Since no one seemed to know where the statue was or admitted to having it, the three elders searched every cave. The statue remained untraceable. In not a single inhabited or uninhabited cave stood the statue. Saira watched as the three dragons sorrowfully planned their next steps. Only in their sanctuary, they had not looked so far. It was night now, but no star was to be seen in the sky. Dark clouds hid them.
'Saira?' Fiete looked at her worriedly. 'Why is everyone looking for a statue? Why were the three elders in our cave and looking into all the niches? They never do that otherwise!'
Her parents talked quietly. Her father's rumbling sounded weak and tired. Saira saw the worry in her mother's eyes. Would Saira alone be responsible for her brother soon?
Saira nudged Fiete sorrowfully. 'Didn't Mom tell you anything?'
'No. Mom has to take care of Daddy!'
'I guess you're right.' How could Saira leave her parents' cave when Fiete needed her? Or could she take him with her? No. That would break her parents' hearts. 'Someone stole the statue from the harpies. It must be returned.'
'Oh!' The tiny dragon nodded. 'That's not good. Then the harpies are sad, aren't they? Wait... Or are they angry? Will there be a fight?'
'I hope not.' They saw Trixi and Bibi enter the entrance to their most important cave. Angry roars could be heard from the cave, Vicky?, and the two old dragons hurried out again.
Fiete snorted in confusion and then rushed to their parents to curl up next to Cosmo. Trixi flew in her direction. Saira was overcome by an uneasy feeling.
'Saira? Vicky has the statue, but she refuses to hand it over. She barricaded herself by the eggshells!', she told her when she arrived at Saira's. 'Did you know about it? Apparently, she had hidden the statue well so that the harpies did not find it when they entered the cave.'
'No. But why...' But Saira knew why. Vicky had said the eggshells were the most important thing. 'Should I try to talk to her?'
'Please do this. Maybe she listens to you. I want to avoid a fight with the harpies! And they didn't seem like they cared if all dragons were responsible, or just one! It is never good to provoke a swarm of harpies and this statue with the eggshells is their property. Not Vicky’s.'
Saira nodded and swung her huge body into the air. 'I'm trying!'
Saira flew as fast as she could to her sweetheart. Arriving at the cave entrance, she took human form and ran along the narrow corridor. Vicky sat as a dragon in the cave and blocked access. Dragons could see in the dark and communicate telepathically, even if they took on a different shape.
'Saira!' She snorted contentedly and tilted her head at Saira's height. 'Will you help me protect another part of our heritage?'
"What?" Saira looked at her friend in shock. "Why do you have the statue? Vicky! Why?" She touched Vicky's big head and leaned her forehead against Vicky's muzzle.
‘They should never have gotten parts of our eggshells. Armin and I have therefore brought back our heritage. We couldn't detach the shells from the statue without damaging them, so we took everything with us.'
'It was his idea. And I agree with him. It's our heritage.' Vicky snorted again. 'Will you help me?'
Saira wrapped her arms around Vicky's head. "I can't do that. Please. Return the statue."
'Again, I can't. Help me, or go!'
"Vicky! Please!"
'Go, my heart! If you don't want to help me, go.'
Tears formed in Saira's eyes. Nodding, she left the cave and her great love. She no longer understood the world. So, that's what Armin had wanted to discuss with Vicky.
Bibi, Trixi, and Weiko were already waiting in front of the entrance. The three grumbled angrily and flapped their magnificent wings.
'You didn't succeed, I suppose?' Weiko hissed sadly.
"She refuses. It was Armin's idea. That's what she told me." Saira turned back and sadly let her wings hang down. 'What do we do now?'
But time was up. An angry swarm of harpies flew in. Wild shouting rang out in the black sky.
'Saira? Protect your parents! We'll sort it out!' Bibi said quickly.
'But...' Saira felt torn. Should she stay with Vicky? Or go home... Fiete. He needed her. She decided to leave Vicky to the elders and quickly flew to her brother and parents.
'What's going on?' Fiete jumped at her, frightened. Her mother raised her head questioningly as she warmed her sleeping husband.
'Vicky has the statue. Harpies are coming.' She lovingly pushed Fiete to her mother. 'Stay with Mom. I'll take care!'
The little dragon hid under his mother's wings without grumbling. From the entrance of the cave, Saira watched the action. The harpies headed for the elders. It looked like they were discussing. A few more dragons, including Armin, also arrived. Armin stood in front of the entrance of the most precious cave, from which Vicky now came. She quickly took on dragon form again and blocked the entrance to the cave together with Armin.
Then an argument broke out. Vicky and Armin roared. Armin pounced on the harpies and tore two to pieces. Vicky also grumbled. The harpies attacked.
Everything happened terribly fast. Rigid with fright, she watched as a group of harpies pounced on Armin and brought him down. Vicky hissed and defended the cave entrance. Bibi and Trixi tried to stop the fight and then... Weiko pounced on Vicky. He tried to push her away from the entrance, but Vicky fought back with all her might. The two fought, Vicky snapped her teeth at Weiko, and he fought back and bit her.
Saira held her breath. The world stood still. Without realizing it, she spread her wings and flew until she landed next to the bleeding Vicky. The harpies seemed confused as Weiko took human form and pushed past Vicky's bleeding dragon body. Bibi followed him.
'Vicky!' Saira wrapped her dying friend under one of her wings. 'Vicky!'
'Saira?' Vicky snorted softly and tried to lift her head. She lacked the strength to do so. Finally, she gave it up and looked at Saira with tired eyes.
Saira pressed her cheek against Vicky's. 'I'm here! All's well. I am with you!'
'I'm sorry.'
'Don't say that! Let's connect our lives!'
Vicky grumbled. It sounded like a laugh. 'It's too late for that. You would die with me. You can't save my life. I love you...'
'Yes. I want to marry you!', sobbed Saira. 'Yes, Vicky, yes. So please!'
Vicky snorted again, then she was gone forever. Saira yelled in sadness and snuggled up to her friend's dead body.
Weiko and Bibi came out of the cave with the statue. They had great difficulty in carrying the statue in human form and handed it over to the harpies.
Two harpies accepted the statue. "We'll bring you your eggshells back tomorrow", said one of the two harpies. An elderly man. He seemed to be their leader. Trixi just nodded. The harpies flew away.
Saira buried her head in her friend's feathers.
Vicky was dead.
Armin was dead.
'I'm sorry, Saira. I had to prevent a war. Vicky remained unapologetic and I didn't want to risk all our lives because of her stubbornness. All she had to do was give up.' Weiko snorted sadly. 'I would have preferred it never to happen. I fly to Blossom and bring her the sad news. Her child will grow up without a father.'
Saira was not interested in any of this.
Vicky was gone. Her wonderful Vicky. Angry and desperate, she roared up to the sky.
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