We just finished up Ch. 3 on tumblr and we're in the process of touching up old pages so that we can release it here as well. It comes with a song which you can check out on our blog too, or you can listen to it here once we post the chapter.
In the meantime here's an individual mini-comic PJ made for SU:B while I was on a break during March of last year. Realised we never shared it here. I think for the next couple weeks we'll be sharing the old comics he's made + some concept art to keep you supplied with fresh material. Enjoy and see you soon!!
Home of the "momswap" written and illustrated by Court Carnaby (snidy) and PJ Young (making-friendos). Steven, youngest member of the Crystal Gems, and his adventures with magic guardians Peridot, Bismuth and Lapis Lazuli.
We update Mondays and Fridays at 2:00PM EST on our tumblr! We update here every time a full chapter is complete.
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