I'm convinced my brain has been taken over by the spirits of dead novelists. Whether they were successful in their previous lives is unknown, but I can say without a doubt they were RELENTLESS!
What do I mean?
I've been wanting to do a side story for Lieutenant Cheng from "Xièzhì."
Then, I wanted to expand on "Cultivating Lilies" by making it into a detective series with Nari working for JiHo's investigative team, maybe being partners in their own private business.
I wanted to write a side story for two characters in "The Tale of The Butterfly and The Crane."
I have another Korean style story I've already started and is more on the mature side.
There was a three part saga I started in 1995 and finished a few years ago. I wanted to polish it up and publish it here, but I haven't been able to get motivated to do so. I think because I've looked at it for 27 years and I'm just kind of burned out on it, to be honest.
I have a lot of poems and prose I wanted to upload as a collection.
And now ...
Well, I want to make a crossover with "Raven & Fox" and "A Moon For The Mountain." I still have to finish Part 2 for "A Moon For The Mountain," and I'm already plotting a crossover.
I've taken a break after writing Garson's backstory for Part 2. I'm hoping to get back to it by Friday so I can work on Evie's backstory. I want to publish Part 2 as soon as Part 1 ends in August.
By the way, have you found the hidden easter eggs in "A Moon For The Mountain"? I will give you a hint to one: There is a reference to something in "The Tale of The Butterfly and The Crane."
As much as I absolutely adore writing, I hope the new ideas can take their own hiatus for a bit so I can catch up.
Do you hear that, spirits? I appreciate the help but can we stop with the new projects and work on what we have now?
Welcome to my occasional chatter. Like the little bees and butterflies and birds that have visited my gardens, you are invited to "listen" to my spontaneous pondering, occasional rants, joyful events, and random gibberish. Feel free to add your own experiences to the topics in the comments.
Is this me procrastinating again? HAHA! We all need breaks when creating becomes somewhat of a chore.
My mind doesn't stop creating, especially when I try to sleep or meditate to calm it. Those efforts seem to increase the speeding train in my head all the more. I have found that speaking on other topics and sharing current feelings not related to my books helps to at least clear my mind enough to slow down the thoughts and give a bit of peace.
Since this is a slice of life, there is no set end. It's for as long as I'm here on Tapas and will update when I feel the need to share what's going on in my world. :)
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