9. All of them ride out through the Southern Island, through all the majestic fields and animal and creature lands. Then they all take a break near a cave that has a whole resting area around it.
They leave their animals across from them in a different section, which is a small bridge to connect to each other. The area is very green and surrounded with gates, and a giant 10,000 feet high mountain that has snow, grass, rock, and lots of wind on and around it.
Also where the coming dragon supposedly sleeps on top of.
They all sit and relax with all their stuff around them, while staring at the big giant mountain in the distance from them.
Afternoon stands up and points his sword to it saying, “Mt. Paradoxia, the mountain of time and mystery, such a beauty, isn’t she?"
Night adds in, “yeah, like Evening.”
Evening smiles at him, then she says, “you flatter me, but...I'm praying that Lady Maldu is really going to be okay.”
"Same, Evening." Midnight says.
She looks at him, then Morning walks over to him, patting his muscular arm saying, “she will, Midnight, don’t worry, she said she will be fine.”
Then Dawn stands up and starts saying, “my heart, it’s pounding faster. Are you guys feeling the same way? I've been wanting to say this for the past ten minutes but..."
“You’re probably just afraid, like all of us, missing Dusk and Daylight, but, it’s going to be okay, because once we reach our destination, this odd feeling will leave us, praying about it helps release my anxiety.”
“Thank you, Evening, but it’s very different, like I’m connecting with this area, from the mountain maybe?”
Everybody listens to the sound of the oncoming wind, but Twilight who walks up to Dawn saying, “and what kind of connection can that be?”
“Would you stop harassing her, Twilight?” Midnight replies.
“I am asking a question that you would have asked?”
“Twilight, we all know the real reason, also what you did, to Dusk and I, didn’t wipe out our complete memory, just the memory of us when we turned nineteen and twenty, I still remember our training days.”
Midnight starts saying, “It’s practically a sin for you to break one's crystal, when our Creator appointed us to do our job only and kill the 100-year span demon.”
“Oh, so now I’m a sinner, Morlagon?”
“No one is calling you a sinner as we all sin, we are simply calling you weak for not standing up to Dusk and Dawn with whatever they have done.”
Twilight draws his sword at Midnight, causing everyone to draw their weapons instantly.
Twilight smugly looks at them all, with Afternoon walking up to him saying, “unacceptable, and you know that. We don’t attack each other here; your behavior is of a spoiled child.”
“Or brat.” Noon adds in.
"Honestly this is all starting to get confusing, we need to find Daylight as soon as we can to end this all!" Night says, clearly bothered by his tone of voice.
"I agree with you." Morning adds.
Twilight starts laughing, then he says to them, “you think I don’t care about any of you? That I won’t protect any of you or care for you, when you guys have done this to me!”
“Nobody did anything to you!” Morning counters. Twilight keeps laughing, then he says to everyone, “like manipulation, as if to use you guys.”
He walks to Dawn and lifts her head up saying, “to have you guys with me.” Then he walks back saying, “I have many issues, being Twilight of the shortest time, not really showing my strength when I want to. I need more purpose here, we haven't really done much at all, and it's been years.”
"We are doing what we were called to do! Takashi, war takes time." Midnight yells at him.
He looks at Dawn saying, "you know exactly what I'm talking about? Just stop already! I broke your crystals, but it didn't affect you like it did Dusk, you know it happened, you know, stop acting like you didn't know our plan."
"That had to happen a year ago, Twilight." Dawn says.
“This island belongs to us now, why should we leave it when we fight that monster! I have nothing to go back to, and you guys don’t either.”
“Takashi, we know we’re made by crystals from our lands and families, but this isn’t our true home, and I grew up here, but we still have places to go after, this place is pretty cursed actually, so if you want to be a simpleton and live here, so be it.” Dawn yells back.
"At this point, I'm not understanding any of this." Night exclaims.
“Is that even possible?” Noon adds in, “we don’t know what’s going to happen to us, we don't know if this island will still exist even.”
“I know for a fact that we will not stay here.” Midnight says uprightly.
“Then prove it.” Twilight swings his sword around, ready to fight.
“Gladly.” Midnight says, doing the same, then they all start fighting amongst each other as the other warriors join in.
Not trying to kill each other of course, but enough to calm everyone the heck down. They all continue fighting in a vicious battle, and even a sad one.
To where Midnight backs up eventually, stopping everyone from attacking further, but Twilight casually stands there, looking at all of them as if he is ready to fight again.
Afternoon wipes some blood from his mouth, yelling out, "pathetic!"
They all stop, breathing heavily from the sudden adrenaline, then Takashi smirks at Midnight and puts his mask back on, taking Meteor with him as he leaves them to themselves, heading the way of the mountain.
"He scares me..." Evening lets out.
"Me too." Night also says, with Morning and Noon looking at him like he is a wuss or so, but they both grab their weapons along with everyone else and they all try to relax again, with Midnight looking out to where Twilight went.
Dawn watches him leave, stepping forward a bit.
Watching her also, Midnight starts saying, “let him go.”
“I wasn’t going to follow him.” Dawn says to him without looking at him.
“I notice every time how you two stare at each other, if it is something that you also did Dawn, then you need to tell us.”
Dawn looks up at Midnight, only to say, “it is a plan that no longer makes sense, as we just concurred,” Dawn crosses her arms, “staying on this island is not something I know longer want to think about.”
All the warriors looked at her, hearing what she said.
That night Twilight did not return, and everyone sat together with the moonlight shining on them, and as they fell asleep that night, Dawn still can’t seem to get the mountain nor what Twilight said out of her head.
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