The place that Han guards is like a palace. There is no other creature that helps him organize things but... Well... Arete can't help but notice the ghosts carrying the books.
"... Are they literally ghosts?"
"Hmm?" Han turned to where Arete pointed, he raised his index finger and Arete saw a white figure forming there.
"These little helpers of mine come from my life force." The man smiled, "I'm all alone in this place so I'm working in a way to have a companion."
"... Are they similar in my world that possess the bodies of a living people?"
"No. It comes from my life force, so my little knowledge and magic flowed into their figure. They are independent." Han tossed the white figure to her, it's squishy like a marshmallow, "Imagine the thing or creature you want to see, it can be reshaped. Remember, even if what you can imagine is non-living, I can make it move."
Arete closed her eyes. She focused well on what she wanted when she was young. She could feel the form of the white figure in her hands changing.
"Whatever your heart says, that's what you will follow. It takes a lot of effort." Han added, "Now that I'm in a good mood, my little helper that you're holding has a positive aura."
Arete felt that while she was doing this, it made her sweat. Almost everything that happened in her youth is blurred. She tries not to think about the traumas she went through. With that age, her patience must be wide. She should be able to separate things that doesn't help her.
"Don't think about the past that breaks your heart. Think about the memory where you are happy."
'... I'm happy... When have I been happy?'
"I don't know what it's called but this is my gift to you, Arete!"
"Bunny stuffed toy! Thank you!"
The man knelt down, "No matter what situation we have, don't blame our creator for why you were born in that situation. Don't shout why because sometimes we lose control of what we say. Do we understand each other, Arete?"
"Yes, Papa!"
Arete opened her eyes and widened when she saw the bunny stuffed toy that her father gave her when she was a child. She immediately hugged it tightly.
"What's that called?" Han asked.
"Oh.. It's a toy for kids. It helps you sleep."
Han came closer to observe the structure of the stuffed toy. He put his hand under his chin and couldn't quite imagine what materials were used there.
"Uh... Han?" She dropped the stuffed toy as it struggled in her arms.
"Can you tell me about this place? All I see is books. Are there only books here?"
"It's called a library."
"I know what a library is." Her eyes twitched in annoyance.
"Why are you still asking if you know it?" He grinned.
"I will kill you... I mean, this whole place you're guarding."
"Oh? Interested? This place is called the Palace of Wisdom. Come on, let's get the book of the world where I came from." He offered his hand.
".... Uh... I can walk. No thanks."
"That book is on the highest part of the bookshelves." He snapped his fingers and a staircase made of fire formed. Han went up and Arete immediately followed him because the stairs were disappearing. She watched Han quietly because she usually avoided men, but now she needs to trust one because she will not be able to go back to earth. It's not that she doesn't want to go back, but she wants to hope that here in this place, there is peace.
"I'm not like the other men that you think."
'Oh shit, he noticed.' She just turned to the stuffed toy that was following them so it would not be awkward, "Most of the men in my world say the same thing. It's been tiring to hear."
"That's your perception. I won't change anything about it. Men started from being babies to being children. They learn from what the elders show them. If adults are kind, so are children. If corrupted and greedy, the child's behavior will be the same. The history of emotions and environment is repetitive."
"... Have you ever visited earth? The... You know so much."
"Yes. I've read all the books here. I've traveled every universe and dimension to..." He turned and Arete's smile was huge. She was jumping up and down, "Arete?"
"Yes but it depends on the past."
"What is it? Was there a problem in the past?"
"It's not like that. I just don't want to go too far into the past." Han smiled, "maybe something else will enter my mind and do a reckless action."
Arete just stared. She was silent because she remembered what Han said about the kingdom he used to serve.
"We're already here." Han picked up the bunny stuffed toy so it could take the book that contained the world he came from.
"How many years have you been here? I just have to ask since the bunny hasn't reached the book yet."
"Is Bunny the term for the stuffed toy that your mind created?" He tilted his head.
"Yes. You know the rabbit animal?"
"... Oh! I can see the resemblance! Thank you, Arete."
"My question. Answer it."
"My, my. So impatient." He chuckles. He tiptoes to reach the bunny and wipes the dust surrounding the book, "Iryankka.... It takes me back... Ahem, I've lived here for a thousand years already."
"Wait — What? A THOUSAND YEARS?!"
"Yes. The clock of the Palace of Wisdom is aligned with the world I came from. Maybe? Oh wait, this place doesn't have the rules of time and space. Well, this palace is the same as the one where I grew up. Iryankka."
"Iryankka... What... What does your world look like, Han?"
He snapped his fingers again and Han's little helpers lined up. That was the staircase he used to go down to the highest bookshelf where the book was placed. Even though Arete wanted to hesitate again, she didn't want to waste Han's time so she stepped on the little helpers.
Han opened the book and revealed a map of the countries inside Iryankka. It is also like the earth that the creator made, "Iryankka is one of the first worlds that our creator made in the early days. It is written in this book that all species live together. Both get supplies to live on a daily basis. If I'll describe it, Iryankka…" He smiled bitterly and sat on a nearby chair, he tapped the other one so Arete could sit, "Iryankka is a paradise. The first people had no ambition. All the trees, animals, and land are beautiful to look at and touch."
".... But how did they discover magic, Han?"
"Just a reminder that all the universes are made the same but the edible foods in Iryankka, it says that you will gain knowledge. It has the permission of the creator because it is his blessing on his creations. Soon, build the people of civilization and developed different principles. With the knowledge they gathered about foods, they studied the technique of how to prolong their lives."
"..... Wait, Han."
"The same thing happened to us."
"I said earlier that there is only one creator of all species. I will no longer be surprised by the same history. But I can see that your world can't achieve the goal that Iryankka had reached, people there don't believe in divine creations and creatures. They took it as a result of human imagination."
Arete was horrified. She thinks that the creator created millions and she doesn't know how many of those are similar to the history of the earth.
"The creator still allowed the community and border to expand. Materials and knowledge evolved. But the lives of innocent people became a price to reach that goal. I am one of those who heard the cry of heaven."
".... The punishment is?"
"Explosion of the entire world of Iryankka. The creator knew that my fellow humans had saved people and using their remaining life force, they searched for a universe where the survivors could live."
"... It took them years to get to the new world, didn't it?"
"Yes. Everyone died before reaching the new universe. The only ones left are my colleagues who achieved immortality because their hearts were pure." He paused for a while, "Well, I don't know if they stay the same."
"Did you become immortal too, Han?"
The man closed the book, "Yes. I got a different punishment too. I'm used to it already."
"....." Arete picked up the bunny helper and shoved it in Han's face, "my parents told me, when you're sad and you can't let it out, find something and let your heart scream it out."
"I have been able to handle it for a thousand years. By the way, the world you will go to is surrounded by people who use magic. I will teach you how to balance your life force when using it as energy to cast magic."
"Are you going to make me do something?"
"The two of us will travel to Sera. The world we are going to is called Sera. We will find my colleagues who slept for a thousand years."
".... So you mean, I should have to go because I have no choice?"
"Yes and the orange moon is the symbolism of change. We don't know what kind of change you will bring to Sera and your life."
".... All right. I will help as long as you tell me the details that will help our journey." She offered a handshake, "Deal? No lies. Only white lies. It helped in my case."
Han smiled, "Deal."
The sacred palace of wisdom is not part of any world and universe. It's far beyond and no one can imagine it. Throughout the palace, time does not apply. Han only found out that he was already a thousand years into his punishment when he traveled to worlds with the same function as Iryankka.
Since he used magic to extend his life and appearance in his youth, he expected that he would not be affected by the change of setup. Arete didn't ask if she could be taught but she was shocked when Han dropped the books about different energies.
Arete poured her focus on understanding the fundamental elements where we can see what makes up the universe. It's like she's studying again but this time, she's learning magic that she only sees on television.
Han gives her practical exams to see what else she lacks. She knew that no matter how many more exams the man made her do, she would not be able to move him from his place. That's fine with her as long as she feels that her stamina has increased and her muscles have built.
When Han's lessons ends, Arete notices that the man goes to the big window at the corner of the library and opens it. It has a windowsill so Han can sit there. He was quiet there. One time, Arete opened it and it was literally pitch black. She tries to touch it if it is like water that flows even without a shadow. Before she could even touch it, Han pulled her back. The man is not angry. It's just quiet and unsettling.
There is no day and night in the place of the palace of wisdom. She didn't complain about that issue because Han said that the palace functions differently from what she learned in school. Her body has many needs that cannot be satisfied by the light of the palace.
"Han." She lowered the book that was on her face and faced the fire form of Han who was talking to the little helpers.
"What is it, Arete?"
"Do you think I'm ready for our journey?"
Han flew to the ceiling because it was losing its light, "I've taught you the basics. You're not reckless in making decisions. You've met my standard as a companion. Alright, when you get some rest, we'll leave."
"Really?! It's been so many years since I met you!"
"10 years to be exact on Sera's clock, but the time is not applied here, so you stopped marking by physical appearance and adding your age."
"It's been so long!"
The container of light exploded and Han returned to human form. He coughed through the smoke when he heard Arete laugh.
"You know, Han, that light always explodes because of you. Fix it using your original form. Applying heat doubles and the vessel can't handle it."
"I'm just used to it and it's none of your business."
"If you say so."
Arete prepared many loose robes for Han. No matter what color, Han wears it loose. She also cuts the man's hair because every time he sees it getting too long, he pulls and Arete kicks him because Han doesn't care if he gets hurt. Han does the same thing when Arete requested to cut her hair into an undercut style.
Han also sewed her clothes. He is good at cooking and sewing clothes. He has done a lot for Arete and the woman there is grateful. When she finished doing that, she went to the middle of the library where a portal was open and Han was waiting for her.
"Did you still carry our clothes?"
"Yeah. I'm wearing it comfortably." She turned around and presented the sleeveless white knee-length dress.
"When you first arrived outside the Palace of Wisdom, you were wearing pants and looked uncomfortable, but now, you're free as a bird."
"Yeah. Let's go?"
Han nodded and they both entered the portal. Arete clings to Han. She thought she was going to fall because she saw the rocks and stars surrounding them. She also couldn't breathe because they were already outside the Palace of Wisdom.
"Use the simple technique of breathing except you will turn it as an energy to protect your body to receive any damages." Han said in a serious tone of voice.
She nodded and remembered what Han taught. She tried to inhale deeply so that it would expand the width of her lungs. She held the tip of her thumb and massaged it until it reached the upper side of her chest. She repeated this five times. Han stares at her and the man remembers the first time his brother took him on a trip.
"I think I'm okay now."
"Good. Do you have any questions while we're walking?"
"I almost forgot who I was when I stayed at the Palace of Wisdom. I mean the traumas that happened in my life. Is there a supernatural explanation or did my mind just get old and I was healed there unaware?"
"Your mind is just getting old."
"Ohh... All right."
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