Ah yes, i've been waiting for this for sooo long! Yay! OK, first thing first, the Onis gathered together and for the first time we see so many details concerning them and their abilities and let me tell you; some of them seem so freaking intimidating (not that they weren't before. The battle between Shadow and those demons was *chef's kiss*). Second thing, i love how the shot of Vivian in the fridge is like part of the tv news XD And oh my gosh, no milk but a whole bunch of salad? Someone is certainly not paying attention to the kid (of course with the thinking of milk is essential only to children and teens, rather adults) or i might just be overthinking and overanalyzing. But i will remain to Vivian and her father who seems rather focused on the news and the events. He doesn't give off a calm, relaxing vibe, rather than someone who is too interested in what's happening. Well, a senator died and a a bunch of other people were barbequed, it is pretty serious , but still...
The sequences... those sick sequences, are a totally work of art as they give us info about each party yet they do keep the mystery around vital plot points. Love it, really. Now on to the most important stuff. The guy's friend seemed to survive the attack yet i wonder whether that was intended or not. If he manages to recover then what are the chances to be useful for either of the parties? Unless of course the Oni get him first. And Hanso, dear, we always give the best advice but somehow always manage to avoid following them when it comes to us. But the two of them make such a nice pair...of HUnters... Nothing else...Pfft, as if I am one of those people who ship characters *laughs nervously*
So, do you know what i love? The fact that we FINALLY have a huge glimpse on the Oni; their plans, their work, how well they are organized and how many unpleasant surprises they have ready...Ugh, true beauty. I'm onto the next episode <3
Vivian Chambers lives an unremarkable life until she learns that the Earth is under attack by the Oni, demons who yearn for the destruction of her kind. Now she must enlist with an elite few who fight against impossible odds to save humanity from extinction ... the Oni Hunters!
But knowing is half the battle as Vivian must learn how (not) to (ab)use her powers, accept a destiny she never asked for and witness the fate of the Earth changing before her very eyes. Is the Fate of the world as well as hers tied to Light ... or Darkness?
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