"Give me a reason why I shouldn't kill you."
Jago jumped and turned around glaring. Clearly, he hadn't sensed Cody approach him in the weights' room.
Cody had learned how to stalk prey...even Ferals. There was a reason why Dolls were called 'hunters'.
"It might blemish your perfect record," Jago shrugged before picking up a bar and stacking it with heavy iron discs.
"Oh so you read my record too?" Cody asked in an exaggeratedly interested voice.
Jago shook his head, "No, just guessed what yours would look like."
"Well here's something perhaps you couldn't guess about me," Cody stated, his voice cold and dangerous as he slinked towards the feral, "I would burn that record to dust and dance on the ashes if it meant keeping Aero safe. He’s my little brother, do you understand?"
Jago paused momentarily but still didn’t look at the Doll, "I didn't hurt him, not physically."
Cody threw his head back and laughed, "That's because we both know you couldn't even if you tried."
Jago finally looked at Cody, he was wearing a doubtful expression.
"But Aero can be hurt in other ways," Cody narrowed his eyes at the Feral, "and that's exactly what you did. He won't tell me everything you said to him but I just have one question for you."
Jago raised his eyebrows and grunted as he lifted the weighted bar.
"Why?" Cody asked wearily, already feeling tired from the mission that hadn't even yet begun. "What was the point in tearing him down? Do you really hate Dolls that much? Because of what Vera did to you? Well newsflash, Aero isn't Vera. Aero is just like everyone else here, newly partnered and nervous about the mission next week. So, Jago, why? Why try to destroy him like that?"
"I wasn't..." Jago huffed as he deposited the weights back on the rack, "I wasn't trying to destroy him." He shook his head, sighing deeply, "Trust me, I've done him a favour."
"Oh how self-sacrificing of you," Cody remarked coldly. "Thomas was right - you really are a good person. I wonder if there's a special doggy heaven?"
Jago glared threateningly.
"Shall we find out?" Cody asked, moving closer towards Jago and sliding a knife from his tunic, the blade glinted in the electric lights.
"Cody?" Thomas's voice called from somewhere down the corridor leading from the gym.
"Do it," Jago muttered, "he won't be here for another thirty seconds, plenty of time to gut me."
Cody smiled and leaned forwards to whisper, "Oh trust me, when I gut you, and believe me I will, I won't want to leave any trace implicating the Dolls. I'll need sixty seconds."
Cody drew away slowly, pushing the knife back into its concealed pocket.
"Aero requested a new partner for the mission," Cody sighed, walking back towards the door as Thomas came charging into the gym.
"Good," Jago grunted, an unreadable expression on his face.
"His request was denied," Cody continued before nodding meaningfully at the Feral, "looks like I'll be getting my sixty seconds in the Sierra Zulu Galaxy."
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