"Oh my God," I couldn't stop myself from reacting. I had stopped holding Oliver's hand upon entering my house and put myself on the sofa to avoid humiliation. Sorry, Oliver.
"Hmm yeah" he answered shyly, he was standing up face to face to my dad.
I knew I shouldn't intervene or else it was going to be worse and I was going to have a cheesy remark like "Can't the mighty knight let his damsel for a second?"
"Name?" My dad asked
"You're the one who's being a bad influence on my son" He crossed his arms. Stop it, dumb dad.
"...no?" Oliver answered unsurely
"You made him come back this late in the night during a week?"
"I thought he was allowed" He rushed
"Now he lies because of you? library? bookstore??"
Poor Oliver was lost and afraid to answer badly "Uhh? no?"
"And I know what you did together" My dear dad added up
"What we did?" Oliver questioned
"In the park for example"
"WHAT??" Oliver shouted before quietly stuttering"I mean...sorry....I didn't mean to....we didn't-"
"I know you ate ice creams" My dad stopped his so awesome -according to him and himself only- joke.
Oliver seems utterly confused and embarrassed. I feel you, Olly.
My dad carried on, seemingly innocently "I know they are good and all, but you should be careful of your teeth and..." and bla bla bla I stopped listening, but he finished by asking an on-the-verge-of-collapsing-from-embarrassment Oliver "Don't you agree?"
"Yeah" he answered soullessly and politely
"Oh, I like him, Sean," My dad told me, suddenly hugging Oliver "Are you staying for dinner?" he asked him peacefully
Well, Oliver, you met my dad. Congrats.
I smiled at Oliver at the porch on my house, saying him goodbye because, as expected, he wasn't staying for dinner. Who could after the stunt my dad pulled?
"I am sorry about that"
"Your dad is terrifying" Oliver whispered
"I know, I couldn't help you or it was going to get worse"
"The ice creams thing was-"
"-the worse, I feel you, he did the same with me" I hugged him, just because I wanted to. And because I wasn't going to kiss him here, where my dad could see.
He hugged me back "At least he told that he likes me"
"Don't worry, I am sure he does, he won't be as annoying the next times. Just an old dude with bad jokes but not that annoying. He likes making intense first impressions" I said looking up at him
"I noticed" he burst out of laughing, probably from the decrease of nervousness and the embarrassment he must have felt there. And his laugh was contagious.
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