Even before the sun went down, the breakfast table was set. The day always started early. The work was waiting for no one. And now that they were purveyors to the court, orders began to pile up. The family was richer than ever before, and they were also highly respected and influential in the town. The Städter family financed some urgently needed renovations and new buildings. For example, a new fountain was supposed to stand in front of the town hall.
When the family gathered at the breakfast table, no one said anything for a long time. Everyone was still tired. Jasmin wanted to slip back under her duvet and forget that she was a bad seamstress. Bad and useless in the eyes of her family.
But the silence was not to last forever.
"Jasmin?", her uncle grumbled.
"Yes?", she replied shyly. Poppy grabbed Jasmin's hand under the table and glanced at her fleetingly, pitifully.
"I want to be gracious with you", her uncle continued. "The choice is yours. Either you put more effort into sewing, or you're going to work in the dyeing manufacture."
"What?" Jasmin shook her head. "The factory? The last time I was there, I passed out because of the smell."
"So, do you want to be dramatic?", her uncle snorted. "You're part of the family. You work as a seamstress or you dye fabric. Wear a scarf over your nose if you need it!"
"But if she faints", her mother murmured. "Jasmin is very sensitive to odors."
"She's going to have to pull herself together!", said her uncle. "We have protective clothing in the dyeing factory. That's more than enough for sensitive noses."
Jasmin's father shook his head, but he said nothing. Just like her grandmother, who had fallen asleep again in her chair.
"And if Jasmine can find another job?", asked Poppy. "She has other talents. Dad used to work in the town hall. Why shouldn't Jasmin find a good job elsewhere? And Alfie is studying to become mayor."
Archie snorted. His face turned an angry red. Poppy flinched.
"Alfie is still preparing to run the factory one day", Willow said quietly. "But why should Jasmin work in the factory or the tailor's shop if she is only a burden to us? I agree with Poppy."
"I don't want to be a burden to anyone", Jasmine murmured, avoiding her family's gaze.
"Good", her uncle grumbled, and hit the table with his right hand, whereupon Nima woke up from her sleep and fell from her chair. "You have a week to find a job. Wherever. As long as it is appropriate for the status of our family."
Relieved, Jasmin nodded and hurried to her frightened grandmother, who looked around in confusion.
"What?", she murmured and let Jasmin help her up. Archie just snorted angrily and poured her a new cup of tea, as she had knocked it over when she fell.
When Jasmin set off after breakfast to look for a job, her parents wished her good luck. "We're proud of you", her father said quietly before he had to go to work himself.
"I'm sure you'll find something. But no cleaning job!", her mother murmured, hugging her tightly. "That would displease your uncle and perhaps damage our reputation. Then, Archie would get angry. Find a good job, yes? For me. And for you. Especially for you. Something that makes you happy."
"I'll try", Jasmin replied.
Her mother nodded. "And remember, what happens in the family is only of interest to the family. Our reputation is sacred to your uncle and grandmother."
Jasmin sighed. "I know. See you later."
Shortly after sunset, it was quiet in the city. Some people walked down the streets to hand in their blood tax at the blood center. The vampires jokingly called the large building their 'Castle of Blood'. Human blood remained expensive, but now, it was more easily accessible and helped the small town to new prosperity. Vampires from the surrounding villages and towns came here to buy blood and then stayed in the few inns, modest restaurants, and fine shops.
As always, when Jasmin strolled through the streets of the city, she attracted the gazes of humans and vampires. Her bright eyes were rare. Just like the color of her hair. A bright orange, almost pink. Nervously, she tried to ignore the looks.
The small shops had just opened their doors. Shopkeepers swept their shops, and employees sorted new goods. Jasmin went from shop to shop to ask for work, but the answer was always the same: "No." No new employees were sought.
Jasmin did not want to go to the dyeing factory. Therefore, she bought a newspaper in the small bookstore in the shopping street, in which job advertisements could often be found. If personnel was sought in Grenzstadt, then it would have to be in the newspaper. And if there was nothing for her in the small town, then maybe in a neighboring town?
She returned home with the newspaper and grabbed a pencil. Then she sat down in the tailor's shop, with her family, and looked for the job advertisements. Her mother watched her proudly, while Willow ignored her. Instead, she was busy waking Nima up, as the old vampire had fallen asleep again.
Poppy sat down with Jasmin with her sewing work and wanted to know everything about the job offers. She pointed to offers that she thought might please Jasmine. Soon after, the girls discussed the possible jobs. Her mother and aunt listened with amusement, while her grandmother contributed her own opinion. And this with pointed remarks. The girls resolutely ignored her.
But Jasmin was not angry at her grandmother. She was old and unhappy. Nothing remained of her loving grandmother when her grandfather left them all.
Jasmin - 17 years old
Poppy - 18 years old
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