This is a brief explanation of how my mpreg AU works. It is based on the concept of omegaverse, but without the wolf aspects, and with my own identifying terms and definitions.
This is also your warning now, that if you don't like mpreg, then quietly click off the book and be on your merry way.
Kings: those who can get others pregnant regardless of gender and/or primary sex. They are born with a king's crown tattoo on the palm side of their wrist.
Queens: have the ability to get pregnant and carry a child, regardless of gender and/or primary sex. They are born with a queen's tattoo on the palm side of their wrist.
Estrus: male queen hormone, similar to estrogen in a female queen's body. It is the dominant hormone in a male queen's body that enables the ovaries and uterus to function properly, and the development of more masculine features (muscular body, deeper voice, body hair, etc.).
Ketone: female king hormone, similar to testosterone in a male king's body. It is the dominant hormone in a female king's body which enables their testis to function properly and allows the development of feminine features (breasts, rounder hips, higher voice, etc.).
Mom/Mommy - Woman Queen
Dad/Daddy - Man King
Mada/Maddy - Man Queen
Noda/Noddy - Nonbinary King
Noma/Nommie - Nonbinary Queen
The Nonbinary parental terms listed are just a few out of many possible parental names for nonbinary people. There are many other variations. Ren/Renny/Renna are options as well, and more examples can be found online.
Also please note that much like in real life, these parental terms are subjective. This list serves as a guide to avoid confusion, and to keep things as simple as possible/to understand my universe better, but of course, not everyone will conform to the traditional parental terms in my world.
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