Saki Sanobashi, also known as Go For A Punch, is a possibly fictional OVA (Original Video Animation) seemingly made in the late 80s, or early 90s. According to my research, the OVA is 30 minutes long and features about 3-9 schoolgirls trapped in a bathroom with no doors or windows, who all eventually brutally kill themselves. CONCEPTS IN THE OVA
The original picture of the OVA shows the girls completely nude, but many other pictures show the girls in your everyday schoolgirl outfit. By the end of the film, all of the girls had killed themselves. Some of the legends end by saying there was a post-credits scene where one of the girls woke up after all the other girls ended their lives. The girls also woke up in the bathroom, with no recollection of how they got there. The reason the girls kill themselves is that they cannot find a way to get out of the bathroom, and after going mad because of hunger and isolation. The way I've (unfortunately) seen a picture of, is the girls banging their heads against walls until they bleed out. There are more ways the girls killed themselves, like how one of the girls attempted to drown herself in the bathroom sink, only to ask another girl to help her. Another girl scratched her throat open with her bare hands. The OVA seemingly had no music to accompany the brutal deaths of the schoolgirls. On another note, one of the sounds of the girl screaming was resembling an excerpt of a bloodcurdling scream from "Dies Irae" END OF THE SEARCH?
I was watching a video while writing this, and the creator of the video (Sagan Hawkes) read out a post of someone saying that they were the creator of Saki Sanobashi! I researched this, and wrote this for nothing! I'm sorry, but I didn't have to see all of these creepy images?! Well, now I just feel depressed.
EDIT: 9/27/2022 Ok, now I find it a little funny that I got THAT angry about this. I am still angry though. Also, I just realized, this is only adding MORE characters to this, which gives me EVEN MORE reason to be annoyed.
A quick little side note, while looking at the video by Sagan Hawkes, he mentioned an anime that seems very similar to this one, titled Gakkou no Yuurei. I might make an episode about it sometime. This was very horrifying to research, by the way. And I'm still angry that I researched this for nothing! I wrote 2,020 characters for this, dammit!
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