There are things I can handle: my sister's taunts, burnt food, bad grades, the constant feeling of being tired, and the stomachaches I occasionally got from too many salads. But I didn't know how to react to this troublemaker.
First, he didn't understand that I wanted to be alone. Or he ignored it.
Secondly, he dared to call me 'Melli'.
And thirdly, this beta wolf dared to smell good. Beta wolves should not smell so good, or be attractive. That was not healthy for me! Bah!
And this wolf was attractive. Very much so.
"So, Mads. What scared you so much?", he asked.
"What scared me? Nothing."
Levi, the name that sounded familiar to me, raised his eyebrows. "Nothing? My nose says otherwise."
My nose also said something else: kiss him. Right away! Roll across the floor with him and bury your face in his fragrant neck. Forget that you are only fifteen and do something indecent with this shapely creature! No, thank you, dear nose. I won’t!
"Nothing scared me. I don't even know how to spell it." Unfortunately, this was not a lie... S.... c ... E? Or an A? Damn it!
"Mads? I can literally smell your fear, so please tell me what's going on in your pretty little head. Maybe I can help you."
My nose agreed with him. "I don't know you." Wait! Pretty little head? Outrageous! What does this … God of a wolf … allow himself!!
"I have to disagree. Can I be forgotten so quickly?" Levi pouted and winked at me.
"Yes." No? I couldn't imagine anyone ever forgetting him. "Have we met?"
"A few years ago. Here. With your alpha friend who wanted to drive me out of my land."
Now I remembered. I glared at him angrily. "Our land!"
"I can't agree with that. So? Can I help you? Mads?"
I sighed. "No. I might soon be labeled as Omega... Or... For Alpha Alva, I have been for a long time, and then I have to go to the witches as a slave. So that the pack stays strong. They don't want me."
"What?" Levi looked shocked. This confused me.
"Doesn't your pack send the weakest to the witches?" What?
"We don't have omegas."
That surprised me. I had never heard of that. "How so? But surely you have weak wolves in the pack. Your pack can't just be made up of strong muscle men, can it?" It sounded horrible. Although... If all male wolves there were so divine... Stop! Stop! No!
"Of course, we have weak wolves, like the son of the Beta couple. But we don't use the term 'omega' because it's humiliating." Levi shrugged. "And we certainly don't send anyone voluntarily into slavery! I hope at some point the rebels succeed and they overthrow this queen!"
Rebels. There were rumors that some wolves and elves were rebelling. But lately, the rumors had fallen silent. "Don't say that too loudly. Otherwise, you will be arrested", I warned him. "These words are dangerous! When the Queen's soldiers hear about it..." It would be a pity for his gorgeous blue eyes. I wanted to sink into them...
"Nothing happens to me. Does that worry you? That you might have to go to the witches?"
I nodded. "Not maybe. Absolutely."
"What a waste... And if you run away?" He rolled over me, pushing me to the ground. Then he pulled himself over me and looked at me carefully. My heart began to gallop. Yes, please!
"What's the point of this?", I asked, trying to look as indignant as possible. "Get off me."
"You could escape. Maybe to my pack? What do you think?"
"Mads! Here you are!" Emmie came running. Levi quickly rolled away from me. "Come. Your parents are very worried when they heard that you ran away. I wanted to go after you, but mom didn't let me... She wanted to discuss something with me... And... Who is this?" Of course, she had already been able to smell Levi from the distance. "He looks familiar to me..."
Levi looked at her with amusement. "It looks like the chaperone arrived. I'll leave now. I hope to meet you again soon... I'll be back here tomorrow at this time! Every day!" He winked at me. I could only nod and looked after him leaving. His smell still hung in my nose. The noses of werewolves were very reliable. Also in the choice of a partner. And my nose was excited about this beta. Was his nose excited about me too?
"Come on, Mads", Emmie repeated, holding out her hand to me. I grabbed it.
On the way back we could smell people and horses. We arrived just in time to see two soldiers leaving the village. I looked restlessly at Emmie.
"Do you think they were just here to collect the monthly taxes?"
"I hope so." Emmie put her arm around me and kissed my cheek. "Can you make the rest of the way home on your own? I run to my parents and ask why the soldiers were there."
"I’m good. Will you come by afterward? I could use some good news today..." If they were not here for taxes, it would mean that soon a wolf was taken away as a future servant. Would this seal my fate as a slave?
Servant was just a nicer word for slave. The witches used binding spells to bind their slaves to themselves or their property. An escape was not possible, as the spell punished this, just like disobedience. Terrible pain awaited those who resisted...
I didn't like pain. No. I could do without it.
"I don't know, Mads." Emmie buried her face in my hair. "If I can. Otherwise, I'll tell you tomorrow. At school."
Oh, yes... Tomorrow was Monday. How unpleasant...
"All right. And now get out of my pretty curls before your boogers end up in them!" I pushed her away from me. "This hair is divine! Sublime!"
Emmie rolled her eyes. "I promise to keep my boogers away from your divine little curls, princess!"
I made a courtesy and stuck my tongue out at her. "Go now! My castle awaits me!"
"A castle? Only if you marry my brother!"
"Einar? Uh... No thank you. He's too much of a Einar for me!"
"That's just a small flaw. You would be the partner of the Alpha. That could be our plan B. And we would be related! Or you can marry me!" Laughing, she ran home. "Alpha’s Mads!"
I shook my head in amusement. Emmie knew that nothing would come out of it. Her brother was an inflated, selfish idiot and Emmie also had a flaw that was hard to overlook: she was a girl! And the sister of my choice. I would immediately exchange her for Adahlia.
Well, we arrived at the subject of Adahlia: She was now standing in front of me with her friends. Adahlia's small group of bullies. Wonderful. And apparently, they had all decided to ruin their hair... uh... no... to cut it themself. In front of me stood a group of female delinquents with hairstyles that could not be surpassed in questionability. "You're marrying Emmie?" Adahlia grinned. "That would fit. The Alpha that never becomes the Alpha and... Nobody." Her friend Mimmie whispers something to one of the other girls. Probably nothing flattering.
I raised my eyebrows. "Will you please let me through? I want to go home. Or are you my solemn escort? In that case, you've just failed your task. You don't insult the person you're supposed to bring home! Fools!" Was it wise to provoke the girls? Probably not. Did I do it anyway? Yes.
"Mads? You disappoint me", Adahlia said. "After all these years, you should know better. Mimmie? Do you want the honor?"
That had gone terribly. I quickly turned on my heels and ran away.
I could have turned into a wolf, sure, but even then I was slower than Mimmie, who turned into a wolf regardless of her clothes. I didn't look back while running, but I could hear her clothes tearing. A little later she jumped on me and I fell to the ground. My sister and the rest of her circle of friends laughed and cheered Mimmie on. The wolf growled and pushed me to the ground. Then Mimmie transformed back. Shreds of her clothes hung from her body.
"You know, Mads, it's getting ridiculous. You know you can't win", she whispered in my ear. I felt sick. "Everyone already knows this. Omega!"
(Did I mention that I don't like my lovely sister and her best friend? I did? Then let me tell you again because double is better: I don't like Adahlia and Mimmie!
Clearly, this was reciprocal. But my resentment was deep. And useless.)
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