Devon scratched his head nervously.
"Given that there are fewer obstacles for Devon out here, we should be able to maintain a quicker pace." Kashvi announced, stepping out into the plains.
"Should we loosen Mateo's ropes some more then?" Devon asked tentatively, "Just the ones on his feet?"
There was a moment of silence in which Devon was pretty sure that Kashvi was shooting him a look.
"The wolf will manage," she eventually replied in that 'you will not argue with me' voice Kashvi saved for special occasions, like transporting an Alpha werewolf across Chimera country.
Okay, so everyone's nerves were a little frayed right now Devon realised.
They started walking across the arid ground. Devon gave a light tug on the rope, there was a responsive grunt.
"Will you tell me about your pack?"
Devon guessed the wolf wasn't going to answer him but then he heard Mateo sigh,
"There were four of them. Jacob, Jonny, Han and Petra."
"Same age as you?" Devon questioned.
"Younger. Han not by much, Petra was the youngest, she was also the most difficult, always getting into trouble."
Devon grinned, "Sounds like Kashvi talking about me."
Mateo huffed behind him, "They were all unruly pups in their own ways. I probably should have used more discipline with them."
"Is that what you're meant to do?" Devon frowned. He couldn't imagine what 'werewolf discipline' would entail but probably pain, lots of pain.
"It's what other Alphas did," Mateo replied grimly.
"Would it have saved them? In the end?" Devon asked, crooking his head round. There's a pause.
"No," Mateo admitted.
"Well then, you shouldn't be mad at yourself," Devon stated firmly.
Mateo narrowed his eyes. Devon was smiling faintly in his direction before turning back round and giving a gentle tug on the rope.
Mateo didn't know why Devon cared about his pack or why Devon wanted to talk to him. It was as if Devon was trying to make it easier for Mateo to somehow appeal to him, get under his skin.
For some reason, Mateo found it almost comforting, the sound of Devon nattering on about his observations on the world, how there used to be whole buildings just dedicated to selling candy or how he thought he could remember Christmas, but he might be getting it confused with Halloween.
Mateo's pack used to talk a lot more, used to fill the silences, over the last year though they had seemed to quieten down. Probably half due to the amount of bloodshed they had witnessed and the other half perhaps was Mateo rubbing off on them.
Mateo rarely spoke if he could manage it. But now, with Devon, he had to force himself, he had to try to at least answer the boy's questions if he was going to forge any kind of useful bond.
Kashvi breathed a sigh of relief, sure, being in Chimera country wasn't ideal but she hated the forest. The suffocating claustrophobia of it, the sickening smell of rotting wood. The forests had been created by the witches years ago, to draw power from, as a result they felt wrong, haunted almost.
The trees were too large, the shadows too dark. It was good to feel the open air of the plains on her face. There were no clouds either and Devon hadn't mentioned anything about rain yet so they might have a gratifyingly clear day ahead of them.
The incident with the hunters had freaked Kashvi out. She had known not to trust them, hunters were ruthless mercenaries, but she had felt so at ease with Ruby. She looked across to the other girl, her green hair was hanging loose now, being caught up by the wind and dancing across her face. They caught each other's eyes and smiled.
Kashvi frowned though when she picked up on part of the conversation happening behind them. Devon was still insisting on telling the werewolf every detail of their life story. It wasn’t just that the wolf might be a threat but if he was bought by witches and he subsequently divulged that could spell trouble for them.
Kashvi turned round to reprimand Devon but was stopped by the carefree grin on his face. Devon was talking about pumpkins for some unknown reason but he looked calm, happy almost.
Kashvi had imagined their first foray back into Chimera country would turn Devon into a nervous wreck but all thoughts of rabid beasts seemed to have been forgotten in the face of pre-bomb reminiscences.
She looked at the wolf, Mateo. He was staring at the back of Devon's head, wearing an angry expression, but Kashvi had come to figure that was just his face. Mateo was answering all of Devon's questions. For what reason, Kashvi wasn't sure, but she felt suspicious.
If Mateo was trying to manipulate Devon, it wasn't going to work. Devon was friend-starved but he had got Kashvi, and now Ruby. Not to mention that Kashvi was fully prepared to gut the wolf if he so much as put a paw out of place, price on his head be damned.
"We should try to find some shelter for tonight." Ruby called across to Kashvi. "The winds can pick up pretty strong here and it can get bitterly cold."
Kashvi nodded, they had passed the odd rocky outcrop, it shouldn't be too hard to settle somewhere for overnight camp.
"I've got a wolf fur in my pack for when it gets really cold." Ruby said, "I'll share it with you and Devon."
"Thank you," Kashvi replied, "The it?"
"Real wolf," Ruby smiled back, "My father killed one when we were travelling north, it's not too big but it's warm."
"I appreciate that," Kashvi said, drawing closer to the other girl and walking beside her. "After we sell the Alpha, we will of course split any reward with you...and, you're welcome to stay with us...but no, I suppose you'll try to find another band of hunters right?"
Ruby looked down,"I don't know, I've never been without other hunters before." She glanced up at Kashvi, "Would you...would you and Devon want me to stay with you?"
Kashvi gave a grim smile, "Well, we're not exactly prime companion material, marked, cursed and injured."
Ruby looked at her thoughtfully, "I'm not so sure I agree with that description. I've never seen someone move with a blade like you, you're a stronger fighter than most hunters I've known and as for Devon," Ruby looked back, "he seems like a survivor. I think you make good companions."
She smiled at Kashvi, it was warm and welcoming and Kashvi found herself returning it twofold.
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