The battle against Iku-Turso, an ancient malevolent sea monster, continues on. Fairy of Tasku, who they previously saved in the story "Fairy of Tasku" has come to help them, but is now attacked by Iku-Turso as well!
On the last page's last panel the story of Väinämöinen the eternal bard facing Iku-Turso from the Finnish national epic Kalevala is once again mentioned, this time Väinämöinen's name being mentioned. The stories of Kalevala have happened Karamador, as I've been including Finnish and Scandinavian folk tales and legends in this fantasy world of mine.
Fairy of Tasku on the other hand is a local legend from my hometown Raahe.
In an other dimension, exists the world of Karamador, inhabited by humans and human-like animals and insects known as anhinis.
The first series, Karamador Fantasy, sets in a reneissance- fantasy type time era, during the times of great dangers and legendary heroes. We mostly follow the adventures of Sir Kiljaos Windmane, the lion paladin of wind. Sir Kiljaos is a wandering paladin who travels around his homeland Pohjoland and the other parts of Karamador, fighting the forces of evil and helping those in need, and in hopes to get paid in the process. During his adventures he also meets and teams up with many different companions to fight the forces of chaos, like for example the beastly insectoids of Hordium, the undead, demonic invasions and ruthless orcs.
Although Karamador is set in a fantasy world, many of it's locations are based more or less on real locations. Many of the stories also involve real life legends and folk lore, especially from Finland and Scandinavia.
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