Fulfill IV
May 21, 2022
Thank you, in which Lorenzo gets to know Lavinia a little better, and why she does it. And kind of changes it all. I was very surprised by what this chapter represented, but it was really interesting.
Also, it was the 19th century that really kind of hated homosexuals or was against them this much. In the 18th, they'll just be tolerated, so there's that. And because everybody's debauched here anyway. Husbands are cheating, wives are cheating, this barely registers on anyone's radars. Or if it did, it frankly did not matter that much.
Link to zeitvon's profile: https://tapas.io/zeitybitey
Top comment
I like Lavinia. I'm a bit more sympathetic toward Fransesco after this chapter. He's crude and I hate his mentality on relationships but he just wants to help Lorenzo. He thinks he's doing him a solid by getting him to hook up with Lavinia.... I hope to see more of her in the future, she has a lot of wisdom from her years of experiences and she can be someone that Lorenzo consults with.
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