“It’s… quite big,” Rene finally said. “Your garden.”
“I’m actually quite proud of it,” I said, looking around as well. “I enjoy sitting here, reading a good book with a glass of good whiskey.”
But I could understand why his alpha was worried. It was a large area with plenty of places to hide or be dragged to without anyone noticing. The former was my fear. The latter his.
It took him a while, but he eventually felt brave enough to go take a look around. I followed him closely as he slowly made his way to the beginning of the pathway that circled around my whole backyard. There, he stopped and turned to look at me, his posture turning timid.
“What’s the matter, baby boy?” I asked, placing my hand on his back.
“Nothing, I just…” he trailed off and shrugged. “My alpha is…”
“Scared?” I asked quietly, and he nodded. “It’s all right. We can stay here and try to show it there’s nothing to be worried about.”
He nodded, but lowered his gaze to the ground and leaned against my side. I wrapped my arm around his shoulders, keeping him next to me.
“It’s all right…” I murmured as I caressed him soothingly. “I’ll protect you.”
He was still so scared… I once again wondered if I was doing the right thing by keeping him with me, or if I should’ve forced him to go with Captain Hale so he’d get the professional help he needed. But the thought of his pained, scared eyes when he’d looked at me, begging me to let him stay with me… Would even professionals be able to help him if he was ripped away from me?
Because we… this bond between us… I think we both already knew the bond between us was going to be an eternal one. We belonged together, and fate had made sure I’d find him. If he wasn’t with me, he would never get better. Not with a broken heart and a shattered, rejected soul.
“Okay… I can do this,” he muttered, looking up again. “I don’t understand why it’s so scared…”
“It’s a new environment,” I said reassuringly. “Lots of open spaces. New scents. New sounds. Your alpha… when you came to me, it was terrified out of its mind. Both of you were. Your alpha simply needs more time and care. Just like you.”
He nodded slowly, then looked around, his timidness fading only a little.
“Come. I’ll be right with you,” I said, taking his hand in mine.
I took half a step down the path, and after a short moment, he followed me. I kept my pace slow as I walked, showing him my flowers and trees and bushes. Little by little, he calmed, and stopped being so wary of his surroundings. It was beautiful to watch. And his smile was slowly returning.
“This way – this is my favorite spot,” I told him as we approached a tall oak right in the middle of the yard. I’d build a cozy little seating area under it with a small fire pit close by.
“This is where I read my books,” I told him, when we stopped under the large branches.
“It looks nice,” he agreed.
“And here…” I muttered, leading him past the fire pit, where my oldest patch of red roses were, the flowerbed shaped like a crescent moon. “These roses have been here longer than me. There used to be an old house where mine is now, but it was taken down years ago. It was in such bad shape it couldn’t be saved. These roses and the oak are all that’s left of the original garden.”
I couldn’t stop smiling when he stopped next to them. These roses were his scent… Now the scent of the roses was stronger, but soon, my baby boy’s would be just as strong, but better.
And he looked beautiful next to them.
I returned my hand to his back to give him comfort and reassurance. He glanced at me, smiled a little, then turned his attention back to the flowers. He carefully reached for one of them, touching the petals gently.
“They’re beautiful. But the spikes are big…” he said.
“Beautiful, yet dangerous. That’s what I like about them,” I murmured, then hugged him lightly. “You know… I actually caught your scent today for the first time. You know what you smell like to me?”
He turned to me in curiosity.
“Roses,” I whispered. “You smell like these roses.”
His eyes sparkled at me, but he quickly turned away. He was still smiling, though. “But I’m not like them.”
“You are beautiful, my darling boy,” I murmured. “And who knows, maybe you’ll be just like them when you’re in full health. Dangerous.”
He snorted lightly, shaking his head, but still, he smiled. “I caught your scent on the first day here,” he said.
“You did…?” I asked.
“Uh-huh,” he said, peering up at me. “Your scent reminds me of candles.”
“Candles?” I repeated.
He nodded lightly. “Candles that light your darkness,” he said. “And gives you warmth.”
I smiled at him and pulled him into a gentle hug. “I actually like that,” I told him.
“Me too,” he whispered against my shoulder, hugging me back. “Because when angered, that little flame can also burn down the world.”
I let out a low chuckle, brushing his cheek with my lips. “I’d do that for you in a heartbeat.”
He looked up at me, his eyes full of emotions. I smiled at him, gently resting my hand on his cheek to brush his skin with my thumb. He brought his hands to my chest, pressing his body against me.
“You are beautiful, baby…” I told him. “And I can’t wait to see you thrive.”
The warmth in his eyes melted me. I brushed his nose with mine, and his eyes fluttered shut when he returned the gesture. The feelings I had for him only grew stronger with each passing second. I pulled back a little to see his face, and he opened his eyes, his gaze quickly finding mine. He brought his chin up with a request…
How could I have turned it down? Slowly, I leaned in… and kissed him. His body turned soft in my arms… He let out a content breath when he brushed his lips against mine, his eyes closed again. And the kiss continued, staying gentle and tentative as we both were still learning how to be together.
He was the braver one, and parted his lips a little, giving me his permission to explore a little. I took the opportunity, pressing my tongue against his lower lip, and he let me in to play. I loved his sweet taste and his hot mouth, but I didn’t dare to stay for too long. Not here, not now. I retreated, then kissed him again, brushing his lips a few times with mine while letting my hands travel on his back.
And eventually, I pulled back to see him. He gave me a shy smile, his cheeks gaining color. I touched his face, smiling, then touched his nose with mine.
“I uh… This may or may not come as a surprise, but…” I muttered, taking in his scent. “I feel very strongly about you.”
He let out a gentle chuckle and touched my face. “Would it be a surprise if I said I feel the same about you?”
I smiled wider and hugged him tighter. “No… But it makes me happy to hear you say that, my little one.”
His smile grew even shyer, and he briefly looked away. So adorable… My little Rene. My beautiful little alpha… Mine… All mine… I’d give him the world…
…and burn it if he didn’t like it.
When he looked back at me, his blue eyes sparkled beautifully. I was filled with so many strong emotions it would’ve scared me if it didn’t feel so right. And it really dawned on me… I’d stopped trying to find him so many years ago, accepting my fate, but here he was now, out of the blue, in my arms.
My soulmate. I’d finally found him.
Psst, follow me on Twitter for updates, schedules, snippets, news, and occasional (nsfw) art
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