"What do I look like?" Coletta stood in her new bright yellow dress in front of Franka, who had just come out of her room. "Like a princess?"
Her stepfather had ordered new clothes for the two girls because his brother would come to visit. Her mother insisted that this was not necessary, but Prince Tenner contradicted her with amusement. The girls were now princesses. They were allowed to be pampered a bit. And besides, new clothes for every major occasion were part of court etiquette. Franka also wore her new, light green dress.
"You look pretty", she said to her sister. "And me? Do I look like a princess?"
"Yes! More pretty than me!"
"What? No!" Franka shook her head. "Never!"
The two girls giggled happily and spun around in their dresses to make their skirts flutter and swing. Until they noticed that their stepfather was watching them. Embarrassed, they stopped romping through the hallway.
"Are you happy?", he asked with a satisfied nod. "You both look adorable. Two little princesses!"
"Yes", Franka replied shyly. "Thank you."
"Not for that." Prince Tenner shook his head. "Come. Your uncle should be there soon. Are you excited?"
"Yes. Is he nice?", Coletta asked.
"Why wouldn't he be nice?" Their stepfather sighed. "Don't worry. He will like you and your mother."
Her new uncle and his family had been unable to attend the wedding, so the two girls had not yet met their new family members. They did see the king and queen at the wedding, but they had hardly spoken a word to them. The official meeting was still waiting. Today was the rehearsal, so to speak. They were supposed to prove their skills in good manners. Understandably, this made the two children very nervous, but they were also looking forward to more family.
Their mother had a brother, but he lived far away. They had rarely seen him, her aunt, and their six cousins.
Then it was finally time. Several carriages appeared in the courtyard of the estate. Martha lovingly instructed her two daughters to stand still and greet her new uncle with dignity. She, too, was terribly nervous, even though she had already met Prince Tenner's brother.
The family had gathered on the doorstep. Coletta reached for Franka's hand.
A man who looked very similar to Prinz Tenner got out of the middle carriage. Both had pointed faces and strong eyebrows. Followed by a noble-looking woman and a teenager. Prince Tenner went to meet his brother to greet him warmly. Kevina followed him. Martha and her children were waiting at the door.
"We can do it!", their mother whispered to them.
"Nadi?" Prince Tenner put his arm around his brother's shoulders. "May I introduce you to my beautiful wife Martha and her two daughters Franka and Coletta?"
The two girls made a clumsy knicker. Their mother succeeded in doing so much more dignified.
Prince Nadi smiled in amusement. "Ah. Three delightful beauties." Then he pointed to his wife and son. "These are my wonderful Käthe and our son Heinrich. The pride of our family."
Heinrich looked at the two girls bored. He was older than them. Already fourteen. And just like Kevina, he was a possible heir to the throne. His fair hair was strictly combed back. He had inherited his father's eyebrows, but not his sharp features.
Kevina immediately engaged her aunt in a conversation while the family went to the salon of the estate for coffee and tea. Prince Nadi's guards, as well as those of his wife and son, held positions at the carriages.
Heinrichs's expression remained stoic, while Martha tried to engage the boy in a conversation. He looked at her slightly dismissively. His answers sounded composed, dignified, and also somewhat monotonous.
"He's strange", Franke whispered secretly to her little sister.
Coletta giggled. "Does he drink blood yet?"
"Definitely. He's fourteen!" Franka was nervous about drinking blood. She didn't like the smell.
"Funny boy", Coletta muttered softly. "He's not nice!"
Heinrich looked briefly at the two girls with annoyance. "Thanks for the compliment", he said quietly, then ignored them again. Martha looked reproachfully at her daughters.
Meanwhile, Kevina, with sublime skill, managed to be at the center of attention. As soon as they were all sitting on the beautiful sofas and armchairs of the salon, the conversations were all about her.
"You want to get married soon?", her uncle asked. "So early?"
"Early or not, this is delightful news. Surely your father's wedding strengthened your decision, dear?", asked Princess Käthe.
Kevina grinned. "Not quite, no. I don't know yet who. But maybe you know a few suitable candidates? Uncle? Aunt? Dad never lets me go to balls, he says I'm too young! How am I supposed to find a suitable partner?"
"I'd rather you go to the Royal University", her father murmured. "Enjoy your youth. I really liked it there at the time. The balls can wait."
"Tenner! She's already twenty." Nadi shook his head. "Our Heinrich will attend a ball for the first time this weekend. We give a small ball, nothing big. After all, I proposed to my Käthe on this day many years ago. We want to celebrate this."
"You didn't write anything about that! That you want to celebrate your engagement day", Tenner grumbled immediately.
Käthe grinned. "Nadi insisted on telling you about it in person today. Instead of sending a formal invitation. You and Martha are of course invited. And Kevina. She can look at a few candidates there. She's not too young! You are overprotective, Tenner! Kevina is a young woman. Not a little girl!"
Coletta tugged excitedly at their mother's sleeve. "Can Franka and I also go to the ball?"
"What?" Martha immediately shook her head. "You two are clearly too young! No. You're staying here, of course. Maybe the nannies will read you a special story?"
Immediately, Coletta pouted. "How mean!"
Franka also wanted to go to a ball. But she did not dare to ask. The answer would only be the same.
Prince Heinrich grinned briefly at the two. Franka was tempted to stick her tongue out at him.
The conversations continued. And it was mainly about Kevina and her plans for the future. She skillfully steered the conversation again and again to herself and away from Martha and the two girls.
The two children were relieved when they were allowed to get up to play in the garden. Prince Heinrich was to accompany them. The teenager was not very pleased about it, but he did as requested.
"You?" Coletta looked at him with wide eyes. "Can you say Grandpa and Grandma to King and Queen? Do you see them often? We haven't met them yet. Except for the wedding... Very briefly...", she sighed. "Mom says we can't say grandma and grandpa to them!"
Prince Heinrich frowned. "Don't you two country babies have your own grandparents to call that?"
"Yes!", Franka snorted. "But they live far away. And we are no country babies! We lived in the city."
"Then you're simply city babies", he muttered annoyed. "Why should you be allowed to say Grandpa and Grandma to my grandparents?"
The three reached the small but magnificent garden of the estate. "Are you allowed to?", repeated Coletta's question, pulling on the heavy door that led outside. Annoyed, Prince Heinrich helped her and the three went outside.
Heinrich snorted. "Addressing the king and queen so informally? Of course not. And now go play and leave me alone. I'm too old for little kids!" He sat down on one of the benches and paid no more attention to them.
"How mean", Franka hissed.
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