"I know, but that's already a big step" I smiled at him. He toothly smiled back, I was so captivated that I almost forgot about our second issue of the day
"Hmm, Oliver" I begin worriedly. He stopped smiling at my expression. I didn't mean to alarm him. The situation wasn't that dramatic, nonetheless, it was to be painful. Painfully awkward.
"You might need to get out of the car, my dad wants to see you" I dropped the information
"What! Right now!?" he said alarmed
"He told me on the phone, it was the other problem" I admitted
"Why didn't you tell me? I am not ready" he started panicking
"It's best to not be prepared to meet my dad" I took his hand "I promise" I kissed his cheek deeply
He seemed to calm with that but said "When you asked me if I had time to stay a bit in the car when dropping you off, I didn't think of that"
"Sorry, next time" I smacked his mouth "let's go" I smiled reassuringly even if I knew my dad very very well and it was going to be embarrassing.
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