Levi is a stupid show-off! Did I mention this earlier?
He constantly showed me his skills to earn kisses! Kisses that I gladly gave him. To the delight of Smilla. Abbe, on the other hand, just rolled his eyes.
In the pack school, I quickly made friends and nobody expected me to hunt or fight with them. They invited me to a round of Wolfball from time to time, but I refused every time, frightened. I couldn't stand this game. Unlike Levi. And so I stood on the sidelines and cheered him on while he chased the ball from his best friend.
I liked my new life. It was different but wonderful.
The fact that I didn’t eat meat bothered no one here. The doctor of the pack suspected a meat allergy. This was very rare, and he did not have the means to detect the allergy, but it was a possibility.
I was surprised to hear that there was a doctor here. After all, wolves very rarely got sick and fractures healed quickly. But he existed. Good. He wasn't a doctor, that was his well-deserved nickname, but he took care of the old because it was precisely those who got sick from time to time, the mentally injured, like me, and the wrongly fused bones. This, too, was rare.
Everything was different here.
I especially liked the baker, who came by once a week. Baker Paul was a funny, friendly, and very loving person. He sold his bread for very reasonable prices, told jokes, and played with the small children for whom he always had cookies. And he tried to help wherever he could.
Of course, I missed Emmie.
I missed her terribly.
Was she okay? Had she found friendly people who treated her well? I would never see my best friend again and I regretted not hugging her again and showering her cheeks with goodbye kisses. Everything that remained with me, was her last wink. No hug. And she would never visit me.
She was gone.
My dearest, best friend.
My Emmie.
The End?
A new story is coming to you. Soon.
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