After our date on Wednesday, Oliver and I didn't see each other much, he was supposed to call me that night but he didn't and sent me a text telling me we needed to see each other for our 'MxL's mission' this weekend.
We agreed to see each other on Saturday. Today was Friday, school was over and Isabella and I decided to eat snacks together in my room. Not supposed to be allowed to eat in my bedroom but well, can't be too perfect.
We were speaking about the last issue of a book we both liked. Isabella had offered to me the first book back in middle school because she adored it and even if it was mushy I admit I still liked it.
"I told you, didn't I Sean? That he was going to tell her soon!"
"He didn't really tell her! It's not even sure she understands"
"How can she not? It's worth all the love's declarations!"
"She still could-" I start but my phone rang, I take it to see who it was. It was nothing important, just an ad but Isabelle saw the keychain Oliver gifted me
"What's that? It's cute!" she says taking my phone and the keychain in her hands
"Oh uh I won it"
"You won it?" she repeats
"Yes at some-" I start while sweating, but her phone did save me by lighting up and I saw her entire face light up too.
"Isa?" I ask surprised, what on her phone could make her light up this way
"Oh yes, sorry, you were saying?" She quickly unlocked her phone and put it away, which was even more suspicious.
"Nothing important" I respond, curious by her usual reaction "Who's that?"
"Just a notification"
"Alright.." I was shit at lying, but Isabella too so I took her phone and saw hearts and the numbers 76 34 5-
"Sean!" she quickly retrieved it.
"Are you speaking to a guy?!"
She blushed holding her phone with both her hands to her chest so I didn't need her to vocalize her answer
"But didn't you find Mason cute?" I pressed, if she already had eyes on someone else we would have done that for nothing and why hadn't she just told me when I was still supposed to help her get back with Oliver
"What? I found him cute for you!" She says startled
"For me?" I questioned
"Yes, I thought you were asking because you had a crush on him!" She explains
"The hell! I don't!" I suddenly shout
"Well you weren't clear enough, plus it would have been cute. At the time, I thought to do double-dates"
"Doubles dates?? with--"
"Duh, Oliver and me and Mason and you. However else?"
"However else..." I respond quietly, oh Isabella if you knew how different I was imagining our double dates. But another thing caught my eyes "At the time?" I repeat her word
"Yes," she answer understanding what I was getting at, "I think I am getting over Oliver"
"That's great!" I exclaimed joyfully, maybe a little bit too much "I mean, great for you"
"I guess" she laughs, "I think it's going to work out with this one and I do not need your help anymore"
"Alright, do you have a photo of him?"
"No but I have other things, I can show you tomorrow if you want?"
"Ah, I forgot to tell you. I can't, I am going to my mom's for the weekend" In reality, I was going to see Oliver in the afternoon and asks him to sleep at my house but she couldn't know that and I didn't have any good excuses to ditch her.
"Oh uh alright, next time then" she simply answers
We hang out all the afternoon, I didn't press the boyfriend's matter further but she nonstop looked briefly at her phone, smiling at it when I am not here
I couldn't wait to tell Oliver what I had discovered
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