Gone Fishing hopes to expand on character backstories, mythos, individual adventures and such while the main plot continues on Cosmic Fish.
Stories (or a "Catch") will be uploaded irregularly as they are worked on the side, although some will be longer/shorter than others. Pages will be uploaded every day when the event starts until it ends.
However, most--if not all--of the stories also work as stand-alone works as an anthology of the world, and you need no prior knowledge of the other comic to read and enjoy this series.
The first 'catch' is 8-pages long starting January 1st! It explores the guardians and their roles as one of them finds a small toy and decides to return it.
Expanding on the comic, Cosmic Fish, it follows backstory, mythos, individual adventures, and such while the main plot continues to roll on the main comic.
No need for prior knowledge of Cosmic Fish to enjoy this anthology.
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