
"Hmm?" She turned to Xian, "You know Han?"
"... Yes. He's the top student from the academy in Iryankka."
"You know that too?! Being on this horizon really gives you knowledge huh?"
"I guess so. There's no real limitations here. You can see everything here."
Arete's eyes widened, "Everything?! What?!"
"Yes. I can bring you there if you want." Xian stands up, placing her guqin above her arm.
They both walk. The wisteria tree they were sitting on was slowly disappearing from her sight. She could see that other souls were traveling on that horizon.
"First, thank you for teaching me your song. I hope my mind will remember it when I return to Sera."
"That depends on you, Arete. Just like the heart, our soul never forgets because it carries our emotions, memory and principles."
"Is that so? Why do the other souls I see now have no form? They're basically a ball of light."
"When they choose to forget their mortal connection with the other living beings in the world they lived in, they become one with the heavenly bodies."
"That's... Their ending?"
"Yes. Do you want to forget your earthly affairs?"
"No! Ahem — I mean, it's an honor to be a source of everyone's spiritual energy, even each world, but I valued life. I want to learn more about it. May it be cruel or not." She looks away, clearly embarrassed at her sudden outburst.
"That's a normal reaction, Arete. Don't close your heart to feeling those emotions."
"I got it. Thank you for the reassurance, Xian."
As they move away from the souls that are balls of light, the way they pass becomes brighter. The wind is getting stronger. Arete thinks that the wind will blow her away and she doesn't know where to cling to.
"Xian?" She calls.
"Those who didn't become a ball of light, do they go somewhere?"
Her eyes shine, "That's where the Gods and our creator lives, right?!"
"Yes, Arete."
"That's beyond amazing! I want to meet them when I finish my mission… mission…" She stopped talking.
"Arete, what's wrong?"
"If... If I die... Han will be alone... Again..." She clenched her fists, "is... Is there a way to become an immortal?"
"Only the creator himself will answer that question, Arete."
"I told you about Han... Even though he's teasing me, even though sometimes, he's selfish, he's been through a lot."
"You will sacrifice your eternal peace for an immortal? Do you love that man?"
"... No. He's my mentor... My savior and a friend."
"You talked about him like you're ready to sacrifice the whole world for him."
"I just want him to be with someone."
"Be content with what you have, Arete. I'm here now in this place because I'm selfish enough to sacrifice people for some group of… people." Arete noticed how Xian's handgrip on the guqin tightens.
"I really don't have something and someone. Han is the first person who taught and guided me."
"You pitied him."
"No. I'm not. I'm not good with words, but I can assure you that it's not." She smiles.
"All right. I trust your words."
"You seemed protective of me, Xian. Am I reminding you of someone you care about?" She tilts her head slightly as she looks at the woman.
"Not really. I admire how pure your heart is. It's like I'm afraid it will get tainted by corruption."
"Too bad my body and mind are still asleep from the damage."
"If... If I get back here... Will you be here to talk to me again?"
"Yes. My time here is indefinite." Xian reaches for Arete's cheek and caresses it, "We're here."
She saw the fountain surrounded by jungle. There are many different animals and people here. There are also creatures that she reads about in the book, which she thinks are not real. All of this is majestic in her eyes and she doesn't know if she deserves to get to this place.
Xian sat down, "I can see him. Look here, Arete."
Arete followed and sat down. She saw Han with eye bags, holding her hand.
"Han!" Her eyes are full of worries.
"Arete... Wake up... I'm begging you..."
"How many... How many days have I been staying here?" she mumbles, struggling to hide her shock.
"Han... Go to sleep first." Faier said, trying to touch the man's shoulder. Struggling to give comfort.
"Faier... No... I can't stay here... Do I have the ability to wake up, Xian?" She turned to the woman.
"This is a boundless horizon.. There is no door anywhere..." She's already giving up when, "What if I can think of a door that will connect to my body?"
Xian's smile is wide enough for Arete to see it, "That's right. You're intelligent, Arete."
"I will choose you, Arete. I will choose you over anything just please wake up... I fixed all of it so you will not be in pain anymore..." Han brings her hand close to his face.
".... It's like... He can't seem to cry... Xian... What's wrong.. If you're sad, you should cry to reduce the weight you feel, right?"
"One type of grieving is that you can't cry even if you want to let it out. You want all your emotions to come back but it goes to nothing when you force it. You'll feel numb until you stare at nothingness."
"Han... No. I don't want him to lose me. I'm his comrade. I will live with him."
"I'll help you make a gate to your body, Arete."
"... But we're different —"
"Hush, my dear." Xian placed the guqin on her lap and began to play, "Arete, focus on your connection with your body. Connect yourself with the memories you have."
Arete sits in a lotus position on the ground, closes her eyes to focus, letting herself absorb the energy provided by the surroundings.
Under the same sky
In the land we walk on,
Don't let winter cover your golden heart,
Let it beat until it will be heard by people.
As I pluck the strings of my guqin,
I hope you will answer the cries of my soul,
This instrument knocks on the door of ourselves,
Let me in and hear all your queries.
I will spend all my life to connect with people,
I hope it will make them realize their greed,
Under the moon, let us celebrate by being alive,
Let's drink until we forget our problems.
Let the creator hug you, my dear,
It's an equivalent weight for your lack,
You know it's hard to carry it all alone,
Hoping for a better ending.
As I pluck the strings of my guqin,
I hope you will answer the cries of my soul,
This instrument knocks on the door of ourselves,
Let me in and hear all your queries.
I will spend all my life to connect with people,
I hope it will make them realize their greed,
Under the moon, let us celebrate by being alive,
Let's drink until we forget our problems.
Again, I would love to be one with the heavenly creatures,
Be one with the one I love,
To reach the stars and find peace,
I'll play this song until I lose my voice.
As I pluck the strings of my guqin,
I hope you will answer the cries of my soul,
This instrument knocks on the door of ourselves,
Let me in and hear all your queries.
I will spend all my life to connect with people,
I hope it will make them realize their greed,
Under the moon, let us celebrate by being alive,
Let's drink until we forget our problems.
Arete's surroundings lit up, forming a cylinder shape as a path, as well as her body.
"Is... Am I finally connecting to my body?!" She smiles.
"Yes, Arete. It seems like my song went through. I'm glad."
"I... Xian... If you ever go back to your body... Please find me." She starts tearing up, "I'm in the world of Sera. Please find me. I'll be waiting for you."
"If I don't... I hope we can see each other again in the afterlife. I don't mind talking to you for a lifetime."
"If... If things go south, I'll be here. I'll walk and walk until I find you, okay?!" It was as if her soul was being absorbed back into her body.
"We have a promise then."
Xian was left all alone now. She sits on the ground, slowly hugging her guqin, "I should've made this one a gift for her."
The 'portal' made by both Xian and Arete was slowly cracking because Arete is back on her body. She opens her eyes, feeling tired, but no signs of sickness.
She looks over to her side, "... Han?"
The man immediately raised his head and looked at her, "....Arete?"
She smiled a little, "Where's my welcome hug, teacher?"
"ARETE!" Faier tried to hug her but went through her body and she felt a chill, "WE WERE SO WORRIED ABOUT YOU!"
"I'm sorry for worrying you —" Han pulled her into a tight hug. She felt the man shaking so she didn't say anything after that.
"I... I don't know what to do... I don't know how to fix you... I tried everything but you're not waking up... I... Felt scared again.. . Don't... Don't do this to me." He keeps pausing by gasping for air, trying not to cry.
"Han..." She caresses his back, "I'm here now."
"Thank God he brought you back to me..." His hand held the back of her head, making her teary eyed.
"Han... I'm here now."
"I know... You're one of the strongest women I know... I'll fight anyone for you. I'll protect you. I... I —"
"I didn't know my teacher would be so concerned about me." She joked.
Faier pouts, "He didn't eat and sleep at all, Arete. He doesn't care about anything else."
She pulls out of the hug, "Is... Is that true?"
".... I survived for so many years — Can.. Can we not talk about myself for now?" He pulls her back into his arms, "You're awake and that's all it matters."
"Improve and be stronger than today... And that way, you wouldn't experience a near death situation... Please... I beg you."
"You don't have to beg me for it. I'll do it. I'm willing to fight and learn if that will make me keep on living."
"You..." He stands up, letting her go, "I'll borrow the kitchen and make your favorite meal. Tonkotsu, garlic rice and grilled chicken."
"You're doing so much for an apprentice, Han.." She smiled bitterly, "I can do it myself."
"I had many shortcomings in the past. My friends understand me but I'm still angry with myself. At least this way, I can learn how to sympathize with people." He walks away and leaves.
"Arete." Faier called.
"Yes, little boy?"
".... If... If someday, I'll acquire a body to live in, will I become an immortal like Han?"
"... He suggested that. He'll gather and experiment so I can live here physically."
"That's against the law...!"
"That's what I've said, but... I want to be with you guys. I want to hug and sleep on the bed comfortably. I want to taste food. I want to cry. I want to fight. I want to walk and run. There's so much I want to do."
"You guys embraced my condition. You treated me as an equal and didn't let me feel left out. If you need my help, you two will ask politely. All my life, I've never had that. If Han will be successful in experimenting with the body he'll make, I'll grab that chance."
".... What about the consequences?"
"I'll take it, Arete. If it means to be with Han and you..." He smiled widely.
"You brat..."
"Talking about immortality and the artificial body?" Han raised his eyebrow.
"Oh shit — DON'T SCARE ME LIKE THAT!" Arete throws the pillow that her back is resting on. And as expected, Han dodged it.
"I forgot the list of ingredients." He reaches for a small notebook near their bags.
"Wait... We have bags? I didn't know that?" Arete tilts her head slightly.
"Yes. I'm hiding it when we're fighting."
Arete, "You're really an all around magician, you know?"
Faier, "Yeah. He's so cool! I want to be like him."
Arete, "a self-centered bastard? No way. You're way too precious for that."
Han, "Aww. Arete can't admit that her teacher is the most talented person in every world."
Arete, "Do you want to start a fight, huh?"
Faier, "You just woke up! Don't move!"
Arete, "his dirty mouth is running like waterfalls. I should stitch it."
Han smirked, "Is that your way to touch my lips? How cute."
Arete's ears reddened, "I will make heavens fall on your ass!"
"Be my guest, darling. No one's stopping you." He waves at her and closes the door behind him.
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