progressing the influence.
added a random artwork I felt like doing. miss drawing smut.
man, corona kinda has caught up to me and I'm not rly sure how to 'survive' on my wages atm, german government is kinda shitty concerning taxes for ppl who'd earned less bc of the virus (which is crazy.)
wonder why I talk bout that? not bc I ask for money, just bc I have to care about so much stuff and to somehow earn money and get out of this misery, I don't have much time drawing atm. I am rly pissed about this myself cause I wanna finish the first chapter of Depresso by the end of july, but we'll see if I actually CAN and if I'll have time to do so u__u
Bryan suffers from depression.
His whole life he was searching for a way to gain happiness, but the only thing he found out was that his depression actually are somewhat like a superhero skill. In society he's best known as 'Depresso', a 'hero' fighting bad guys with bad thoughts. But will he survive this state of mind?