stay strong, Opal, but also lean on your friends when you’re struggling. i get Julienne’s been through a LOT and needs a shoulder to figure shit out and start shedding all the racism/speciesism and harm and trauma, but it’s okay to show the cracks in your armor.
When he was thirteen, Julienne accidentally killed his best friend's father in self-defense. Fueled by the stigma surrounding his siren-like species, the courts imprisoned him until, years later, his estranged friend has managed to negotiate his acquittal.
Greatly changed by their lives apart, she invites him into a world outside the small-town terrors of their adolescence, where even a hydrophin raised in self-loathing may learn to be free.
But isn't it too late to start over?
JULIENNE is a story of first days, of letting go of the narratives that bind us, and of healing as the sum of a thousand small things.
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