Shrill screams rang out through the sky. Fiete hid under their father's wings, frightened. Saira and her mother looked out of the cave. A small flock of harpies flew towards their cave colony.
'What's the point of this?' Almina snorted. 'Why do harpies come here?'
They watched as the swarm split up. Some flew to their holiest cave and disappeared into the entrance. With their good eyes, the two dragons could watch the action. The entrance to the precious cave was visible from their home. The harpies seemed to have no problems entering the cave with their large wings.
'What are they doing!' Saira couldn't believe her eyes. A short time later, the harpies flew out of the cave. Eggshells shimmered in their hands. A dragon swung roaring into the air. Vicky. More dragons flew in and stopped Vicky from messing with the harpies. There were too many and they seemed ready to attack Vicky should she get closer.
'I'll see what's going on', Saira announced quickly.
Her mother nodded worriedly. 'Take care of yourself.'
'Of course!' And Saira swung her big body into the air. She watched as the harpies flew away with the eggshells. Some who had not flown into the cave stayed behind. They seemed to be negotiating with the elder dragon siblings Trixi, Bibi, and Weiko. The three had rushed to the cave when they noticed the intrusion of the harpies. Vicky was still yelling, trying to follow the harpies. Weiko held her back. Armin also flew to them now.
'What happened?', he asked Saira.
'Eggshells have been stolen!'
'WHAT? This can’t be! Our most precious treasure?'
The two arrived at the riot and Saira flew to her girlfriend. 'They have our eggshells', Vicky snorted. 'Evil beasts! Thieving magpies!'
Armin nodded in agreement. 'That's them!'
Saira sighed and listened to the trial.
Two older harpies showed their sharp, dangerous claws. "Our statue was stolen! We won't return the shells until we get our treasure back!"
"What?" Elder Trixi had taken on a dragon half-form, a human form with the wings of a dragon to converse with the harpies. "I don't know anything about theft."
"Our shaman asked the first harpy. White dragons have stolen our treasure. Bring it back, or we'll attack! You have time until midnight! Otherwise, you won't get your shells back." The harpies flew away without another word. Trixi took dragon form again.
'We should recover the eggshells by force!', announced Armin. Vicky grudgingly agreed.
'No,' Weiko objected, and his siblings nodded. "If we mess with a whole swarm of harpies, we will no doubt suffer greater losses than our precious heritage."
'It is our most precious heritage! Our eggshells!' Vicky roared stunned. 'Our eggs should not be in the hands of harpies! They dare!'
"We'll find out if any of us took that statue and bring it back. I don't want a war with the harpies!' Bibi snorted. 'Let all the dragons know! Anyone who knows something, or has the statue, should contact us immediately. I want to know who was foolish enough to upset the harpies!'
'This statue is said to have been made with dragon eggs...' Saira looked at Vicky. They all knew the story of harpies, which once received some shells as a promise of peace. At that time, parts of the precious eggshells were handed over. A promise never to wage war against the harpies after a terrible fight had ensued. 'Who would steal something so important?'
Vicky just grumbled.
As instructed, they passed on the message of the elders to all the dragons. Everyone was shocked. No one seemed to know anything about a stolen statue.
Late in the evening, Saira accompanied Vicky into her cave. 'How are you?', she asked her sweetheart.
They lay down and Vicky put her head on Saira's neck and one of her wings over her. Saira sighed contentedly.
'I'm not feeling well. How could these beasts do that!' Vicky sighed. 'That's terrible!'
'I know. What if no one has the statue? Or if someone has it?'
'Then we should keep the statue. Our eggshells were used for it.'
Saira shook her head. 'I don't want to fight the harpies.'
'Then don't do it. Saira?' Vicky kissed the back of Saira's head. 'You're the best that ever happened to me. Move in with me into this cave. Let's share our lives. Marry me!'
'What?' Tears formed in Saira's eyes. 'But I'm sick! I die before you. And when we connect our lives, then... Then you die with me. What will become of your dream then? Of your own egg?'
'You're still fine. We can have an egg.' Vicky snorted dreamily. 'Our own little dragon. Just like Blossom and Armin. I envy them both. They will soon bring their child's eggshells into the cave.'
Saira shook her head. 'And if I don't live to be older than three hundred?'
'Then we would have over twenty years with our child. Together! Isn't that enough? I want a life with you.'
'Vicky!' Saira didn't know what to say. She wanted to say yes. She wanted a life with Vicky. But she wanted Vicky to live long. Eternally, if possible. Vicky could live for both of them. Saira did not want to burden her with the same fate. No.
Vicky should live a long life with her own little dragon. A happy, rich, long life. That's what Saira wanted for Vicky. Even if this meant that she was not allowed to say yes. And how much she wanted to say yes to her. More tears rolled down her cheeks and Saira's wings trembled slightly.
'Think about it, will you?' Vicky rubbed her head against Sairas. 'You don't have to answer me right away. It's all good.'
'All right. I will think about it.'
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