Shaman Hailey bathed in the river. She stood with her long legs in the water and whirled the wet happiness around her with her wings. The sunset enveloped her in golden light. It took her a moment to discover me.
"Do you want to bathe too, dear?", she asked.
I shook my head. "I'm here for another reason."
"And for which one? Tinke told me that she likes to spend time with you. Well done." Hailey came out of the river and flapped her wings to dry herself. I looked away politely.
"I'm here because of the eggshells. Stealing them was not good. The First does not want it to come to a fight. We must return them to the dragons!" I sighed. "It was a mistake."
"And how do you know what the First one wants?" Hailey put on her tunic and turned to me. "We could have taken our statue by force. We could have looked in any dragon's cave. Instead, we took a deposit with us. And time is running out. If we don't get the statue back, only then, will we use violence."
I puffed up my wings indignantly. "The First, Iris, said there would be losses! And she said I am a shaman. I've seen her, Hailey! I know her name!"
"Did I mention the name in front of you?" The shaman looked at me skeptically. "That you know the name of the First is actually strange... I will test your skills. As soon as we have our statue back. Then we'll see if you're a shaman, or if this is another prank of yours, dear." Someone called for her.
Hailey looked up in delight. Harper flew in and landed next to the old shaman, and she told him amused what I had just told her.
"Jane is also a shaman?", he said.
"I'll test that soon. She wants us to return the eggshells."
"Oh?" Harper seemed equally amused. "Child. Let that be our concern. We decide what is best for our people. And the statue is significant! You should spend more time with the other young harpies. Celebrate, love..."
"It's just a statue!" I sighed in annoyance. "Our lives are more important! If you attack the dragons, harpies will die! The first one doesn't want that! She said..."
"Jane? Go and meet up with your friends or keep Tinke company", Hailey interrupted me. "You are obviously too young to understand the importance of the statue to our people. The statue allows those who are not shamans to feel connected to the First! And now go! We will test your ability when the statue of the First has found its way back to us! Thank you for your honesty."
Harper put his arm around his friend. "There are still a few hours until midnight. It doesn't have to come to a fight! Don't worry, Jane. Scouts are on the lookout for dragons. Maybe these animals are reasonable!" And the two harpies flew away. They danced in the air around each other. Apparently, they had plans for the time, until midnight. Two other harpies joined the dance.
I remained saddened by the river. There I sat down on a branch lying on the shore and held my bird's feet in the water. Slowly it became dark. A Kelpie watched me from the water. I stuck my tongue out at it. Snorting offended, it disappeared into the water.
"Jane! Here you are!" Rosalie landed next to me. "We've been looking for you!"
Falk was with her. "Do we want to collect reeds? For the basket?", he asked. "We could start braiding it soon!"
I just nodded, and Rosalie sat down next to me. "What's wrong?"
"I tried to warn Hailey and Harper, but I fell on deaf ears! I disappointed the First!" I rested my head on Rosalie's shoulder. "I don't think they would listen to me again."
"You know what?" Rosalie put her arm around me and kissed my hair. "You fly to Tinke now and tell her about our plan! And Falk and I collect reeds to dry it! Tinke will be delighted."
"All right. Thank you!" I climbed off the branch and quickly hugged my two friends. Then I flew away and visited my newest friend.
Tinke seemed more than delighted when she saw me. Her family was at home. Hustle and bustle reigned in the nest. Tinke's parents offered me some of the rabbits they had caught and we ate together. Then I told Tinke about the basket my friends and I wanted to weave for her.
"I could fly with you?", she asked with an excited sparkle in her eyes.
"Yes. We can take you into the air."
"This is wonderful!" She smiled and wrapped her arms around me. I had never seen her so cheerful. " And you're doing that for me?"
"Of course", I replied sheepishly and hugged her. "Rosalie and Falk are already collecting reeds from which we want to weave the basket."
"Thank you!" She pressed a kiss to my cheek and then rested her head on my shoulders. "Thank you, Jane. This means a lot to me!"
I blushed.
When I flew home a little later, I quickly realized that I would not spend the night in my parents' nest. I landed frustrated on the roof of the nest and heard my parents enjoying themselves again. Maybe it was time for me to move out. I was old enough.
"Show me your magnificent tail feathers", I heard my mother call. "Be a man!"
"Yes, honey!", my father replied.
"Yeah! More! Conquer me, my dragon!"
"Yes, honey!"
"Roar for me! Let's swing our hips together as we create a new harpy! Roar for me!"
I sighed as my father roared a strange sound through the nest. I clearly didn't need to spend the night here.
"Jane!" Luckily for me, Falk had just arrived.
"Falk!" I flew towards him and wrapped my arms around his neck. "Can I stay the night with you?"
"My dragon!". my mother cried. Falk grinned.
Unlike Rosalie, Falk already had his own very small nest. His parents and their roommates had kicked him out after he was involved in a strange orgy in their nest with five other harpies, and they caught him. He hadn't wanted to say more about it, and I was sure I didn't want to know.
Falk grinned. "Of course. You can stay with me. Free from roaring dragons!"
"More! Louder! More!", my mother shouted, and my father roared again.
"Thank you. You're the best." I looked at my parent’s nest in annoyance.
"Please tell that to the adorable harpy who ignores me!" He winked at me, and we flew to his nest. There I slept warm and safe under the wings of my best friend until we heard some harpies go into battle with angry screams.
Alarmed, I snuggled closer to Falk. He stroked my wings and I fell asleep again.
Falk and Rosalie.
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