So, here's the thing. Two color comics is way too much work when I have full time work outside of my comics lol. And, I really just want this one to be fun. They're both fun, but omg have you tried coloring Danny's regalia? I already made everyone's regalia super simple and it's still a pain. Like I love our clothes but oh sweet lord I was losing my sanity.
So, I'm just going to start doing this mostly black and white. Very, very, very extrmely uber simple black and white with absolutely no grayscale lol. Sometimes I may feel more invested and do some hatching. Sometimes, I may decide to add color. But, this comic is already supposed to be a sporadic and fun outlet for me and I'm really just making it up as I go along anyway. So, for now, this is what it's going to be. I'm sorry if it's jarring for anyone or if you prefer the colored version, but for the sake of me continuing to enjoy writing both of these, I really need to only have one be in color. And if I'm going to color one, I figure let it be the story that I already have mostly written and not the one that I'm making up as I go and was solely inspired by "I wonder what classes all my characters would be in D&D" lmao
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