After killing most of the student body at her high school prom and impaling her mother with kitchenware, Carrie turned her focus to standup comedy, in an effort to mask the pain.
And after years of working open mics nights in drunken dives Carrie moved up to paying comedy gigs. This transition was thanks in large part to her indecipherable delivery, which eventually convinced everyone that she must be a genius, because why else would anyone ever perform the exact same routine for almost 40 years.
#Mean16 #Halloween
The Mean 16 - Halloween Countdown.
A skewed look into the lives of 16 scary movie villains
Over the course of the month of October, I’ll be posting a visual look into the lesser known lives of 16 scary movie villains. Why? I have no idea, except to say it seemed like a good idea at the time. Since today is Oct 1st, here is the first one:
Villain No.1 Samara Morgan “The Ring”
In an effort to turn her life around after her death, Samara decided to use her unique ability to crawl in and out of TV sets for profit.
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