Four living beings, created in laboratories by the H.U.B. company, rebelled and decided to hide in the same secret laboratory in which they were created. Keeping silent about the structure, however, is not easy, the H.U.B, a leading company in the sector of Biological Units, is on their trail and will not stop until it has found them. The group is thus forced to carry out various tasks, more or less legal, to protect their lair and remain anonymous.
When they carry out these tasks they call themselves Death Squad, one of the best groups of mercenaries around. The jobs for which they are hired are more than varied: from theft to a sperm bank on behalf of an alien race on the verge of extinction; the rescue of hostages within a war between mafias; passing through the organization of attacks to reverse the fate of an interplanetary conflict; until the recovery of ancient religious relics on behalf of space sects.
All this will always be done taking into account that the H.U.B. there is no scruple about putting large bounties on their heads, thus attracting bounty hunters from all over the universe. The various members then certainly do not shine for their sanity, indeed throughout history they will repeatedly prove that under those enhanced armor or hyper-technological suits there are not exactly recommendable individuals, indeed quite the opposite between schizoid personalities and various delusions not we know how the group manages to stay united.
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