I meant to drop in more often than I have with sneak peaks for the upcoming relaunch, but I've really been pushing myself to get everything I can done and ready. I had to learn quite a few new skills and things took a bit more time and energy than I anticipated to get it all together... but it's ready.
I can't believe it's ready, honestly. I've been working on the rewrite and the... everything else involved... for a year now. A year and I am so very, very excited to finally get to show everyone. I'm crazy proud of the work that went into SP, and it is such a special, unique project and I really hope ya'll love it as much as I do. Well, you probably won't love it as much as I do, that would be insane, but I do hope you love it at least a little.
So in... two weeks... TWO WEEKS.... it'll be here.
Well, not here. It'll be at: https://tapas.io/series/shadowsprey
(linked in the ad at the bottom of every ep in this series)
In order to try and get some traction right at the beginning, the first week (September 4th-11th) you'll get at least an episode a day.
Day of launch, you get two.
Second day? you get two that day, too!
Then it is an episode a day with one tiny extra in there.
In that first week, there will be multiple fight scenes, three of J. Whitney's gorgeous illustrations, and one other little surprise bonus experiment I tossed in there.
After that first week, the gang will all be here again, and then SP will update three times a week, Mon/Wed/Sat.
Fun bonus! If you want to get a bit more hype about the new release, the Shadow's Prey website is also now live! I'll drop a link in the description, as well as my other socials that.... they are a bit bare right now but I'm working on it, and hope to start releasing things there, too, like possible behind the scenes information and WIPs/progress sketches.
Are you excited?
I'm excited.
idk about the characters they're in for a bit of a time but it'll be fine, they'll get over it.
NEW SERIES LINK ----> https://tapas.io/series/shadowsprey
==== CHECK US OUT ON THE WEB! ==========
[ WEBSITE: https://www.shadowsprey.com
[ KO-FI: https://www.ko-fi/com/bylinaket
[ TWITTER: https://twitter.com/bylinaket
[ INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/bylinaket
illustrations by J. Whitney-->
[ WEBSITE: https://jwhitneyart.com
[ TWITTER: https://twitter.com/jwhitnee
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