I constantly questioned the rating of The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time (it's rated E10 for those wondering) since there was some super creepy stuff in there. Maybe kids in the 90s could swallow the creepy stuff no problem, but when I asked around I got a lot of "___ gave me nightmares when I was a kid!" Though, I remember a lot of PG movies dropping 'shit' from time to time so maybe the rating system was very loose back then.
I don't know. The shadow temple did creep me out and it was hilarious that the wall texture was just a bunch of skulls.
The Brainsucker and it's well were really creepy, the ReDeads too. But my little brother, ca 3 at that time (I were 10), feared Ganondorf the most! Always hid behind the glass-doors frame, looking only through the glass, never directly, when I fought XD and ever since, in my ears organs sound creepy ^^'
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