I had left Sean at my house to run to Mason's. We were neighbours. My (little) siblings were going to get back home and I needed to get rid of them for the time my parents were not here yet or else they would never let us alone
"Hey!" I opened Mason's bedroom door, his front door was always unlocked and there was nobody else in his house so I didn't feel like a creep
"The hell!" Mason yells, calming a bit realising it was just me. I usually didn't enter this abruptly but this was urgent.
"Are you busy? What are you doing?" he seemed to be writing intently on some pretty paper, I hoped this wasn't something important
"Nothing- I didn't know you were coming" he stutters, hiding with his body what was on his desk but I didn't push it further
"Do you think you could babysit my sisters and brothers tonight?"
"Your parents are not home?"
"Not yet, and I am with Sean-" "Don't look at me like that, just for two hours, once my parents are back home I will get them back"
"Okay but only two hours, I love your siblings but they can be tiring" "Not as tiresome as you, though"
"Everything's alright?" Sean asks me as I enter my room
"Yes, don't worry. My siblings will come back a bit later"
"I like your room it's pretty," He says, he was at ease on his back on my bed with his hand on his torso
"Your gift," Oliver tells me putting a small bag on my belly.
"Thank you!" I immediately sit up and took the bag. He was standing in front of me so I took his arm to lower his cheek to my level and kissed it
"That's too cute," I look at my hand extended with my keychain in it, Olly and I were cuddled in his bed.
"Extend yours too" I redress myself to look at him, I wanted to look at the both of them together. He did. "They're too cute"
Oliver had offered me a set of two keychains of the character I like the figurine off.
"I am glad you like them"
"I do" they're from my favourite anime, they are our couple keychain and discreet. If a stranger saw both of them he wouldn't tell for sure we're a couple, just that we are too people liking the same anime.
But we would know
We'd been at Mason for about an hour and a half when I decided to go back home. As I was putting on my shoes and jacket, I crossed paths with his parents who were back from their work
"Hello" I salute them
"Mom, Dad this is Sean a friend from school" Oliver immediately comes up
"Good evening" Oliver's mom answer
"Nice to meet you, Sean, "Oliver's dad tells me
"Are you staying with us for dinner?" his mom asks me
"Nice to meet the both of you too. No thank you but I need to go home, I was already out all afternoon long" I explain
"A next time then, Oliver where are the kids?" His dad asks him
"At Mason, I am going to pick them up" He quickly pushes me out of his house and follows suit.
"I didn't think they would be coming home so soon"
"Don't worry, we didn't even speak much"
"I am sure your parents can't be worse than my dad"
I guffaw
"Don't be, I know he is something. See you I need to go home to the monster"
"Yeah, call me tonight"
"Will do"
.As I enter his house I could already hear yells from Molly and Eddie probably fighting with each other. Mason's chamber was in Chaos, hopefully, he had managed to contain them to only its bedroom, as predicted Molly and Eddie were arguing and Lea was playing doll with Mason's pop figurine. Poor them.
"Olly, Molly doesn't want to let me have the mic, she's been keeping it up for hours!"
"That's not true you!" she yells from behind "You had it for a very long time before"
"And because of you Massy turn off the music and we can't play"
"It's because of you!"
"Alright, stop fighting. Next time I will find another one, one for each"
"Stop yelling like that! It's only a mic, if you carry on like that Mason will never want to babysit you again and you won't ever see that mic"
"Molly, give back that microphone to Mason and both of you go put on your jacket and shoes" "Tell me they weren't like that all this time or I will feel guilty"
"No don't worry, it was pretty calm at first - at least as calm as it can be with three kids - we play table games, but then I proposed doing a karaoke to them and I remember we had a false microphone so...."
"And they start fighting over it"
"Alright, I am bringing them back. In any way, thank you"
"Lea, go put on your jacket, alright?"
"No? why not, aren't you a big girl now? you can put it on alone"
"But I am playing"
"You can continue playing next time, we're are going to see mom and dad"
"Nooo! I want to stay"
I took her in my arms, I was going to take her shoes, her jacket and the other two and we were going home. She continues crying about not wanting to go home in my arms and was trying to grab everything in the hope to return to playing with the figurines. She manages to grab some paper from the table and threw it at me. It looks like the same paper Mason was intently working on before, I was hoping that finally, it wasn't something important, because he had three restless kids during an hour I didn't want to crash his homework or Idk
Once I had the paper in my hand and Lea in the other, Mason quickly retrieved it from my hand and look embarrassed.
but it was too late, I'd already seen what I had saw
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