Fan art from Delmo, Erena, 'Ghost boy', Celes, The-white-monster, Niio, Ghost boy again, Yuunic, Valentina, Delmo again, Narukiel, Pezzaroni, Nim-ai, Celes, Gaia, Lawey and Anna Banana, mar_is_sunbrunt, Shin and Viane ; 3 ; <33
Thanks a lot guys, I'm super overwhelmed to recieve fanart from this serie <333
This is a beautiful story about a young vampire who discovers true love, his one and only.
But behind this facade of love hides a secret beyond your wildest imagination(Read more to discover what the fuck it is)
The critics says:
"wtf is this gay cra-- wait, it's a twilight parody???" - my big sister
"if you're going to hell for some reason, then THIS is the best reason to go!" -Jason Buttface
"★ ★ ★ ★ ★ Every page is pure magic!!1!" - Jegknepperdinmor Shabalabadingdong
"This comic is A+++ trash. It's beautiful." - rukuka