They had been walking through the portal for a long time and Arete's feet were hurting. She thought she was hungry and thirsty. She turned to Han and was surprised that the man was fine.
"Han, aren't you tired?"
"When I was young, I am being taught by our teacher who trained us to have a stamina which will last longer because we never knew when disaster would strike."
'So, people didn't expect that the creator would punish them and yet they went over the boundary. They seemed to be stupid.
The conversation cuts off when they both hear whimpering behind them. They turned and saw the bunny stuffed toy. It follows them and wants to come along.
"Go back there." Han scolded.
"Let's take the Bunny with us." She was about to pick it up when she heard Han groan.
"Huh? Are you losing your mind, Arete?" He crossed his arms and raised his right eyebrow, "You might be forgetting that little helper is my creation. When the people of Sera find out that my magic level is higher than theirs, I know they will do something unimaginable." He tossed it into the air and kicked it back to the portal of the library. He closed the connector to the library so there would be no more disturbance.
"That's harsh."
"I just don't want anyone to take advantage of what I have. It's tiring to just give what you have. You have to give and receive."
"... On earth, equality does not exist. Some are poor, some are rich. Some are oppressed, some are powerful."
"That is equality. There is a good outcome. There are some that are not. Equality will only be lost if the rotten creations go for the good outcome. They will twist it in their hands and make trouble."
"... Thank you for the enlightenment. What we are taught when someone is oppressed, it's their fault why someone who is powerful was forced to do it. A realization that because of the rottenness that went to a good outcome without any struggle, it's like a fruit who was near the decaying fruit."
"For the past ten years, I must say, you're pretty intelligent. What were you studying in your world before you became my teacher?"
"Oh... I'm an art student."
"You loved art?! Oh my, Art is the foundation of all jobs in Iryankka!"
"Yeah. That's what I learned when I was young. Sadly, they'll treat you as low class because they say there's no money in art."
"I can destroy the earth anytime now."
"Why do they disregard art, huh? In Iryankka, our ancestors used art to have evidence of where people and animals came from. The book I showed you ten years ago was from one of my ancestors. His family has taken care of the collections of his written books for future generations to learn from."
Arete smiled at the unity of the people in Iryankka. In the earth's present time, officials are vying for the right to have power. The others pay the low class to do the dirty deeds for them and even if they go to jail, it is none of their concern.
"... Is the earth chaotic?"
"... I think it's always chaotic. With the different types of man-made punishment, with the development of trading and money and branches of government, there is disunity."
"Arete... Did you just learn to live with the setup like that?"
She nodded, "You're always afraid to go out at night because you might be mistaken for someone else and get killed. Sometimes even if you're inside your house, you'll still be in danger because there are criminals who will take your belongings and if they find the woman who was in the house at that time, they'll do unpleasant things."
".... Judgment day will come to earth, Arete."
"Like what happened in your world?"
"If the earth is beyond saving, Sera still has a chance. Let's save Sera after we find my colleagues. They're my friends, but I always call them colleagues for formal occasions."
"You're quiet."
"After my parents died, I became lazy. I'm used to waking up, eating, studying, then ending it with a sleep. I didn't take care of myself. When I had a trauma, other people said, it was only in my mind. That I can do it. That sometimes it's just a test. I cut my hair so that I could lose my connection with my family. I'm a shame to my family. I didn't think about myself and I closed my heart to others and now... Now I will save people...."
"You don't have to force yourself. If you think you can't do it, just hide behind me and I'll take care of everything."
"I'll keep that in mind." She bent down and bit her bottom lip.
Han sighs and pats her head.
"By the way... The Palace of Wisdom, why is it outside the universe? Why isn't it part of any other world?"
".... We're here."
As they exited the portal door, the world of Sera was revealed to them. They are outside that world and they are floating. Han immediately created a barrier to prepare themselves for their fall to the ground.
"Han, I'm asking you. Why is the function of the Palace of Wisdom different?"
"You said you wouldn't lie. White lies are used when the situation is dire." She said, annoyed.
"... The Palace of Wisdom, Arete, is a place of seclusion." Han punched the barrier to see if it would fail at human strength level, “All magicians in Iryankka go crazy when they try to reach immortality. According to the teachings of the ancient Iryankka, if you train your body enough to prolong your life, you have to absorb the spiritual energy of heaven and earth."
".... What?"
"Our creator lives there. You only get to that realm when you die or if not, you're not a good person. When you are still alive and want to see and reach that realm, a paradise like Iryankka, you have to undergo training and seclusion so that nothing can distract you from achieving your goals."
"... Can anyone come back?"
"Yes. Those magicians who tried to become immortal and stand beside our creator have gone mad. The head magicians who lead us then find out and send them back to the Palace of Wisdom to die."
Arete covered her mouth. She couldn't figure out what emotion she could show to Han because she was mixed with anger, sadness and disgust at the decision made by the head magicians.
He smiled, "One of them is my parents." He turned and Arete was crying, "Don't be sad for me. Iryankka has been gone for a long time. Let's not waste time on the dead."
"But... They are important to you. Don't you go crazy thinking that you might be the only one alive?"
"I thought so too but here we are."
She held his hand, "... We will protect the people of Sera, Han! No matter what happens, we will save those within our reach!"
"Maybe. All right, as long as we can." He pointed to the world facing them using his other hand, "Let's fall here. I just don't know where we'll fall."
"Huh? Where—"
"LET'S GO!" Han laughed out loud as he pointed at Sera.
When they fell to the ground, some of the buildings that were being built exploded. It is not the same as seen on earth with tall buildings and long bridges. The two of them bounced inside the barrier before their positions stabilized on the ground.
"... Are we at Sera?" Arete massages her head.
Han stood up from the ground and wiped the dirt out of his robes, "Yes. We need to find someone to help —"
"WHO ARE YOU?! WHAT DID YOU DO IN THE MARKET OF OUR LORD?!" A woman wearing armor and a winter cloak attached behind approached them. Her long hair is in a ponytail. Her hair color is blonde and her eyes are the color of the ocean.
"Hey there." Han waved, "Where are we—"
The woman punched him in the face but he didn't move from his spot. Han felt a warm liquid help his nose so he immediately cured it.
He approached the woman and tiptoes to look down on her, "You are a knight. I can see it. Just answer my question."
"You're not a normal person!" He stepped back and drew his sword, "I, Lily, will protect the city of Ridav from dangerous people like you!"
Han turned to Arete and smiled, "Should I kill her?"
"Alright — WAIT, NO! SHE'S JUST PROTECTING THE CITY!" Arete screamed.
He sighs, "Fine. I guess I'm this bored. Listen here, Sir Lily? Dame Lily? Is that the term?"
"All right! All right! We are adventurers. Well, we can't control our magic for a moment because of our mixed emotions—"
Han couldn't finish what he had to say when Lily threw the sword near the man's face. Han smiled as he picked it up. He didn't talk about what happened. He walked and looked for a stone.
"Han, your cheek is bleeding." Arete wiped his cheek.
"Immature knight should be eliminated. You're incompetent as hell." Han said seriously, "when you remove this sword, I'll give you a reward because I'm kind."
"Kind? You destroyed one of Ridav's biggest markets!" Lily followed the two of them, "if it's personal, I won't complain but you destroy the source of food and materials of people here. Who wouldn't be angry at that?!"
"But not letting the other person finish their statement is disrespectful. I don't know if you were taught that when you were training, but you need a little lesson. I don't want someone to ruin my good mood."
"Admit what you did and you will not be banned from this city. Surrender since we have the authority to arrest when we see someone breaking the law."
Han found a large stone and buried it in the rock to the ground. It reached the part called the rain guard. It sticks to the scabbard when the sword is inserted. Leather is often the material used here.
"I can pay for the food and establishment I damaged. I will give you the money, Sir Lily if you give us the information we need."
Arete went in front of Han. She faced Lily, "it can be discussed properly. The deal we are giving is good and you'll save your name from humiliation because you're not aware enough to warn the citizens and other guards."
'She's good at it.' Han smirked.
"You... You are the ones who destroyed people's livelihood..." Lily clenched her fist, gritting her teeth in anger, "you don't know the hardships they go through every day to get supplies to sell here and then you still act innocent?!"
"No one is acting innocent, Dame Lily. We are having a negotiation here. We are adjusting our differences of perception." She was about to raise her hand to ask Han for money when the man held it in her hand. She was shocked and turned to Han. He just nodded and remained silent.
"Negotiation?! You can't buy my dignity and my service. Why are all magicians selfish?"
"Ask our creator." Han answered nonchalantly.
"Now that we have destroyed the market..." Arete turned and the rest of the establishment was on fire, "Local suppliers have to meet the products that the businessmen will buy. Think about it, the market is destroyed, Dame Lily, the customers will have nothing to buy the product. Apart from their demand increasing, the pressure will increase because the pricing of the products will no longer be equal."
"We don't underestimate your ability or the authority you have as a knight. We also don't buy your service because we ourselves will find a way for you to give it to us willingly."
"... Huh?"
"Well, we'll find out soon if you will be useful to us." Arete dropped the bag of gold that Han had given her, "You can put us on the wanted list if you want. Just do your duty while we don't have a plan yet."
"... I do not understand..."
Han extended his hand. He pointed it at the part of the establishment that was burning and whispered an enchantment. The magic circle gradually formed and it glowed very brightly. Arete covered her eyes as she approached Han's location.
On the other hand, Lily still couldn't speak properly. No one could stop her from speaking or reprimanding her. People listen to her even though she can see that they are getting tired of hearing her voice. She looked at the two people who confused her mind. She couldn't quite figure out how they managed to distract her from what she was fighting for.
"You're done?" Han asked.
Arete nodded, "I have already given you your money." She raised both of her eyebrows, "I'm still not used to the power of your magic. It's like a storm passed through this place."
"I'm not criticizing. I'm just describing."
"Oh." He pokes her cheeks, "sometimes your facial muscles are lazy so I thought you were angry."
"That's my normal face. Come on, let's find a place to stay."
"You're right."
They were about to leave when Lily shouted, "Wait a minute!"
They didn't listen to her anymore. Han took a cloth that was scattered next to the establishment. He put a spell on it and it started floating in the air. Han calmly climbed up and adjusted his seat.
He noticed that Arete hesitated. That's one of her habits. She is afraid to experience something new. Han also doesn't know the girl's past, so he doesn't do anything to comfort her other than teaching her. He knelt down and extended his hand to Arete.
"You did a great job, apprentice." He is not good at choosing words but that is what he thinks is comfort.
"... Don't worry. It's safe." He was waiting for Arete's hand.
".... All right." She put up her hand and smiled a little.
"That's the spirit."
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